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Help! Managing Blood Pressure: Choosing Between Allopathic and Homeopathic Treatments

Deal Cadet

My mother, aged 56, is experiencing issues with her blood pressure. In the morning, it was recorded at 170/100. Throughout the afternoon and evening, it stabilized at 140/85, and before bedtime, it is at 128/82. (We recently acquired a blood pressure monitor machine.) These readings have remained consistent over the past three days.

Now, the question arises

which form of medication—allopathic or homeopathic—is more suitable for her condition? 

Additionally, If allopathic then which option is better for consultation, a cardiologist or a general physician in this situation?

tingling, weakness

dizziness issue faced 1 or 2 months before but that is mostly during sleeping time when she changes to left side.

No checkup done previously

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Benevolent Benevolent
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homeopathy is not even a medicine. 

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Alopathic meds as per prescription of an MBBS doc. Please don't be confused. 

Entertainer Entertainer
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Cardiologist should be your call, facing issue on left side shouldn't be ignored as this is an outcome of nerve damage. Are you sure it's dizziness or infact vertigo on the left side when she is sleeping? 

It's your MOM dude, my recommendation is stop asking for help from an online forum where half of us doesn't even know what to advice and other can advice which could be wrong for your mom.  Please consult a doctor specially cardiologist MD/MBBS and forget about homeopathy.  BP/Diabetes are silent killers and most of us ignore as they doesn't show any symptoms initially. 

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Control sodium intake and rest will be fine.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Thanks 🙏 
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Benevolent Benevolent
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homeopathy is not even a medicine. 

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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It is pseudoscience
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The PostMighty The PostMighty
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You mentioned only the readings but nothing about the symptoms. Is she experiencing dizziness, feeling light-headed, nauseated, vertigo like symptoms (meaning feeling like falling over while standing)? Does she have a history of cardiac problems? Is she experiencing breathing problems, is she asthmatic? Does she feel fatigued after a short duration of working? If she has breathing & the related problems mentioned above, I'd recommend getting an ECG done & consult a cardiologist rather than a general physician. Otherwise a GP with good experience can manage her BP effectively. 

Regarding the choice between allopathy & homeopathy, it's your choice. I'd recommend allopathy as homeopathy generally requires a long time to show its effects. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Currently tingling, weakness 

dizziness issue faced 1 or 2 months before but that is mostly during sleeping time when she changes to left side.

No checkup done previously

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Benevolent Benevolent
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Every minute matters especially for old people, it saves patient from pain, family efforts, and money - personal exp

so never delay and take it serious when symptoms persist for 2-3 days

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Thanks 🙏 
Generous Generous
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forget homeopathy ... its  a lie ...

Digital machines shows 10% increased readings .. compared to traditional / accurate BP machines .

and these readings looks normal , considering age .. control sodium intake .

Consult good physican for better suggestions ......... suggestions on internet / google are irrelevant . 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Thanks bro 🙏 
Entertainer Entertainer
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Points to consider:

- the machine never gives accurate reading, also results vary if you measure with false position. Consider error +- 15%. Get it checked with a professional for more clarity.

- if she is already on chemical (consuming allopathic meds for some or other disease from a long time ex diabetes, heart or any other) then homoeopathy will not work and. same will be confirmed with the doc.

Else u can opt homeopath , also u need to make some changes in the lifestyle.

Good luck

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro
Thanks 🙏🏻
Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Alopathic meds as per prescription of an MBBS doc. Please don't be confused. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Thanks 🙏 
Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Mistakenly I added info in the deals wiki section. Sorry 

Entertainer Entertainer
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Cardiologist should be your call, facing issue on left side shouldn't be ignored as this is an outcome of nerve damage. Are you sure it's dizziness or infact vertigo on the left side when she is sleeping? 

It's your MOM dude, my recommendation is stop asking for help from an online forum where half of us doesn't even know what to advice and other can advice which could be wrong for your mom.  Please consult a doctor specially cardiologist MD/MBBS and forget about homeopathy.  BP/Diabetes are silent killers and most of us ignore as they doesn't show any symptoms initially. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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My 2 bits: Go for cardiologist(get all tests suggested done asap - closing eyes will not help us, I'm personally suffering big time, some people fear tests like my family and then diseases increases severity), prevent diabetes(adopt life style changes - youtube, all good habits only) at all cost if you already know if ancestry had it, bp+diabetes I know is a deadly combo.

