Have you ever experienced Dejavu?


How often you experience Dejavu?

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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Can't experience it.

Bcz I am always living in it.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Rarely but surely happens atleast once a year for me:) but recently haven't felt any Dejavu

Blaze Blaze
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Happening to me since childhood, atleast 5-6 times per year

Generous Generous
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happens once every few months . 

we are living in a matrrix , deja vu is the residual memory leak .. should not happen ... but it happens . 

Helpful Helpful
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I create Dejavu... 😜

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It actually happens due to delay in coordination between eyes and brain. I've experienced it so many times but only when my brain, body were completely exhausted. 

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Yes 1 Time In My Entire Life 🧬

Comrade Comrade
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Thx for the awareness, i was not aware of this. I many times feel that the event happening now is also in my memory but at the same time i also know that this event is time specific and can not be in past. sweat_smile

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Anybody here experienced a Jamie Vu

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