Quantum teleportation transforms transportation

Deal Subedar

Unimaginable Quantum Teleportation technology will allow humans to reach different cities on earth instantly, in a blink of an eye.

You can go for higher studies from Navi Mumbai to New York City and return home daily without the expense of accomodation.

You can enjoy Nordic nations and feel the warmth of your home in Chennai daily.

You can explore the extreme Atacama desert and refresh yourself in Bali daily.

You can reach office from home and vice-versa instantly daily.

Current knowledge lags on how to achieve teleportation as portrayed in TV series such as Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc. despite the understanding of physics.

With some fascinating developments in quantum physics and unraveling of quantum computing suggest a different type of teleportation may be possible in the future.

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Teleporter invented??

Blaze Blaze
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What technology is this? Where are the details?

Wingman Wingman
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Marijuana? 🧐

Comrade Comrade
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LSD i suppose😂
Vanguard Vanguard
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Doraemon's Anywhere Door 🚪 is invented joy??

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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I am Already Doing it . What's Special in that ?

After you become an Aatma , you can teleport anywhere.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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First you need to leave your body to do so

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Comrade Comrade
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Desi Daaru doing its work.😂

Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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Sastey nashe??

Benevolent Benevolent
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Where did you get the information?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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But I want to use the lounges, for which I took so many cards!

Any discounts or new user offer like in Adani One?

Now missus would insist that partner travels back thousands of kilometres, if by mistake some light or fan has be kept switched on and not connected to the Internet.

And what about the efforts wasted for building the wall¿ on Mexico and other borders? All waste, as now teleportation is there?
Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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With teleportation, can we order from different pincode if item is oos at our pincode, still get item to our pincode? Possible or not pls reply, urgently need for croma orders

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Pro Tech Guru Pro Tech Guru
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The concept of teleportation as portrayed in science fiction, such as instantaneous transportation from one place to another, is indeed fascinating and has captured the imagination of many. However, it's important to clarify the distinction between science fiction teleportation and the current understanding of quantum teleportation in physics.

In quantum teleportation, which has been experimentally demonstrated in laboratories, information about the quantum state of a particle (such as the spin or polarization) is transferred from one particle to another distant particle, effectively "teleporting" the state without physically moving matter between them. This process relies on the principles of quantum entanglement and is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics.

However, this type of quantum teleportation is quite different from the teleportation depicted in science fiction. In the quantum realm, teleportation involves the transfer of quantum information rather than physical objects or people. The challenge of teleporting macroscopic objects, including humans, remains a highly speculative and far-off prospect due to several immense technical and theoretical hurdles.

To achieve the kind of teleportation seen in shows like Star Trek or Doctor Who, where entire objects or beings are instantly transported across vast distances, would require a revolutionary breakthrough that transcends our current understanding of physics. The complexities involved—such as the enormous amount of information and energy needed to replicate a human being's atomic structure at another location—present formidable barriers that are far beyond our present capabilities.

While developments in quantum physics and technologies like quantum computing are exciting and may lead to unforeseen advances, true teleportation of macroscopic objects remains firmly in the realm of science fiction for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, exploring and pushing the boundaries of science often leads to unexpected discoveries, so who knows what the future may hold?

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Ready reckoner  thanks to both

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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On serious mote, this teletransportation reminds me the childhood fairly tales of "parakayapravesh" where the human atomic structure changes from its original to another object of different atomic structure, provided the other atomic structure no longer has life.

I used to wonder about this concept.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Teleportation already exists in ancient india, we just forgot how to do it.

We can teleport already thats not an issue, the problem is just our memory.
We were a very advanced scientific nation as ancient Indians, the white guys destroyed our scientific manuals and extracted our memories and hid them somewhere smile

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