Online health training/weight loss.

Deal Newbie

Dear team, 

You guys have helped me a lot in a lot of situations. Here I am again asking for help. I am 82 kgs and 6 feet. I am just at optimum BMI. I know BMI doesn't matter in the long run but just for reference. My job keeps me away from home most of the time. And this joining a gym is not practical. I am in hotels atleast 10 days a month. Is there a service that provides online training for body weight loss? I haven't checked out healthify me yet. Is it any good? Is it cost effective?  I need to come down to 73-75 in the next three months. And tone by body along the way. Please don't suggest self workouts, as I have already tried them and didn't work. Do you guys know anyone who is giving this service? Someone who is flexible with timings?. Please help. 

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Generous Generous
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Cocumber & Watermelon Juice




Fruit Apple + Sweet Lemon


Roasted chana

Rosted Corn/Maze

Green Moong & Gram Sprout

Chana & Toor Dal Rice Khichdi


10 Dimers
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Calorie restriction is by far the most important factor. Everything else is secondary. Various ways to achieve it but usually the one that is the least disruptive will be the most sustainable in the long run. Stay away from fad diets. 

Cardio is quite helpful and resistance training further accelerates shedding excess weight. I haven't seen the inside of a gym ever (which will be corrected next year if time permits ) but just working out at home (mostly bodyweight exercises and minimal equipment ) was enough to result in a noticeably better physique. 

After walking and jogging (indoors) a few thousand kms over the last 3 years I finally started jogging outdoors 10 days back and in surprisingly quick time my body has adapted to it's rigours. 

Generous Generous
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Cocumber & Watermelon Juice




Fruit Apple + Sweet Lemon


Roasted chana

Rosted Corn/Maze

Green Moong & Gram Sprout

Chana & Toor Dal Rice Khichdi


Entertainer Entertainer
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Yes there are online services, like cult , etc

Comrade Comrade
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No Online service can Help you.

1. start eating at more intervals (instead of current 3 meals a day, just adjust and make 6-7 meals a day with small portions)
2. Buy small plate (it will make ur food look bigger and u eat less, just psychological thing)
3. Start eating Fiber rich fruits often it keeps u full and eat only when u feel hungry
4. Dont eat after 6pm and 8 am
5. Eat Flax seeds, pumpkinseeds, pista, Chia seeds, Almonds (just spoon each a day)

Coming to toning part
Do pushups, squats, plank and if possible go for a run

Commentator Commentator
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I was 82.5 kg in April 2023. Now 73kg. I was able to reduce to 75kg with calorie control and no exercise. After exercise (started a month ago) now I'm 72.5 to 73.5 kg consistently. I can't go to gym. I workout at home with dumbbells, bar (a basic setup I bought online). My waist decreased from 40 to 38.5 after starting exercise. I do basic exercises along with 30 kg deadlift. You can buy elastic bands to workout at hotels too. 7kg in 3 months is aggressive. Simply starving yourself is not going to help. You feel hungry and your cells start starving for "energy" too. I don't have any trainer. But I suggest try this

Edit: It's not true that online services won't help. If you don't have good knowledge on nutrition, exercise etc have a trainer if you can afford. Don't do deadlifts if you are not confident of yourself and if you have no prior gym experience. You may injure yourself. Walking or running is not in my routine.  I stopped sweets COMPLETELY. I still eat fruits whenever I want and drink Orange or mixed fruit juice from tetra packs every day
(200 ml). All the best.

Trailblazer Trailblazer
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For 6 feet height 82 is not much weight

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Weight control/loss contribution is 75-80% diet and 20-25 % physical activity.  Physical activity is second priority and can be easily achieved by playing your liked sport say TT or badminton or swimming etc. Sports are the best physical activity when compared to boring gym or exercises atleast for me. Only thing is you need time. Instead of spending 1 hr in gym spend same time playing TT or shuttle with your friends, You'll enjoy at the same time achieve your target.

Secondly diet. This is most important. If you are strict here, all the above suggestions are not required actually. You need to have a calorie monitor. Don't bother about whether you have to eat this or that.. Anything other than water adds calories to your body. So to reduce weight simple funda is reduce eating food or eat less calories in a day by skipping big meals like lunch or dinner. Start by skipping one big meal (By skipping I mean completely skip don't replace with anything).This is similar to Intermittent fasting. You'll see wonderful results in few months. Personally tried, suggested and seen results. After all Health is Wealth 

Benevolent Benevolent
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op is 10 days in hotel due to work. @Ash-D tell him best alternatives as per his situation
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@Stardeals can help you

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