Infibeam Review.

Deal Newbie

Personal experience. Avoid Infibeam absolutely, and in case you wish to know the gory details of dealing with them, Read through.


I was initially impressed with the Call Center agent’s politeness, order taking efficiency, and delivery time. Excellent. The problem starts if you have to deal with Infibeam beyond this.

To start with, the product delivered was faulty. In this case a XOLO phone, was delivered with a manufacturers seal.

However I wonder if the discount offered by Infibeam on products could be because the items that they receive to dispatch to customers could be seconds, or otherwise shady.

Anyhow, the defect being apparent on opening the package, I called up Infibeam, who were very polite asked me to send them photographs by e-mail, also to contact XOLO. Xolo, many calls and e-mails later practically disowned the product, and shunted me back to Infibeam.

Allright, Infibeam, now, many more e-mails and calls later took a few days to arrange shipment back to them through Aramex. I was instructed to print out an address label mailed to me and keep the package ready. Aramex picked it up 3 days later than the scheduled pick up date.

By the time of pick up around 12+ days have passed with a product that I could not use, and had paid for .

Subsequent calls to Infi, and I am told Firmly, to have patience, plus amongst many other stories, I am told, further, that they have received the product, it has been attended too, and will come back to me.

BLATANT LIES . Because 15 days after sending the item to Infi, it did come back, package UN-opened and UN-delivered by Aramex since the Address mailed to me by INFI (which is on record.) is a location not operated any longer by Infibeam. This is what an agent at Infibeam told me. So how come the same guys at the call center gave me the story of it being attended to, and in their warehouse? Etc. Because upto this point in time, 2 weeks after return dispatch to Infibeam, they had NO TRACK of the product location and were faking responses. It had actually never reached their office because of the wrong address above.

A few calls later and INFI now realizes its bungle and I have to ship the product back to them to another address freshly mailed to me. As usual Aramex is 3 days late and by then Blue Dart has picked it up. So both these courier firms had orders for a return pick-up and I did not know for sure which of these couriers to give it to and which amongst them was responsible.

Status now, is that as usual the ppl at Infi do not know the exact position since I get varying versions / stories, the phone still has to be attended to, has been in their warehouse for the last 6 days, will be attended to (hopefully), may have to go back to XOLO, attended to by XOLO, dispatched back to Infibeam and will possibly then come back to me 15 days from now. Which more than 45 days (at least) after paying for it. 2 dispatches to them, numerous phone calls plus e-mails and never being sure of what happens next. So if you want to deal with INFI, be-warned since this is a sequence which is repeatable.

You may have to call them like 50 times, each call being at your own cost since they DO NOT HAVE A TOLL FREE NUMBER, get varying stories, blatant lies, have an item you have paid for being in courier-limbo, and God forbid, if you really want to use something you have paid for, end up getting very frustrated.

I am not, because i have everything on record, and friends who are Lawyers just itching to get their hands on situations (&/+) companies like this.

Can you afford this?

Do you want to go through this with Infibeam?


UPDATE 20/May.

The following is the reply received from Infibeam to my last mail. It is the same automated reply as many times earlier. Word for Word. Its Like some sarkari office. With constant phrases " transferred the request to the concerned department. We will have a response for you soon. Please give us time for the revert." Amusing.

Dear Sushil,

Thank you for writing to us. We are happy to assist you with your query.

We have received the request from your last email and have transferred the request to the concerned department. We will have a response for you soon. Please give us time for the revert.

Hope you find the information helpful.

Please feel free to get back to us in case of any further queries or question. We will be glad to assist you. You can also call 079-40260260 ( Our 24*7 online phone support) for instant help.


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