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Is premarital health check-up important?


for some reason many people get Furious when such tests are mentioned.

main query is the genetic tests can only predict like 50% probability of an abnormal genetic condition lets say. In that case there is not much worth for tests, because many things in life with 50% chance may be considered to be worth taking the chance anyways.I mean you may not want to call off a marriage just because there was 50% or 25% chance of a genetic disorder, would you?

For example take SMA for example,

If your partner also is a carrier, your risk of having a child with SMA is 1 in 4. Your risk of having a child who is a carrier is 1 in 2. If your partner has two healthy copies of the SMN1 gene, your risk of having a child with the disorder is very low (even worst case 1 in 4 may not be as bad )

Also  what is the harm in taking these tests before conception instead of before marriage?

If yes, then what's the point of premartial tests, you can be aware to handle the situation even after marriage isn't it . Its not like there are any tests which you can certainly tell that there will be issue.

And practical challenges:

"Apparently you tell then to take these tests - They wil automatically assume your Son has done something that merits a HIV Test (This is ridiculous since my Son had to take a HIV Test before getting a Students Pass in Singapore)

And any father who is told to take a HIV Test for his daughter would apparently call off the wedding and blast you"

How to convince in such a situation ?


1. Groom to grooms guardian 

2.Groom side(groom and groom's guardian)to bride side(bride and bride's Guardian)


bride side(bride and bride's Guardian)to groom side(groom and groom's guardian)

On another note what test could be recommended(given the practicality),

Does this sound good ?

Edit 1:

Fertility tests may not be required, due to treatments available like ivf etc

Virginity should not be a question even because:

 It is always good to talk about it, but if a person cares for you and is really in love with you, it should not be a problem 

Edit 2:

why is there no law?

Unfortunately, there are no regulations in India that require pre-marital screening, and there is a social stigma associated with requesting such testing before a wedding. For example, In Australia, premarital screening is required for all couples.

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There isn't any debate as there is no conclusive test available, and nobody should care anyways because of the reasons mentioned, what people might want to avoid is any abnormal conditions like genetically etc

Entertainer Entertainer
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Well it matters to some, if we talk in a medical way, if a person is not a virgin that means (90%) he/she was involved in some sexual activities, which have some possibilities of diseases/impotency/difficulty in conceiving in future.

As far as love is concerned, it is not permanent, if one is not virgin that indicates that he/she was into love with someone else before (may be many) . And there is a possibility that he/she will have a new partner when love changes from current person to a new one.

M old school, and yes it is a truth than no test can conclude about the virginity part with 100% accuracy, it's your heart that knows.

Entertainer Entertainer
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Well it matters to some, if we talk in a medical way, if a person is not a virgin that means (90%) he/she was involved in some sexual activities, which have some possibilities of diseases/impotency/difficulty in conceiving in future.

As far as love is concerned, it is not permanent, if one is not virgin that indicates that he/she was into love with someone else before (may be many) . And there is a possibility that he/she will have a new partner when love changes from current person to a new one.

M old school, and yes it is a truth than no test can conclude about the virginity part with 100% accuracy, it's your heart that knows.

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Old school, = maybe yes for your own peace of mind , if that helps

New school= getting a suitable partner in terms of understanding,etc is too much to ask nowadays 

Entertainer Entertainer
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Well it matters to some, if we talk in a medical way, if a person is not a virgin that means (90%) he/she was involved in some sexual activities, which have some possibilities of diseases/impotency/difficulty in conceiving in future.

As far as love is concerned, it is not permanent, if one is not virgin that indicates that he/she was into love with someone else before (may be many) . And there is a possibility that he/she will have a new partner when love changes from current person to a new one.

M old school, and yes it is a truth than no test can conclude about the virginity part with 100% accuracy, it's your heart that knows.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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If a person is virgin, he/she is absolutely right in expecting a virgin life partner. Nobody wants to eat food leftover by someone else, likewise. Rahi baat understanding ki, to jab wo pichle partner ke sath nhi nibha payi/paya, to kya guarantee h ki next person ke sath kar lega/legi.

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Entertainer Entertainer
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Package is incomplete, i think some more tests must be included, like fertility etc

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No need because there are remedies available even after,

Example ivf

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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If it is important than it should be made law.

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Right, but also people may not be wise enough to accept it as a law 😄

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Oh come on !!!!

The two Main Pillars in a Family or Marriage are  LIES and IMPERFECTION

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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point_down point_down point_down point_down Why?

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Love Factor should not be Exclusive only when there is a question of Virginity. Whether it is a disease, bad looks, handicap - Love Angle has to be there...

Flame Flame
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OP Keep on updating the initial post ( EDIT: Thing that you do). This is really a great post. Wasn't even aware about such thing. I have bookmarked it, will keep on visiting this post. 

Personally, after reading I believe these test should be mandatory if not before marriage then at least before conceiving . It will help us to have a healthy population. 

VU + Karma given. 

It will be great if medical professionals ( If any on desidime) Will share there valuable thoughts on this as well. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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shaadi mat karo cant expect this much sanity from samaaj what you are speaking is sensible but ppl wont understand. also yes many things are 50% in life but its good to know the odds and chances rather than going unprepared . kundli milaane se better they should match genes
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In our country it's tough.  May be cities are slightly  it may be accepted. .. have to go through all comments

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Thanks for adding the 'edit 2'

In-fact it needs to be highlighted much more.

