Paytm still using dirty games

Deal Cadet
Friends despite RBI taking cloths out of Paytm team they are still not ready to improve. No customer care working. No options to close account working. No option at all to close Paytm bussiness account. Should not RBI close Paytm so that other banking units may learn from it.
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Because they are stripped too much and now they are freezing and dont have any energy to even stand lol xD joke xD

well jokes apart, thats why they got punished they wont improve lol:) not only paytm every service in banking industry is easy to get but hard to close:) 

most of the banks say, like you can open account online but for closing you have to visit branch with written paper loooool

thats how they are designed, this financial system is designed in such a way to perk the financial service companies not consumers xDDD 

so no use complaining xD just check if Paytm kiosk or something is around you place and visit it

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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What are you saying, I closed my federal bank account just buy messaging customer support

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Missing good old days 

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