Malaysia travel plan

Deal Subedar

Friend is planning for Malaysia with family of 3 for 3 nights and 4 days and asking for suggestions

Flight is already booked.Any best deals or trusted travels who can book hotels and cabs at affordable rates.

Places to visit in Malaysia other than main attractions and any better travels in chennai or online

7 Dimers
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OP mentioned that flights are already booked so need to wait for others to share info on accommodation and places to visit..

saw this video recently and the travels name is Kepler but unfortunately they don't have a Malaysia package in their site but your friend may try contacting them to check, other would be thomascook

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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For places to visit, best is to watch Youtube video and google search. There is plenty of information on it.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I have contact of a local travel agent (Very trusted one) you may check with him for hotel deals if you want. PM me for details. for visiting places info google is best. 

Just saw in another thread, one dimer is also working as travel agent. -

Generous Generous
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We book hotels on price beat strategy of your lowest final amount Screenshot.

Ping or DM

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Nobody can match my prices for hotel bookings

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