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Nestle Ceralac controversy: Nestle adds Sugars to Products in India but Not in Europe.

Deal Captain

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Critic Critic
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This is the reason why India is now the Cancer captial of the world.

Among few other reasons

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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This is not the direct reason but Products like these are responsible for deterioration of health & immunity.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I think it is mainly related to taste buds. Indians eat too much sugar in their sweets as compared to western counterpart. Also people now are getting conscious about their health and thus started reading ingredients and it is good. Also recipes varies from available local ingredient. For eg. Cold drink companies use high fructose corn syrup in america but india/africa/mexico etc. use cane sugar and thus result in different taste. On youtube americans admitted cane sugar cold drink tastes better.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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In the past decade or so, EVERYthing is projected as India versus rest of the world. Such headlines or titles are no exception.
However and Public Eye have claimed that the conglomerate is doing this in almost all the markets which it sees as 'poorer countries'.
I am not denying your observations of the taste buds,preferences we (Indians) have.
And my own mother makes me want to bang my head on a rock, every time she adds sugar or jaggery to her glass of milk.

But none of this justifies the overages in 'baby food', infant formula.
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Not just India but all the markets it sees as poorer countries.

The bigger scandal and inhumane violation of baby's right to mother's milk was propagated by these rascals way back when they spread to Africa and elsewhere. Can see this video 07:29 onwards

Nestle are perhaps THE largest company in such segments and formula (baby food) is one of its cash cows.

It is easier to sell high sugar, high salt foods in poorer markets and everyone knows this.
Nestle at one point was known to intentionally violate the laws in India too.
They were penalised under the Standard of Weights and Measures Act, 1976.

The act had provision for 'tolerance' of N percentage (I think 2% or 3%).

So if instead of 100grams, something is less than that but within the 'tolerance' limits, it was not punishable.

These buggers (Nestle) intentionally set Nescafe and other coffee packing machines to fill less than the printed grammage
but without violating the tolerance limits.
(They intentionally filled less coffee than the weight the packs were supposed to be.)

Somehow, someone leaked these details or a whistleblower had ensured that the law catches up.

They paid the penalty after loosing the cases at multiple levels, but otherwise are shameless group.

Just like the mafia ensures illegal palm plantations in Malaysia, Indonesia.. by cutting aways millions of acres of rainforests

same way in countries like Napaakistan, Nestle had worked with corrupt officials to usurp almost all of the subsoil water.

It might have been slightly under control in the past 4-5 years but even then, bottled water of Nestle is sold at exorbitant prices in Napaakistan.

Although it is not like I never consume their noodles or other products,
but given a choice, I give my business to Amul rather than Nestle, Danone.

[Revenuewise, milk and milk products wise..🦾Amul💪🏻 is half the size of Nestle DESPITE the latter having its tentacles in ALL countries.. while Amul barely exports to a few.]
Critic Critic
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This is the reason why India is now the Cancer captial of the world.

Among few other reasons

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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This is not the direct reason but Products like these are responsible for deterioration of health & immunity.

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Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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I read this news yesterday, was waiting for someone to post on desidime. Thank you smile

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Our life is ruled by 2 industries, Pharma and Food and they run hand in hand. 

Benevolent Benevolent
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Bdw i just checked it says 8gm added sugar in 100gm. Which is not much. Kids stay very active which they can easily burn. Just Don't over feed it.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Unfortunately THIS is exactly how things are normalised or made acceptable (by being unawares or sometimes sweeping the muck BELOW the carpet.)

Just because it is legal in all countries
does not make sugar any less habit forming (addictive) and prone to be misused for triggering the "dopamine rush"
than cocaine, heroin, to an extent psychedelics (mushrooms and stuff).

It thus goes BEYOND a single dose of sugar or its topical impact.

Their 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 (🧠reward center🧠) f̳o̳r̳ e̳x̳a̳m̳p̳l̳e̳ t⃨h⃨e⃨ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐦 is already 'tuned' to seeking (and seeing) sugars as the quick fix.
And just like with any other such drugs, the individual sinks deeper and deeper in the quagmire.
Even those not clinically diagnosed with depression or otherwise seemingly fit, ebd up consuming ever increasing amounts of sugars as a coping mechanism to fight any stress or trauma too.

The person might be doing this in their thirties and forties, but training the brain started off post birth itself.
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Entertainer Entertainer
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Saw food farmer video 5 min ago plus1

Generous Generous
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yes yes eat sugar , be fit

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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People are not worried about applying haldi paste to new born, or feeding neem paste to infants, or pouring oil into ears/nose.

But yes sugar the basic energy molecule is definitely mighty dangerous

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I am heavily buying Nestle India equities as its a good opportunity to enter at every correction level. 

Deal Brigadier Deal Brigadier
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The game is simple when govt made airbags priority & swiftly enacted laws then car manufacturers made it available to masses in india

The 1st to blame are we the people who vote for pathetic leaders + govt &  basically show our own arshes to get pucked

The 2nd to blame is GOVT of India which disregards public heath interests & knowing fully enacts weak regulations by taking bribe from companies  & letting companies pock the arshes of people of india

The 3rd to blame is nestle which has been pocking the asrses of 3rd world countries like india & africa since ages with the blessings of respective govts of course

Benevolent Benevolent
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Added Sugar: Nestle 8.7% ; Amul 18%

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Everybody conveniently ignored this comment.

18% is not more than 8% when the company is Indian.

Shh.. don't talk about Amul

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But Supreme Kotha will remain silent on this

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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Bhai there has to be some complainant for a matter to reach SC.

SC hardly takes suo moto for food-related public health matters until extensive media coverage which doesn't happen in India . Media is occupied with elections . 

And even if they take it up, there are no guidelines which prohibit adding sugar so what would they discuss after all.

This issue would be dealt by FSSAI guidelines .

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Generous Generous
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I was fed that Nestle shit for decades before I found many discrepancies, first starting with their maggie adulteration (and it wasn't just once) and every doctors I personally know have confirmed that maggie affects harmfully to a kid/teens body. 

By now, it's clear as day that Nestle is an outright evil corporation practicing numerous harmful to deadly business practices and investments and they don't see people/kids of colour as human beings.

If PoCs STILL continue to support corporations like this after seeing Amitabh bachchan and other celebrities endorsing these then they can just go to h__l.

Deal Brigadier Deal Brigadier
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Bhai Nestle ne electoral bonds nhi liye kya 

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Babaji ka Shraap hain. Waise bhi Nestle koi dudh ka dhula company nhi hain. smile.
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I love Nestle. Come what may they will invent new formulation. 

Generous Generous
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So you love and support all the evil works a european corporation is doing around the world for decades and especially not sparing a crap to your own people's babies?

Evil much.

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Not true...they make unhealthy product everywhere

In few product, new age brands market processed food as no sugar but they add malitol, oligosaccharides, maltose, maltodextrin, HFCS

All are equally/more or slightly less better than sugar. These should be consumed ocassionally in limited quantity.

Whenever you buy products read the label and do due diligence.

And please stop giving boost, Horlicks, bornvita etc. to your kids

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Food laws are not strict in India. Hence companies indulge in such practices 

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