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75 Relationship Quotes to Live By

Community Angel

1.In life you’ll realize there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you. But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

2.Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you, and make you happy. If you know people who do none of these things, let them go.

3.Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can.

4.Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring – all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Read The 5 Love Languages.

5.The most beautiful thing is to see a person you love smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it.

6.Choose your relationships wisely. It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.

7.Being alone does not mean you are lonely, and being lonely does not mean you are alone.

8.Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

9.Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you, but trusting them not to.

10.You know you’ve found true love when you catch yourself falling in love with the same person over and over again.

11.Don’t wait for the right person to come into your life. Rather, be the right person to come to someone’s life.

12.The one who is meant for you encourages you to be your best, but still loves and accepts you at your worst.

13.Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

14.Some relationships are like glass. It’s better to leave it broken, than to hurt yourself more by trying to put it back together.

15.Just because one person doesn’t seem to care for you, doesn’t mean you should forget about everyone else who does.

16.Someone else doesn’t have to be wrong for you to be right.

17.It is okay to be angry. It is never okay to be cruel.

18.Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset.

19.Silence is often the loudest cry. Pay attention to those you care about.

20.We don’t always need advice. Sometimes all we need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand.

21.It’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel.

22.A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart.

23.Don’t mess with someone’s feelings just because you’re unsure of yours.

24.True happiness comes from within, not from someone else. Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy.

25.Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.

26.If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down. Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

27.Just because it didn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while.

28.Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t expect others to read your mind, and don’t play games with their heads and hearts. Don’t tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out. Half-truths are no better than lies. And don’t ignore someone you care about, because lack of concern hurts more than angry words.

29.Lies help no one in the long run. So… 1) Don’t say “I love you” if you don’t mean it. 2) Don’t say “I understand” if you have no clue. 3) Don’t say “I’m sorry” if you’re not. 4) Be honest with yourself and your loved ones.

30.Tell the truth, or eventually someone will tell it for you. Read The Four Agreements.

31.Good relationships don’t just happen; they take time, patience and two people who truly want to work to be together.

32.Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is.

33.Love doesn’t hurt. Lying, cheating and screwing with people’s feelings and emotions hurts.

34.When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority. Loyalty is everything.

35.A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.

36.Jealousy is the art of counting someone else blessings instead of your own. Don’t waste your time on jealousy. The only person you’re competing against is yourself.

37.Do not become possessive. The purpose of a relationship is to complement each other, grow together, and achieve your common goals as a couple. At the same time, you must each maintain your individual identity as a human being.

38.Don’t ever change just to impress someone. Change because it makes you a better person and leads you to a better future.

39.Give, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Listen to others, but don’t lose your own voice.

40.Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems; look for someone who will face them with you.

41.You don’t really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.

42.Speak when you are very angry, and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.

43.Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Let it go.

44.As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

45.Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

46.Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned.

47.Never waste a moment, it may be the last with someone you love.

48.If you love someone, tell them. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is really ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in them.

49.Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to be. But it is these losses that make us stronger and eventually move us toward future opportunities.

50.Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

51.The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.

52.A real person is not perfect, and a perfect person is not real.

53.To the world, you might be just one person. But to one person, you might be the world.

54.Just because you have a past with someone, doesn’t mean you should have a future with them.

55.No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones.

56.The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to move forward is the happiest.

57.If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

58.Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

59.When the pain of holding on is worse than the pain of letting go, it is time to let go.

60.If a friend is in trouble, don’t bother them by asking if there is anything you can do. Think of something appropriate and do it.

61.Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not always need an intelligent mind that speaks, just a patient heart that listens.

62.Be the friend that you want to have.

63.There are times when family are like strangers, and strangers are like family. Both sets of people are priceless.

64.In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

65.Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help repair their future.

66.Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Be everything to someone.

67.Let us remember that we can’t force anyone to love us. We can’t beg someone to stay when they want to leave and be with someone else. This is what love is all about. However, the end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason, but never leaves without a lesson.

68.When things fall apart, consider the possibility that life knocked it down on purpose. Not to bully you, or to punish you, but to prompt you to build something that better suits your personality and your purpose. Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together. Read The Road Less Traveled.

