Sinusitis - Sinus Infection


Have you ever suffered from this ?? 😒

How you got rid from it ?? ✌️

Please share your experience 🙏🏻

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I was suffering from this since childhood for almost 12 years , tried every medicine allopathy, homoeopathy, ayurvedic, but effective only for few days and again same condition

From the time I started using ghee made at home from cow milk

Daily at night I heat the ghee and once it's slightly warm I use drip nozzle and pour 2-3 drops of slight warm ghee in both of my nostrils

Since then I have stopped any medication.

The only thing I noticed with sinus is you have to keep your nostrils moisturized always and avoid dairy products like khoya, paneer

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I was suffering from this since childhood for almost 12 years , tried every medicine allopathy, homoeopathy, ayurvedic, but effective only for few days and again same condition

From the time I started using ghee made at home from cow milk

Daily at night I heat the ghee and once it's slightly warm I use drip nozzle and pour 2-3 drops of slight warm ghee in both of my nostrils

Since then I have stopped any medication.

The only thing I noticed with sinus is you have to keep your nostrils moisturized always and avoid dairy products like khoya, paneer

Post Emperor Post Emperor
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So what is like having this condition? Symptoms ?

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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Go to a good ENT SPECIALIST,

Seek his advice once,

In the meantime, try ayurvedic Home treatment along with proper exercise.

Benevolent Benevolent
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Do Pranayama , Check Youtube Videos On How To Do Perfectly...

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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My aunt has it. Nothing helps, she just lives with it sad

Blogger Blogger
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My Problem :- 

It all started this Holi. I don't know exactly how it started, but AFAIR I had Cold (Cough and Running Nose) some days before, may be 7-8 days before holi, The cold got relieved with getting nose blocking and day by day nose cleaning. But maybe in between this process of relief i made some mistakes which should be avoided ( 1) Maybe some Forced Breath on blocked nose 2)Eating Icecream at night 3)Some foods that should not be taken at night in cough) that worsen the ongoing cough. 

On 23 March i faced its symptomatic pain first time, it was mild but due to it i was unable to see( open my eyes). Next day in morning it started again and then i called my Brother (Dentist) , he suggested to take a medicine and rest,but no relief. In Noon it got very severe( I was in continuous pain in my forehead (above my left eye) and was continuously weeping ( tears from eyes due to pain) No relief. 

Same started again next day, and in the Noon i visited my Homeopathic Doctor. Got little relief that day but ,

Next Day - 25 March ( Holi ) it started again and it was more severe than previous day and due to holi holiday i have suffered that full day.

Next Day visited the same doctor again with severe pain, he gave some two to three liquid medicines in his clinic within 15 minutes interval and asked me for relief. I said the pain is like moving and moving in that area but no relief. Then he said take rest. I asked him what is the reason for this problem - He said , it can be because of problem of Sinus. (Till that day i was unaware and didn't knew anything about Sinus) 😒

Blogger Blogger
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To be continued...

After coming from Doctor's clinic, On that day when after sometime the pain got reduced then i googled  about Sinus and found that it takes time(minimum 2-3 weeks was showing everywhere) to recover from sinus even with medications. Then i got to understand the situation and tried to makeup my mind for it that it will take time to recover and no Magic will happen quickly. Then i found some home remedies, ( Selected One from them, Taken Precautions on What to eat/not, Followed that remedy daily, and lastly left everything on God) and after it i got recovered gradually from it after 20-30 Days Completely. 

This was my first round of it. (23 March - 15/20 April) but..

Unfortunately soon after recovering from it, in some days i again got Catched by Cold (running nose & cough) but this time again cold got reduced day by day and this time cough also got reduced. So due to Summer i started taking cold items little bit(neither too cold nor daily). And i got it again by my own mistakes. And suffering from second round of it. 

Second round - (14 May - Present).

14 - It was moderate, 15 - mild, 16 - moderate, 17 - moderate, 18 - Severe, 19 & Today - mild to zero. (Again started same remedy+precautions). 

But i want to completely remove it and Overcome from it. So thought to share my problem & experience here and also seeking Dimers Suggestions and Experience. 

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Watch this might help

Hunk Hunk
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I have been facing this for the last 24-25 years and I have tried so many treatments and couldn't find a permanent solution for this. You can only control it if you take some precautions like avoid cold drinks, curd, sauces especially at night time,  avoid eating rice and kadhi at night and always prefer haldi rice.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Yes sometimes in winter 

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Consult a reputed experienced MD Homeopathic Doctor for permanent cure 

Cure in 3-6-12 month depends on how your body respond 

Have Self Control and Strong Will Power with Positive Mindset

Allopathy will worse your conditions

Blogger Blogger
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Thanks for advice. Much appreciated +KG. I am also thinking the same. 

The clinic i visited for my problem also has reputed doctor. But that day there was Doctor's Son present, he is also good doctor (He once cured my Severe Typhoid when his father was unable to do that) but as far as experience is concerned ,Yes, his father -  is Very Reputed and Experienced Doctor. I have to never visited any other Doctor in my life till now because of him but this time i got very disappointed. 

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Pancharma mein nasya karvao nd ghee ya anu oil dalo regular rat ko 

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I have felt the same symptoms so I can understand how frustrating and painful it becomes. In the past I used to go to general physician for cold/ fever and with the normal antibiotics(Azithromycin most common) I used to get better. At that time neither the doctor told nor I knew that the sinus infection was the main reason for my symptoms but later the symptoms started becoming more often and severe and it became unbearable for me so I visited a senior ENT doctor.

            The doctor examined and told me about sinus infection and did CT scan to know about the specific reason. The deviated septum(the deviation was 3mm) was the reason leading to sinus being congested. He prescribed me antibiotics(7 day), Anti-allergy medicine(30 days) and decongestant, the treatment worked for me. After this, I started gathering more information about sinus infection so that the same thing doesn't happen again.

       I found that due to not getting the required Sinus treatment on time, the Sinus infection got converted to allergy so every time I used to get cold/fever then I would have severe headache and nose will get blocked. Also, when coming in contact with certain allergens(like oily food/cold food/pollution, etc. varies from person to person) the body was triggering the immune response and hence the symptoms again. For this anti allergy medicine helped and for some months kept a check on what I was eating like not consuming cold items in the night, minimising the oily food, etc.

       Another reason was weak immunity and not completing the full medicine course during fever/cold due to which infection was occuring more often and body was taking more time to fight infection. So I also worked on improving immunity.

      Another thing which I started was Jal neti which has also helped a lot of people and in our ancient culture it use to be the part of daily practice to clean the nasal passage same as we brush our teeth daily. It took care of deviated septum issue due to which nasal passage was not getting drained and sinuses were getting blocked.

         So, managing allergy, improving immunity and Jal neti worked in my case. Now, Jal neti has become part of my routine and I don't have the allergy issue so no restriction on consuming cold/oily food but still I prefer them less. The Sinus infection doesn't happens and even if it happens once a year or so then the symptoms are minor and it gets healed quickly.

       You can also try Jal neti but if you are currently suffering from a sinus infection then don't start jal neti now, visit ENT doctor and wait for your nose to get decongested. After that order neti pot from amazon and Search on youtube on how to do it.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Actually its the immunity that cure human body and not the medicine directly
medicines (homeopathy) only trigger the immunity to cure

Best way is to keep your immunity active and you will never need any medicine
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Try to get rid of sinus using saline spray and salt gargle. Try to use vaporizer. If nothing works then you may need antibiotics from doctor 

Helpful Helpful
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My problem started with covid infection. I omce sneeze and all starts. Mostly in morning once is get up from laying position. 

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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