Govt may ban plastic water bottles in hotels

Deal Major

Govt may ban plastic water bottles in hotels

The state government is considering a ban on the use of packaged plastic water bottles in hotels. The proposal is part of the state government’s decision to ban plastic by Gudi Padwa, in March next year. Environment minister Ramdas Kadam had announced his desire to make the state plastic-free but officials said that they will first ban plastic bags and water bottles from hotels in the first phase.

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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Just keep in mind always, All MAJOR steps happen with minor step and by an individual.
We should have that discipline to follow them strictly as an individual (at least for this minor Step) smile.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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True..Yes I agree completely as we get to stores most of the time w/o planning much.

But, its very hard to expect eco friendly bags from retailers and even wholesalers (for them plastic deadly cheap and need to use them for their profit margins).. So, atleast we must make sure to carry them for the planned shopping of groceries/supermarkets/shopping centers.

Just one more Eg. I always carry backpakc to office and in that will keep these eco-friendly bag. Similarly, make an habit of keeping them in Bikes/Cars etc. whenever possible and wherever you can.

Blogger Blogger
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this is a minor step , need major efforts for environment .. specially for most polluted cities ..

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Great great initiative – Go Green.

Small requested to ALL Dimers, Though there is Ban as an individual we should have strict restriction upon us by using alternatives for plastic things. Please think as an individual what can do (instead somebody’s restriction/ban/non-availability) and make an habit of using non-plastic things in our daily life.

Like Eg. Carrying our own thread bags/other bags to supermarket/veg. market/shopping centers etc.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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We may generally forget them to take or we may intentionally won’t take or we may suddenly shop, so there should be a system for free availability of non-plastic bags and also refund for return like schemes should implemented for more usage of eco friendly bags

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Nice initiative !

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