Ayurved many powerful medicines are there but would suggest first get it control via allopathy then slowly 'can' try to shift to ayurvedic(e.g. mukta vati) as bp meds mostly even after taking for long term has not heard of much side effects.

Deep breathing exercises can give instant relief(learn them, keep them handy) - personally tried, medication should not be stopped on basis of this!

Take arjun ki chal daily, it helps, personal experience. If taking vitamin d/calcium for weak bones/knee etc., consider checking with doctor if can take vitamin k2 as well.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro 👍🏻

Thanks 🙏 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Let certified doctor only decide what to do as self remedies not advisable , blood pressure is a silent killer disease.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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There no allopathy. Only modern medical science. And Homeo is not even science.

Consult a good doctor. May be you can get second or third opinion. But whatever is prescribed follow it properly. These medicines are to be taken lifetime. Dont worry about that. most of them have side effects well documented and been in practice for 30 to 40 years.

Go to general medicine first and then go for specialist. For your mother's case it seems general medicine doctor would be enough.

For a similar situation, i had to go for neurologist for my mother. She has been taking medicines for last 4 years and will be continuing lifetime. She is lot better now.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Go to general physician first and follow what he says. BP Medicines have to be taken throughout life.

I am taking them since my early 30s and its beem more than 10 years now. 

Initally for 3-4 months BP was not coming under control inspite taking medicines but then I started walk and some light exercise after wich it is under control and now even the doese is reduced.

So I will suggest along with medicine start morning/evening walk or some exercise if possible.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
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Brother just search blood pressure bm Hegde on YouTube . He is Padma Vibhushan awardee doctor ...

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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ECG , ECHO , LFT , RFT , B12 , VIT D , Homocysteine + Cardiologist Consult.  Followups with MD medicine if everything fine.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Challenge is getting a proper homeopathy doctor; if you can get one, your job is done.

Get an MD consult, get all basic and specific screening workup done and folllow allopathic prescription. Once the BP comes under control, then start using homeo (for lesser side effects and complete control or even reversal). Are her gucose readings normal, should be elevated by now. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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People these days are soo insane, as I have seen specially in medical field, they just don't want to do any thing, if their body is not acting normal. Or some times they do some thing that they don't understand like you don't even know how and on what other levels sodium or other salts works, it's normal level, and how it's fluctuation changes BP and other functions of body, or they somehow know that they have BP and they want BP superspecialist (cardiologist), or if they find fever then they search for fever specialist, or if urine colors yellow, they self diagnose themself a candidate for uro superspecialist.

I often comfront them having 4 regular prescription of 4 superspecialist doctors and never on a satisfactory health.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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It's not a choice, Take the medicine which your cardiologist have prescribed.

And if possible, ask aunty ji to go for a walk. That would also help. 

Linking a Research Paper on the relation between homeopathy and placebo which can help you understand the facade. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍🏻
Thanks 🙏🏻
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Sorry rohit for saying that,. worring for your mom's BP and increasing your own is not a good idea. in a normal person BP shows a biurnal variation. Diastolic BP more then 94 is a risk factor for a women after menopause. And if there is continuous raised diastolic BP with Ecg changes showing bundle block or raised ST will show a cardiogenic HTN, if not then it may be due to other health factors. To solve these problems are as easy for a doctor as to make chapati for yor mom. Only you are making it difficult for your mom by checking it yourself and making your own perception, and your mom is going through it.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro. Thanks for Your Suggestions ❤️
Firestorm Firestorm
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Both allopathy and homeopathy r scams!!

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I have taken homeopathic medicine all my life since 2 yrs old. And it's way better allopathic medicine which have side effects.

First find out causes of high bloow pressure. Whether it's diet, lifestyle, stress or anything else. Good Homeopathic and ayurvedic doctors take everything into account or try to find cause first and then only prescribe medication or give one.

Allopathic medicines if one starts for high blood pressure, one has to take it for the lifetime. I have seen it happening with my father. He was warned and didn't listen.

People saying Homoeopathy is not even medicine are brainwashed bhakts.

People have recovered from kidney failure needing dialysis or cancer have recovered with homeopathic treatment.

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I don't intend to start flame wars about any type of therapy. All have their benefits, purpose and limitations.