69.Everyone wants a perfect ending. But over the years I’ve learned that some of the best poems don’t rhyme, and many great stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, embracing change, and taking a moment and making the best of it without knowing what’s going to happen next.

70.In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each other, yet miles apart. So stay in touch with those who truly matter to you. Not because it’s convenient, but because they’re worth the extra effort.

71.Never neglect the people who are most important to you simply because you think they will always be there. Because one morning you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars.

72.True love isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated.

73.True friendship and true love do sustain the tests of distance and time.

74.When someone gives you their time, they are giving you a portion of their life that they will never get back. It’s one of the most precious gifts you can receive. Don’t waste it.

75.Good relationships are not just about the good times you share; they’re also about the obstacles you go through together, and the fact that you still say “I love you” in the end.

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A healthy relationship will never require you

to sacrifice your friends, your

dreams, or your dignity.

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Tact in handling people

Calling attention indirectly to someone’s mistakes works wonders with sensitive people who may resent bitterly any direct criticism. Marge Jacob of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, told one of our classes how she convinced some sloppy construction workers to clean up after themselves when they were building additions to her house.

For the first few days of the work, when Mrs. Jacob returned from her job, she noticed that the yard was strewn with cut ends of lumber. She didn’t want to antagonize the builders, because they did excellent work. So after the workers had gone home, she and her children picked up and neatly piled all the lumber debris in a corner. The following morning she called the foreman to one side and said, “I’m really pleased with the way the front lawn was left last night; it is nice and clean and does not offend the neighbours.” From that onwards the workers picked up and piled the debris to one side, and the foreman came in each day seeking approval of the condition the lawn was left in after a day’s work.

From “How to enjoy your life and your job” by Dale Carnegie
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Relationship:Dos and Don’ts of Positive Conflict

Darlene Lancer

It’s normal to have conflict in relationships. People are different, and their desires and needs will inevitably clash. Resolving disagreements in a healthy way creates understanding and brings couples closer together.

The objective should be the betterment of the relationship. This is positive conflict. Below are 24 suggested rules; 12 Dos and 12 Don’ts for actualising this goal.

Arguments are Good!

Arguments aren’t necessarily a bad sign. It means differences are surfacing, but in some relationships, differences aren’t acknowledged, because either one partner dominates a subservient one, or because both individuals are merged and don’t really know themselves or are sacrificing who they are to please one another. These solutions to differences usually backfire, because they build resentment and passive-aggressive behaviour, and closeness and intimacy suffer. With these couples, conflict is a sign of growth and maturity. At the other extreme are high-conflict couples, where differences escalate into power struggles and communication becomes aggressive.

The Role of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is essential to assertiveness and healthy communication, which lay the foundation for avoiding fights and handling conflict. Unfortunately this isn’t the norm, especially among co-dependent couples. Not having had good role models for expressing anger and handling conflict, one or both partners is usually passive or aggressive. When it comes to disagreements, low self-esteem leads to:

  • Taking things personally
  • Defensiveness
  • Inability to express needs and wants
  • High reactivity
  • People-pleasing
  • Not taking responsibility for behaviour, feelings, and needs
  • Inability to be honest
  • Undisclosed expectations of others
  • Rules of Engagement

In positive conflict, ideally, you’re able to verbalize your needs and want and mutually work out compromises. Your intent and how you approach differences are critical. The objective should be to resolve a dispute to the satisfaction of both of you. It’s not about winning and losing. You can “win” an argument, but the relationship may suffer if your partner feels discounted, deflated, or resentful.

Planning when, where, and how you approach a disagreement is important for achieving satisfactory results. It’s helpful make up rules of engagement in advance. Here are suggested 12 Dos and 12 Don’ts. You won’t be able to achieve all of them or any all the time, but they’re guidelines to strive for:


1. Make it okay to “agree to disagree.” You don’t have to agree on everything. Try to accept irresolvable differences that don’t violate your values.
2. Have time-limited discussions and stick to the pre-set time. A half-hour is plenty. You can always reconvene.
3. Work through things as they come up. Don’t stockpile resentments; otherwise, each postponement becomes a block to the next communication.
4. Remember to maintain goodwill by separating the person you care about from the behaviour. Assume he or she is doing their best and isn’t hurting you intentionally.
5. Take responsibility for your behaviour, needs, and feelings. Use “I” statements to share your feelings and thoughts about yourself. This doesn’t include “I feel you’re inconsiderate.” Instead, say “I feel unimportant to you.”
6. Examine what unmet needs are making you angry. With I statements, be direct and honest about your feelings and needs in the relationship. Communicate the positive consequences of compliance.
7. Listen with curiosity and a desire to understand your partner, and to see the world through his or her eyes. When you don’t understand, ask for clarification. Remember that your partner is telling you his or her experience. It reveals the truth about them, not you. You’re free to disagree, but first see where the person is coming from.
8. Use a “we” approach. “We have a problem,” not “My problem with you is…”
9. Rather than demand your way, brainstorm solutions. Request your partner’s input, especially when it comes to changing his or her behaviour.
10. Take a time-out if you start to get angry. This allows you to calm down and stop reacting. Reassure your partner that you’ll resume.
11. Use breaks to take responsibility for your part, think about solutions, and to self-soothe any hurt feelings.
12. Communicate your fears and guilt in the relationship.


1. Don’t have controversial discussions when you’re tired or the bedroom, which should kept a safe place.
2. Don’t make accusations or use the words, “always” or “never.”
3. Don’t bring in allies — other people’s opinions — or make comparisons to others.
4. Don’t switch topics, or retaliate with, “but you did…”
5. Don’t judge, blame, belittle, or be sarcastic or dismissive in words or facial expressions, such as rolling your eyes or smirking.
6. Don’t expect your partner to read your mind.
7. Don’t analyse your partner or impute motives or feelings to him or her.
8. Don’t interrupt or monopolize the conversation.
9. Don’t react or defend yourself. Instead communicate your point of view.
10. Don’t bring up the past — anything more than a few days old.
11. Don’t rolodex grievances. Stick to the current one. You don’t need more “evidence” that you’re right and your partner is wrong.
12. Don’t compromise your bottom lines in the relationship, if they’re non-negotiable. It will lead to more conflict later.

Effective problem-solving takes time and practice. It first requires learning assertiveness.

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Care’ Is To ‘Express’
Not To ‘Impress’ People..

Bcoz When Care Is ‘Expressed’ Truly,
People Get ‘Impressed’ Naturally…!!

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Quote – Dalai Lama

Follow the three R’s

Ø Respect for self

Ø Respect for others

Ø Responsibility for all your actions

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It’s Easier to Understand someone,
It’s even more Easier to Misunderstand Someone,
the toughest Job is to Understand that you Misunderstood someone!
- Abdul Kalam

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The woman who loves you with eyes closed is a Lover.

The woman who loves you with eyes closing and opening is a maid.

The woman who loves you with little anger in her eyes is a Wife.

A woman who loves you till her eyes are closed is called MOTHER

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An ELECTRICIAN- to restore the current between people that do not speak to each other anymore.

An OPTICIAN- to change the outlook of people.

An ARTIST- to draw a smile on everyone’s face.

A CONSTRUCTION WORKER- to build peace.

A GARDENER- to cultivate good thoughts.

And last but not least a MATHS TEACHER- for all of us to re-learn how to count on each other. .

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Read On, It’s Beautiful…..

“When I was a kid, my Mom liked to cook food & then I remember she used to cook for us.

One night in particular when she had made dinner after a long hard day’s work, Mom placed a plate of bread, jam and extremely burnt toast in front of my Dad.

I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt toast.

But Dad just ate his toast and asked me how was my day was at school.

I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember I heard Mom apologising to Dad for the burnt toast.

And I’ll never forget what he said: “Honey, I love burnt toast.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy, good night & I asked him if he really liked his toast burnt.

He wrapped me in his arms & said: "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she was really tired.

And besides… A burnt toast never hurts anyone but harsh words do!"

“You know beta – life is full of imperfect things… & imperfect people…


I forget birthdays & anniversaries just like everyone else.

What I’ve learnt over the years is :
To Accept Each Others Faults & Choose To Celebrate Relationships"

Please pass this along to someone who has enriched your life…
!!! I JUST DID !!!

Life Is Too Short To Wake Up With Regrets!

Love the people who treat you right & have compassion for the ones who don’t…

!!! ENJOY LIFE NOW !!! It has an expiry date 
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