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Is Time Really Passing Too Fast Now?

Deal Cadet

Ever since 2020, it feels like years have passed within weeks' time. I can't possibly explain this in words, but for some reason, time has been passing a bit too fast. Before I realized, my graduation was completed and I became a working individual, someone who would seem a grown-up to the person I was before the lockdown. Festivals don't seem to make me happy now, and neither does having friends and going out with anyone...everything seems normal and everything goes by before I can process anything on my mind. Is it just me? I can't feel any emotions like I used to, is it something that all grown-ups go through/suffer with? 

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Comrade Comrade
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For a day do not touch electronic gadgets close tv, mobile, computer and see time will be slow down for you. ( only do this if you want time to slow down)

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Ever since 2020, it feels like years have passed within weeks' time. I can't possibly explain this in words, but for some reason, time has been passing a bit too fast. Before I realized, my graduation was completed and I became a working individual, someone who would seem a grown-up to the person I was before the lockdown. Festivals don't seem to make me happy now, and neither does having friends and going out with anyone...everything seems normal and everything goes by before I can process anything on my mind. Is it just me? I can't feel any emotions like I used to, is it something that all grown-ups go through/suffer with? 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Hello SG,

Firstly, much appreciate and thank you for sharing your emotions and being vulnerable.
It DOES give that community bonding feel, to be able to open up, listen, be heard.

You certainly are not alone in such things.
Many (if not all) of us go through phases in life and reflect differently on things at different stages in life.

May be you read a book or listened to a story ten years back and when you revisit the same today.. there is a different perspective to it.
Likewise, a book, a story or some personal experience that really puts your 🧠mind through its paces
.. May not do so five decades from now.. when you have been through it all.. OR (when) your priorities have changed.

I mean.. reflect on y/our own teenage years or even now.. when romantic relationships are often dictated by hormones, libido.
Whereas in your seventies, eighties it might more be about companionship, getting to spend the days together with a close-one and talking about daily routine or bonding over shared past.
Wingman Wingman
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If we don't have memories to remember, we feel like days/weeks/years are empty.. which makes us feel time moving fast

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Commentator Commentator
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At some stage in life, now I think everyone feel this specially men

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Maybe it's true...but this "stage of life" has been going on for me since 2020, and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
Vanguard Vanguard
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Same here

Comrade Comrade
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For a day do not touch electronic gadgets close tv, mobile, computer and see time will be slow down for you. ( only do this if you want time to slow down)

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I agree. Its because of we being addicted to electronic gadgets since covid period i.e. 2020. Before that, very few people had that addiction.

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Wingman Wingman
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If we don't have memories to remember, we feel like days/weeks/years are empty.. which makes us feel time moving fast

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I would have had many memories from 2020-2023 since many things (best and worst) happened during this time. But I literally can't remember any of them well. It's like a faded memory of events, I know about them in parts, but I can't remember them fully, can't even remember what those moments felt like when I was living them. 
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Here 10 years passed and it seems like yesterday

We are so involved in this world of Rat Race that we don't pay heed to our precious time and always stuck in mundane things meanwhile time passes by without telling us.

You feel no emotion, most of us don't, why?

One of reason may be -

We see news/movies about murder/rape/all kinds of crime while having our snacks with all the taste with full comfort of seating. Next day we forget all, and continue daily routine , and repeat the same.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Or maybe we are current victims of such crimes, who knows?🌚🌝
Deal's Advocate Deal's Advocate
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You are not alone smile

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It feels good and bad at the same time to know this😅
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Generous Generous
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Sadly same here pensive pensive

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Feel free to share anything with everyone here, this community is very supportive. 
Post Mogul Post Mogul
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I understand what you feel. There are days when all of us would go through this. Maybe our struggles would not be like yours but we have all struggled one way or another.

If you can't find it in you to go see a therapist (not saying you need one), The way I see is for you to build a schedule. Include 4-5 days a week of 1/2 hr exercise. Healthy and timely meals, some sport - any sport or board game even (not digital preferably). If situations allow, some talk time with friends, preferably not talking work or gossip.

Most importantly, make a half hour or an hour of meditation where you don't use anything digital. You simply meditate. And an activity right before bed - write down 4 words/lines (hand written preferred) - one good thing that you did today for yourself, for others and for your family each. And one good thing that happened for you today. Some days you see nothing good happened, just write that you managed to wake up today - 1/4 of a million people didn't make it today for whatever reason.

