Is varanasi still considered holy.

Brand Enthusiast

Dont jump to conclusions and stamp me and hijack this discussion to religious wars, my sincere request

I have been to this recently all alone. (Again not tired of life or have any personal problems) and stayed there for 9 days. 

The old varanasi with very narrow alleys reminded me of my childhood villages. The construction, the architecture is very similar of my 200yrs old house in my village.That connected me well with this town(?).

The ppl are good, very helpful, dont fight( even if some tourists loses their cool) atleast with tourists. The sweets, food is great. Madanpura reminded me the 70years back old hyderabad and some buildings there will definitely remind me the golconda fort entrances where the soldiers live.

All good.

Now the ganga and its dharmik darshan.

The mornings 🌄 are great and sunset mesmerizes. In between is our human life that i felt not so good.

The under water pipes from lodges, hotels directly leave dirt to ganga where we do holy dips.

The darshan of any temple did not give me any religious peace ( i went multiple times to each of these) and kind of reminded me grunts & groan of any city. The ghat walks in early morning and late nights did give some mind peace. ( but night walks sometimes witness the other cultural ppl doing their stuff).

The ghats & names show that its once in history was considered holy and muscle man had their own way to take holy dips.

Overall, its now history and holy and peaceful dips are farfetched.

Ppl should visit at 40 & 50 and not st 70 & 80 as ppl atleast in my place used to believe.

It tells me how humans can destory the nature.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Realistic review of a place you visited.

But their is much more that you could have observed. This is just first impression of the city and you need to stay atleast a year or visit multiple times there to learn something new everyday.

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Right. I tried to interact more with locals from my known corners.

Religious front they say many and from a daily life perspective i did not gather much.

But curious to know if you or some dimers have much more to say.

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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This earth has never seen a population (of humans) like today before. 

Even with technology we would be able to solve the pollution problem and logistical problems.

But that peace part is only gonna diminish as more and more people surround each other.

So rather than holy or unholy we are in a stage of a cycle which would end soon. When the planet collapses then all cities will get destroyed alike and a new world would come. 

Note- Last para is just a philosophy, neither can I prove it nor disprove it. 

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Holy, peace etc are more of abstract and vary. But yes agree with destruction part. 

The earth has not seen this population and another new world are what we believe and we dont know how many such cycles have passed.

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@playdime - I understand what you are trying to say. With population explosion and no control over how many humans could reside on a given square meter of land, forget about a holy place like Varanasi, even the hill stations, beaches have lost the 'calmness/peace of mind' they used to provide some 20-25 years ago.

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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in next 20 years india is well on its track to become the most populous country of the world 

india with 2Billion will be = almost 2x the population of china then

good luck to people of india if you are reading this in year 2045

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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India is already the most populous country but I think you meant most populous country and with a wide margin. 

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Comrade Comrade
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Why specifically varanasi? Any ways, I will try to explain. A holy city or a place where people do their rituals and meditation to connect with the  ( here it is Shiv) dont get cached in looks like old style village vs a modern place. People belive that this place Varanasi is on the त्रिशूल of Lord Shiva , so literally means not on the Earth. Try visiting some ancient मठ or find a peaceful place , sit down and do meditation , feel the peace and connection with supreem.

"The under water pipes from lodges, hotels directly leave dirt to ganga where we do holy dips." This is a problem not only of the city but many of rivers.  I was there in 1995 and  situation was more or less same you are pointing out today.

"The darshan of any temple did not give me any religious peace"

Thats a personal experience, can not comment.

Generous Generous
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every city has its own exp. , even if holy varanasi has its own exp. , good or bad depends on person to person but its still unique;

my take

-the local food is awesome (do try longlata, jalebi ,varanasi chat ,thandai lassi ,PAAN)

-nearby sarnath also worth visit (ashook charka our national emblem is placed there)

-boat safari to all ghats ,teach u glimpse of all of life from bonr to death

-night arati is spectucular and very spritual 

-reg. temple also consider in your list the temples at sarnath (peace enviroment), vindhyachali devi temple in nearby city of mirzapur, sankatmochan tample on tuesday in varanasi , inside BHU too there is a temple very very peace

-and god is everywhere mate ,inisde the temple and outsede the temple .. u just need to be spritual enough to feel it

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When was the last time you felt better in Varanasi?

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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This is my first & only visit

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