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Nelson Mandela: A Life from Beginning to End (History of South Africa) Kindle Edition

Nelson Mandela: A Life from Beginning to End (History of South Africa) Kindle Edition


Nelson Mandela is a figure who has been revered throughout the world. Even his enemies eventually had to admit that there was something extraordinary about Nelson Mandela; he was the kind of bold yet gracious leader who only comes once in a lifetime. Mandela led his people to freedom, became the first president of his nation, and then—like some South African George Washington—humbly stepped down from power so that he could pass the torch of democracy to others. This is his life and his story.

Discover a plethora of topics such as

  • Born in Rural South Africa
  • Expelled from School
  • Running away from Home
  • The Rise of Apartheid
  • Mass Protests and Massacres
  • Years in Prison
  • And much more!
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