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How Do I Quit My Addiction?

Deal Cadet

I am addicted to chess...seriously.

I work from home and find myself playing chess even when I shouldn't. And it's not even like playing 1-2 games, I play for hours, no matter if I win or lose. I didn't get too good at the game, but I just find it very entertaining and I can't stop myself now.

Surely I do not want to pursue it as a career, and now it's wasting a lot of my time. Instead of opening a work-related tab, I just open and spend all of my time there. Can someone please help me?

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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Keep up, u will get a Chess wife like those YouTubers. Bohot-Tez

Entertainer Entertainer
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Dam, I thought this will be something related to Alcohol, Marijuana or sex. lol

OP you got me good! Good luck playing chess. 

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I was addicted to chess too. It was good mental stimulation and I was happy to find the mind I didn't know I had. 

Even defeated a AM once on time in a 10 min game. I knew I had no interest in pursuing chess any further. Also why play chess all the time when a computer can do it much better. you would be better off doing something special to you.

You could spend your time learning difficult things to get off chess. that might work. 

or you can start some other addiction. 😉

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I actually don't have time to get addicted to something else. Even now, chess is taking up a lot of time when I can do something much better. I just want to avoid it completely but I can't.
You won't believe me, chess moves and situations are on my mind even when I talk to people around me. I can literally see a chess board and those pieces in front of me and then I start thinking about hypothetical chess situations. 
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Keep up, u will get a Chess wife like those YouTubers. Bohot-Tez

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Observe the destructive consequences of yours habits and move on. 

Focus on any other activity that gives you pleasure without causing any harm to you.

Just force yourself to be busy on other activity. Your mind will try to remind you about chess for a few days and then you will forget. Just stop being in contact with chess. 

Works for breaking down every destructive habit.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I think I need some technical help too, my willpower might not be enough. 
I work on my laptop and play chess on it too. Is there some way for me to not access any chess website on my laptop? 
Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Play pokemon the whole day instead, it's a chess game with a story. You'll get over your addiction for chess

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I have completed:
Fire Red
Leaf Green
Ultra Moon
Soul Silver
Black 2

It was really hard to leave that addiction, please don't send me there again😭😭
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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With time, it will pass.

For serious addictions of various kinds.. only self control (will power) or forced restrictions (rehab) help.

Maybe start de-rewarding self.
For every instance of you doing something like that (anything serious and non required), that day or week you punish/ give penalty to yourself by denying self the food you like or seeing your favourite show or talking to someone whom you regularly do.

Brain will eventually get trained that their net-net loss in doingbsuch activity. It would eventually stop associating that activity with dopamine or other happy hormones. Even if it does, the rationale part will kick-in to remind of the consequences.
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
Link Copied Past 17:08 this reasonably well experienced, qualified therapist has advised on it ( besides "habit replacement").

Yes, she is talking the context of a different addiction, but (the same) remedy can be applied here here too. @SakataGintoki.
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Wingman Wingman
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Whats you elo BTW?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It's 750, or somewhere around it
Entertainer Entertainer
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Dam, I thought this will be something related to Alcohol, Marijuana or sex. lol

OP you got me good! Good luck playing chess. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Lol but this is a serious issue too

I never tried alcohol or drugs, don't even plan on doing those things thankfully
But still, chess has been delaying me in my tasks and has hindered me from doing better at work.
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yeh nashe acche hain!!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Nhi hai bhai, bohot mehenge padte hai aise nashe
Deal Detective Deal Detective
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Self  Conttol is first way .

Punish yourself  , like  if  you  are munching  much on sugar  carbohydrates  fat  than  you  will  walk  so  and  so  distance like 2 km . joy

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I have many bad habits:

Playing chess a bit too much
Unhealthy eating 
No fixed sleep schedule
No workout or physical activities
No interaction with people, I stay indoors for the entire day
No outing, I stay in my comfort zone only
I don't dress appropriately (like the world says I should). I feel comfortable in 3/4 and tracks and wear them everywhere (not in special occasions, of course)

With all these habits, I might have to punish myself with death lol🤣🤣
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Generous Generous
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I love only "TUBORG STRONG"

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Soda is unhealthy bro
Try nimbu pani, best in summers
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Good that its chess, it could be worse and is generally worse. I faced difficulty in life and just wanted some exit, just endless quora/fb scrolling to hide from my situation/pain and it turned into addiction. I have work but still will just do mindless scrolling and work keeps collecting and at end of delivery phase I worry about it, loop to more scrolling.

