$2 for 16 GB data not sustainable': Sunil Mittal hints at mobile services rate hike

Tech Guru

You either consume 1.6 GB of capacity per month either at this price point or you may prepare to pay a lot more. We don’t want $50-60 like the US or Europe but certainly $2 for 16 GB a month is not sustainable,’ says Bharti Airtel chairman
Title and content copied from https://www.livemint.com/industry/telecom/-2-fo...

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Chortel strikes again

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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It’s not $2, we are paying about Rs 150 per month.
We understand Why is he trying to show a small number.
(He could used even bitcoin equivalent).

He is simply not used to thin margins.
He is habitual of thick profits.
Blood sucker.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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True. They are jealous of Jio. 😁😁😁

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