RBI Ombudsman vs SBICard CIBIL Late payment reporting

Deal Cadet

Dimers Please share if anyone have succeeded in removing the late payment in CIBIL with SBICard. Also please share other bank/card succesful stories.

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Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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if it was rightly reported as late payment then forget about it. it's not getting removed no matter what you do
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Bill was generated on 21st, received refund from merchant after few days. Raised a excess credit refund request and due amount is adjusted in that request automatically. After that outstanding amount is zero, so I thought my bill is paid. But apps like cred, paytm keep on spamming me with bill overdue notification. I got some doubt and paid the due amount again on 14th of next month, due date is 10th.

As per RBI guidelines merchant refunds should be considered as payments, which SBICard failed to follow. Any chances of late payment removal?

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Same happened with me. I took this matter thru SBI card app, customer service. the all charges were reversed. But still fighting for rewards points and milestone benefits. Due to their system bug we are the victims. My cibil is also hit but I hope it will be updated in near future ( earlier I have experienced with icici card). And if not updated than I will take this matter with SBI cards .
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