Which tool is best for video editing?

Pro DealHunter

I am planning to create some videos for my YouTube channels. Which apps will you suggest for best audio and video editing? 

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Try Davinci Resolve for PC. 

13 Dimers
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For a start, focus on the content and getting an audience. These pro software aren't plug and play, it takes time to learn and use them efficiently.

Still, many people with millions of views use Kinemaster and Inshots for editing that too without recording using professional or expensive cameras/phones/equipment.

If you think much about all these kinds of stuff, then you may lose interest before even starting it. It must be presentable, but probably not a fully professional one. 😉

Generous Generous
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@N27 @RisingSid - He has just completed 11th class and Python is one of his subject. So for learning purpose he created this. He used Python... and as he is not expert as of now, so took help of ChatGPT to create fully automated Motivation Quotation Shorts Channel. This is fully automated from generating content, converting it to video and uploading to YouTube. Just run the Python script and videos will be uploaded to Youtube. 

Helpful Helpful
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in future, AI run the python script too??
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Want to know more how he did this.

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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4K or usual resolution videos?
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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If you own a Mac, iMovie is great.

Benevolent Benevolent
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Best is premiere pro or davinci resolve
Easy is filmora or capcut

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Try Davinci Resolve for PC. 

Budding Star Budding Star
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Vanguard Vanguard
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For Android: vn editor

For pc: movavi

Well what is the channel name bro??

Pro DealHunter Pro DealHunter
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It will be my first video on that channel

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