Find some moments alone that feel just lonely and glum, try listening to sadguru and Sandeep maheshwari and other motivational speakers.

These things all help a little bit, believe in yourself, in good, in whatever God you believe in, in nature, and that "Even this will pass"

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I really think this will help, meditation has helped a lot of people, and I have always neglected my health. Also, that activity that you mentioned is surely good too. Will try and keep doing these things for as long as possible. 
Thank you so much!!
Benevolent Benevolent
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This is happening to me since a year before covid started. The last 5-6 years I have lived in like a month it seems to me.  Seems totally wasted time to me. Because of this realisation I have decided to make the most of my time from 2024. Also to make up for the “lost” 5-6 years I have decided to retire 5 years late. Feels really weird that it has happened. Before 5-6 years all was going well. It all started few months to a year before covid. And since covid hit it became worse. I feel like I’ll have to take control now or next 20-30 years might pass in a moment if I do not change something drastically. Also the realisation hit about a month ago only. Till then I was in a different world it seems 🤷‍♂️

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Do you think you are doing well in your career? 
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It's about generation to generation thinking..

My Dad and Many 60's uncle thought after 1995 the years are goes like a days

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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True, it would really depend on the generation we are part of. 
Specialist Specialist
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As you travel in a moving train the speed with which the trees move backwards depends

on the train's speed .The speed with which time flies depends on the comfort zone you are in.

Obviously If you are passing through a tough phase you feel like time is standing still.

It picks speed as you are enjoying life.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I really don't know if you would call it enjoying life when you can't process your emotions. But if this is what it is, I think it's good then. 
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Global Warming is really dangerous.. It rotates earth like muthiah muralidaran used to spin the ball in old days😂

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Is it really true?? Idk if global warming has anything to do with it

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To me, Every day pass like a hurricane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entertainer Entertainer
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You might be an anxious and impatient kind of person, that's why time flying for you. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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So, should I change myself? Is something wrong with being anxious?
Entertainer Entertainer
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If you do the same things everyday, when you look back, time really seems like it went fast.

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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It's 4G and 5G waves that might be burning our brain cells... reached the pinnacle of innovation now the end awaits.... what can I say more... lost everything and all since covid started, now I realize, no words to speak of...

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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इतने निराशवादी हो जायेंगे आप..
..तो औरों को कैसे हिम्मत देंगे¿
अभी भी बहुत कुछ है आप के पास🙂।
जीवन इसी (कालचक्र) का नाम है।

यदि आप का ह्रदय पुनः आहत न हो,
तो आप अपनी व्यथा हम सब से सांझा कर सकते हैं (की ऐसा क्या हो गया कोविड-१९ आने के पश्चात)।
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@SakataGintoki I guess Life is no more a mystery

Its afterall an organic matter(living), now most of the sensitive people with even a tiny bit of contemplating power must have subconsciously realised about life;s futility after seeing lakhs of people perishing suddenly to an unseen power (virus)

That, how much we sanitise or discipline ourselves (food habits, exercise, medication) the power of life is beyond our reach

We were made to accumulated in a particular form in this present consciousness by natural or universal energies and random laws..

and that accumulation of cells and matter can be disintegrated by the same natural or even un-natural or man made forces

Moreover, we are questioning the futilty of the modern goals of an economically liberated society..viz,
Learn, earn & yearn

Pro Coupon Hunter Pro Coupon Hunter
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It's not the time that is passing quickly.

It is actually the "habit of passing time" that all of us have developed during lockdown period.

Very relatable post brother. Thanks for posting. Kg+

Critic Critic
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There is no such thing as time.

What you call Time is just an illusion.

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Relative theory of Einstein

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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What you value the most appears to be going away the fastest. Time isn't a factor when we are kids, but the older we are, the more we feel it slipping away.

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I am also thinking time is running very fast.

Diwali gone too can't believe 

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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That’s exactly me since a year and half now

Commentator Commentator
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Feeling same

Wingman Wingman
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do a minute plank and see that watch slow the heck down

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Because the whole of India is getting faster at acquiring money and materialistic things. A peaceful life is looked down upon and everyone's in a hurry.

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