I have just accepted for now, but you seem smart and trying to take action, In general anyway start listening to Andrew Huberman, here I found for addiction: 


Once you get into these podcasts, although long you can just go through and gain lot of insights.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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See, I wouldn't have had any problem with my chess addiction if I had enough time. I just want to focus all of my time on work, that's why I can't give any time to podcasts too. I watch news, and informational videos (related to politics, India, Tech, and the economy). Once done with them, I generally don't have time for anything else. That's why I want to quit my chess addiction to dedicate more time to work. 
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Pro Tech Guru Pro Tech Guru
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I was addicted to Chess in school days 😅

But lockdown se addiction return ho gaya 😕😅

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Aap lucky ho yaar
Mera toh addiction bohot time se hai, khatam hi nhi ho rha
Deal Captain Deal Captain
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When I first read addicted, I thought you were addicted to pawn moves

You didn't seem to have played crystal from above pokemon listing, give it a try smile

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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But I have played other gen 2 games, won't it be just the same??
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Lol you are just in my shoes... I stopped playing by uninstalling and lichess. If you keep yourself busy for a week when you uninstall, you are done..

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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That's the problem, I AM busy, occupied with a lot of work which got piled up bcz I kept playing chess.
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Google Hikikomori. Looks like you're already halfway to that state. Better take some drastic steps to revamp your life. Take up any form of physical workout - not talking about going to a  gym or running - even just walking or cycling or invest in a pair of dumbbells  The endorphins released after even a small workout can be a huge antidote to depressive thoughts and those nihilistic feelings.

As for addictions nothing works better than quitting cold turkey. 

Good luck in your endeavors!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Thank you so much for the detailed answer

And yes, it feels like my condition is similar to Hikikomori. By the way out of everything that you suggested, cycling sounds the best. Maybe I'll buy one, it would motivate me to go out more, at least in the morning and the evening. 
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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start a youtube channel

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I wish I had enough time for that😂
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I was in a similar situation last year but then I got busy with my studies/projects and I eventually stopped playing all together. Same with happen with you. Maybe you are not in a situation where you have to get sh1t done, that's why you are wasting your time on playing; once you get busy with your life this habit will fall off. 

P.S My chesscom rating is ~1500 blitz with 12,322 games played xD.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Bro I have a lot of work to do as well, and I'm avoiding it all just to play chess. 
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Give your board to someone else. If u r playing online block that website. That will stop your impulse urge to play. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I blocked that website yesterday with an extension and then deleted that extension this morning😭😭
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Go to some beggar or roadside hawker...see how there life is difficult....what real struggle means ..then probably ur problem will look v small to u n easily move on

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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True, our problems aren't even comparable
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Join a gym and be regular.
It will become a healthy addiction soon

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Wasted my 14 months' membership that ended last month only🤣🤣
Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Identify a prime land in your locality. After that take 1 month leave and grab the land 

Post it here after june 30th about your status. Good 👍 luck

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Wtf is this🤣🤣
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Okay my suggestion is different from others..

Join a nearby chess club.start learning tactic. Plan long games. Explorer. Either make you master. Then start teaching others. open Yt. Stream make channel. Or they (club) beating you in chess. And make publicly shame make you leave the game.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Any update, did you got it under control or not?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Pretty much yess!!!
I recently started swimming and idk how, but it has helped me get over my addiction. I still play Chess, but hardly for 30-45 mins. 
Helpful Helpful
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Start coaching newbies and convert that into your earning.

Like Magnet Like Magnet
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Title is click bait

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@SakataGintoki - Looks like you get addicted to whatever you get into. Are you into stocks/shares? 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I am😂😂😂
And true, I get addicted to things very quickly. I joined the gym last year, became a gym-freak within months. Now I started swimming, and that's all I can think about. 
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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This also happens to me. But when I see the total time played, it showed I had played for 34 days in around 1 year. Which opened my mind to see how much time I had wasted.

Also  you are getting ego hit when you lose and dopamine rush when you win. But none of that helps you to become more intelligent or generate wealth.

Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Start with any other Habit. Keep adding one more every week. Once u reach multiple addictions... U might slowly get away from chess. Start with Cooking Habit and make it an addiction. Choose Habits which eventually help you and turn it into an addiction.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Self control comes from within oneself or from a concentration camp/ cellular jail Andaman.
Diverting the mind elsewhere or back on track can be learned via various techniques
And so do mind focusing activities like meditation, tai-chi and so on.
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