Does anyone know how do we earn dimes?

Guys help me out
7 Dimers
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send daily msg to admins , then they give you daily 10 to 50 dimes, if u lucky then u will get bumper prize

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Post deals.

Accumulating Gold Dimes by comments & deals.

Play games with Gold dimes.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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hmm yes for Gold dimes you explained

but for normal dimes? any good way?

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Spearhead Spearhead
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I hope some admin admit this question and answer on their own for the perfect clarity

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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देयार इज नो वे टू गेट डाइम्स विदाउट पोस्टिंग एनी डील ब्रो, यू कैन पार्टिसिपेट इन गिबेवे कॉन्टेस्ट मोस्टली दन वाय @bumblefoot @quantum @Rosh_0007 एंड ट्राय योर लक ब्रो

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