Book your Republic Day Parade tickets online before January 25: Here's a quick guide

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How to book an online ticket for the Parade?

If you can't make it in person, you can still experience the Republic Day Parade by booking tickets online. Ticket prices range from Rs 20 to Rs 500, and the booking process starts on January 10. Note that only a limited number of seats will be available each day.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Online Booking:

1. Visit the Defense Ministry website at
2. Create a new account by providing personal details like your name and mobile number.
3. Verify your account through the sent mobile record.
4. Select the desired event – in this case, Republic Day Parade.
5. Upload your photo and enter the required details, including the original date.
6. Complete the booking process by making an online payment for the chosen tickets.

Important Consideration

Be mindful that ticket availability is limited, and securing your spot by booking early is crucial. Follow these steps quickly to ensure you don't miss out on witnessing the vibrant Republic Day Parade celebrations.

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