deep sleep

any natural or home remedy for deep sleep.dont want to take melatonin
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Melatonin is the best remedy. Or chamomile tea. Or heavy exercise in the day.
And black and white/night mode of mobile 2 hrs before sleep.
And switch off wifi and put mobile on airplane mode while sleeping.

21 Dimers
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Melatonin is the best remedy. Or chamomile tea. Or heavy exercise in the day.
And black and white/night mode of mobile 2 hrs before sleep.
And switch off wifi and put mobile on airplane mode while sleeping.

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but melatonin will make me addictive disappointed

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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avoid caffeine for few days. it will help.

follow same routine everyday for night sleep

Try to go back to sleep if you are awake and avoid checking mobile

keep mind free of thoughts

try to avoid disturbances

Make sure your vit d3 and b12 levels are good

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caffeine n alcohol usage are nil

trying same time routine but its very tough to fall asleep for me

mobile usage are minimal

even i don't have any stressed condition since last two year
not sure about vitamins..but started supradyn few days ago..dont know it will work or not

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Benevolent Benevolent
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solve math problems.

Deal Baba Deal Baba
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Hear 3 hz frequency or play sound of rain on YouTube.

I use them frequently.

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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  1. Relax, and try meditation to help you sleep.
  2. avoid screentime before sleep
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Try apps Calm, bettersleep

Generous Generous
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Avoid solid foods for four to five days and take only liquid foods such as fruit juices, butter milk, coconut water etc. Also exercise every morning and evening for at least half an hour. i personally follow this method for better sleep and relaxation.

Deal Brigadier Deal Brigadier
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yaha joh log advise de rahe h voh khud pareshan h nobody get good sleep specially dimers always awake late nights toungueout 



Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Try smacking your head against a wall, worked for my friend, he hasn't woken up since last week. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I guess u tried but worked the other way around for you 😂

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Homeopathy medicine pill

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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try any breathing exercise or pranayam 10 minutes in morning and 10 minutes in evening.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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All you need to do is wake up early & go outside to grab morning sunlight 

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ok will try early wake up method..thanx
haa ghode bech k sona h

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Drink Hot milk without sugar before sleep

It activate hormone for sleep

Let me know after a week if you still struggle to sleep

Cool Cool
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fap help a lot, do it regular basis, start with 4 to 5 fap, with all arrangements,  it really help, do it, even you didn't like it, forcefully do this

Post Emperor Post Emperor
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Thank you for confidence brother joy
I am not alone in doing it on a regular basis. 
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Physical activity and a regular sleep schedule work wonders. After a while one might not even engage in the former on a regular basis and initiation of sleep would still be timely. 2200-0000 is the best time for majority of the people. 

Blue light may not be as big an issue as initially expected. I remain glued to my devices right until bedtime. In fact I usually fall asleep while watching movies or TV shows. Bummer as I strongly prefer watching movies in a single session. Gone are the days when I used to watch multiple movies (or play games ) in a night staying awake till late morning. 

Dinner should be taken min. 2 hours prior to bedtime. 

Also daytime naps should be limited to 30 minutes max. and should be taken as early in the day as possible (1-2PM). Extra long daytime naps is an independent risk factor for proliferation of liver fat. Several  years past I used to sleep for 1.5-3 hours during the day but since the last few years I wake up automatically after 15-20 mins nap right as clockwork (barring rare occasions like heavy meals). I used a smartwatch with vibrating alarm (less disruptive) to develop the habit. 

***Everything will likely fail if there's stress and it's not addressed. 

There are a few decent smartwatches, albeit all 15k and above, that can record sleep quality with good accuracy. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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1.Turn on Eye comfort Mode after 5 PM

2.Try Power walking (where your legs will actually sweat)

3.No caffeine (Tea, coffee, colddrink) after 6

4.AC at 24/25

5.Sex will help immensely (if possible, please don't joke about this, sex induces serotonin secretion, essential for sleeping)

Otherwise try to achieve orgasm yourself

6.listen to  Natural sounds

Try this YouTube channel -

Or this app -

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Not sure if already mentioned but look at magnesium supplements for sleep.

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