So take chill pill and don't start jumping around trying to start argument and increase BP of multiple members smiley stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes

In allopathy, there is no pill for every ill. But definitely ill in every pill.

Any kind of lifestyle sickness have to taken care of by changing lifestyle only primarily whether it's diabetes or any other one.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Does she feel like she will fall when she moves her head/neck to the left/right? That's BPPV. My mother had this in January. GO TO AN ENT WHO SPECIALISES IN VERTIGO. It can be cured!

Also get a full blood panel done. I bet she has low iron/B12 too. That can also cause tingling. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay Thanks Bro 👍🏻🙏❤️

Wingman Wingman
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I would suggest you the following :

1) Reduce Salt/Sodium Intake. Change Normal Salt with Rock Salt or Salts like Tata Salt Lite, etc.

2) If her health condition allows, ask her to exercise. A simple exercise like walking for 30 minutes daily can definitely improve heart condition in long term.

3) Get a consultation from a cardiologist. Start BP medicine for the time being. Once the condition improves the cardiologist will reduce the dosage of medicine and later it can be fully stopped.

4) Start Daily Yoga in the morning.

5) Reduce intake of Fatty foods explicitly of those which are known to increase bad cholesterol. Reduce intake of Oil and Ghee.

Follow the above tips and remember a healthy lifestyle not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude and your mood.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Thanks Bro for Suggestions 👍🏻🙏❤️

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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My Mom is age 63 has same used to have a B.P of 180/105..

Doctor gave 3 BP pills and it is now reduced to 2 and will be further reduce to 1 by doctor

We did below:

1. General physician

2. Daily 30 minutes walk

3. Chandra bhedi pranayam and anolom vilom 15 mins each.

4. Maharshi ayurveda Cardimap

Still after medicine her B.P. was in range 135-145

Soon after point 2,3,4 her B.P. is further reduced to 125

We did full body checkup where nothing serious came.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍🏻
Thanks for Suggestions 🙏🏻❤️
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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200+ BP runs in my family, in females after age of 50. Based on my years of experience with this, here's my two cents.

- Food and lifestyle, change it. Say no to common white salt, avoid sodium rich food. Read articles about what to do and what to avoid. You want to be active, but should also avoid overactivity. Hit the right balance.

- Allopathy over Homeopathy anyday. Stick to proper science over voodoo. If it gives you peace of mind, do both as long as there's no conflict, but allopathy is your primary medicine.

- Avoid taking Gyan from random forums or Youtubers. There will be a lot of wild claims from the likes of Dr. Biswaroop etc who promise rid of high BP with week-long camps. Doesn't work, and if it works, it would have worked at home making above changes to life as well.

Keep it simple. Diet, lifestyle and medication and aim should be to drop the medication part completely over the time. Also, stay away from anti-allopathy cult at all costs. Good luck!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay 👍 
Thanks bro for Suggestions 🙏🏻❤️
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Not the right forum for medical queries. Better to visit your family doctor or any other good allopathy doctor to start with.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay 👍🏻
Commentator Commentator
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Homeopathy and Ayurveda or precisely AYUSH is fraud. There I helped you save your mom's life, your time and money.

Meet cardiologist or internal medicine if you are looking for specialist consultation or if you can simply afford. General physician is also OK.

Tingling where?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay 👍 
Tingling - when bp is high (hand and foot)
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Use lots of Ashguard in Juice/Soup/Sala form along with lots of lemon added to own experince - My BP from 155 it came down to 100 in just 3 days. Dont throw fibre afyter jiuce use it to make soup or drink whole juice with fibre.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, Bro 👍 
Thanks 🙏🏻❤️
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Homeopathy is fake. Don't risk your lives. It works for some cases due to the placebo effect. You know, even in modern medicine, wrong medicines also work, sometimes. This is because in those cases, all that was needed was a bit of boost in your mind that all is going to be fine.
But, for issues related to heart, DO NOT take risks. Proper diagnosis is very critical.

"dizziness issue faced 1 or 2 months before but that is mostly during sleeping time when she changes to left side."

You should go for a 2D echo for this. It is best to consult a cardiologist. They will recommend all the diagnostic test just after hearing the different sounds of the heart using a stethoscope.

It could likely be a no-issue. But, it is good to get is checked at the earliest and any treatment should be done, earlier the better for higher success.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay, bro 👍
Thanks for Suggestions 🙏🏻❤️
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