Ro water purifier under 10k

I am looking for a Ro water purifier under 10000.
Which needs less repair and replacement.
I live in a village so agent visit is very difficult.

If someone is using and liking the taste and service please suggest.
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KENT will be better option . 

Trailblazer Trailblazer
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Bought kent ro for 9k in last sale from fk.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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May not necessarily be like the conventional reverse osmosis based filteration systems which retail everywhere, but the tech which BARC has developed too is good enough and many private businesses have incorporated it in their products.

☛☞(BARC developed an economical solution, with the commoners in mind.)☜☚

The above link is just 'one' (of the many) examples.
BARC also has a concept of human powered one, where a normal bicycle is put on some elevated 'stand' and the person rotating the wheels (the person cycling on the stationary cycle)... powers the water filteration systems or the clothes washer and so on.

There are companies (example: 3M, Hitachi) that make and sell effective solutions and standalone parts to even assemble one's own water filteration system too.

As in, agreed that you might be in a small semi-urban or even a rural place.. but still there are always possibilities of people/technicians or oneself putting together some contraption like in the above video.
Also, CKD (completely knocked down) kits or semi/ partially assembled kits of these things are readily available in markets too.
(Basically an unbranded, assembled R.O. plus U.V. plus charcoal/ activated carbon filteration system).

Many generic brands themselves start off by marketing such kits. Meaning they simply trade in the thing, just like hoe Syska, Eveready, Havells and others trade in other electronics (without having any manufacturing themselves, and sometimes relying on imports only).

While I myself abhor brands like Kent, even if I did not (despise Kent), the fact still remains that for 5/6 stage (filteration) systems sold by them/other big brands,
even if the caper (capital expenditure) seems in budget, the opex (operational expenditure).. the ongoing service and proprietary spares, replacement parts might lead to rather high (day to day) operational expenses.

I am not necessarily suggesting the MBR technology for your specific use case scenario or for small scale of operations, but ☟such☟ membrane bio-reactor processes are COMMONLY used in industrial applications.

From day one of its opening to its patrons, Burj Khalifa used ☟such☟ MBRs from Hitachi group.
They use ☟these☟ to convert the 💩poop rich sewage ... into the water which one sees pouring out of the artistic fountains in and around the main building.

If implemented for that purpose, MBR solutions can even give potable water.
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