I have had the same gripe for a long long time.
Not omly are premarital tests helpful, some of them should in-fact be mandatory.

As for your query about, oh it can also be done pre-conception.. so why so much fuss over 'pre-marital' screening.
Good question/point.

However, Jiggly if you have lived in India for a while or are generally aware of what goes on here then
you might be aware of how even the law makers (sitting in the highest levels of the state legislature or national legislature) too have peripheral understanding of and often give little importance to family planning.
Some even have zero qualms in projecting withdrawal (of the phallus) before the final ejaculation.. as a good enough contraception method.

Imagine then the burden on healthcare alone that such unplanned deliveries, children would have, if no screening for thalassaemia and other conditions is done in a timely manner.

If there is an advance mechanism and a structured protocol in places, which are generally adhered to.. then it is easier to reduce so many medical complications and the psychological complications, trauma and associated resources (time, labour, money) in caring for sone terminally i'll person or those with conditions which require infinite lifelong resources (time, monies) to care for the person/s.

Have personally known of casual people, who realised it only after visiting the doctor's office/ triage room (OPD) that they are carrying.

About the point where you raise concerns of it being a taboo to get screened and how to talk about it with the other side.

Well, beyond a point, there is nothing much one can do (the Hindi adage 'bhains ke aagey bean bajana) applies.

But otherwise, ANY sensible person and one who is caring enough, empathetic enough and having enough compassion would ALWAYS be receptive to the dangers of passing on medical conditions or infections to the unborn or the new born.
Especially the incurable and/or the life threatening ones.

Yes, letters like HIV or AIDS have been and might continue to be taboo,
but one always has the option of replacing it with others (like: thalassemia minor, trisomy 21) and later when/once the other person/s is/are more receptive, then can also nudge towards STIs/STDs check-up.
Stuff like HPV, herpes happens to people all the time.. even to those who have not reached sexual maturity and/or never been sexually active.

Points like these (above one/s) can help bring multiple sides on the table and/or common ground.
(That STI/STD check-ups does not necessarily imply that the person has them. Or that these happen ONLY because of sexual contact.)

P.S.: Most (almost all) of the Trisomy 21/ Down syndrome cases generally do not have a hereditary component (passed from parent to child through the genes).
‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏But even if one percent of the reported cases (of Down syndrome) have some hereditary causes, then it is good enough justification/ precaution for the screening of the biological parents and maybe even the rent-a-womb surrogate.
Generous Generous
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Kya bhasad chal rahi hai yaha ? Hame to fresh item chahiye..jitne bhi ho chalega.. neutral_face

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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App mahagyani , vidvan, buddhiman, tapasvi, charitravan logo ke beech me na boliye toh hi acha hai.

Kripiya apne choti aur sidhi sadhi kshetre me hi rahe.

Ayantha apko Garud puran ke anusar uchit dand diya jayga.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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original poster did not mention his age/ possible spouse age , whether arranged marriage or love marraige). whether they are having already enjoying "live in relationship " benefits 😉

In south as a traditional practice-boys marry paternal side aunty's daughter / girls marry maternal side Uncle's son. 

I will say while starting the research we have to find who the patners of prospective father in law/ mother in law's ( It is not incest but genetic disorders to your own offspring's is a possibilty) if your inlaws married with in cousins and their offspring your future patrner may carry genetic disorder possibilities.

when I was young and foolish and had made much $$ while abroad, (after live in relationships with other nationalities abroad aside), was trying to marry/shopping for a young poor but pretty same caste same tongue bride and had a crazy idea of a pre-nup. But did not go down the path. but asking for a medical check up may offend as same as asking for a prenup (eiether boy/girl  is much richer than the opposite ). (but psychiatric disorders in men/women can be masked with medication but will show up in serious testing )

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Who did you end up marrying if didn't go down that path? Asking for future decision.

Generous Generous
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Even if you asked, you'd never know where to draw the line! 

mean genetic screen is itself a lot of tests, add to it metabolic disorder screen, infection screen this itself is a few thousand ₹ already., moreover, marriage is built over trust as foundation. 

But whom you should 'trust" & lay the 'foundation'? ;there's no test for that... 

Benevolent Benevolent
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Yes it is important & like marriage registration,premarital health check-up like this should be made compulsory.It will help prevent various diseases,most importantly,genetic disorders.Besides that,more awareness should be raised about disastrous effects of inbreeding.

Having said that, passing even such a beneficial law is a difficult task as there are few people who are lifetime protestors & they have to oppose every single thing under the sun.These fools would do all sort of nautanki,tamasha,drama & clownery,blocking roads and screaming their lungs out to slogans like "My body,My choice","My Privacccy Matters" and whatnot just to oppose such law. sweat_smile

But yeah,that law should pe passed.Kudos for raising such gravely important issue! Vu +Kg  plus1

Hunk Hunk
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now a days people are asking for employment/income proofs each other for their safety because of many fraud cases so don't see any issue in asking/going through these test also.

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