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Two Separate Incidents: Muslim girls can marry after attaining puberty even before 18, and Rinku Sharma got stabbed to death

Tech Guru

When Mr PM is fighting to raise the marriageable age of girls setback like this loop hole in Muslim Law is going to do more harm than good. Uniform Civil Code is the key.

In a different set of events, Rinku Sharma got murdered, four alleged assailants- Mohammad Danish (36), Mohammad Islam (45), Zahid (26) and Mohammad Mehtab (20) have been arrested.
But on a different light,his family and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) refute police’s statement and claimed that Sharma was associated with the organisation and was killed because he was collecting donations for Ram Temple at Ayodhya. Family members said that their son was murdered as he participated in the rally to collection donations and raised the slogans of ‘Jai Shree Ram’.

I sincerely hope that there was nothing religious in the later incident. Maybe it is being used as a propaganda but we will see the truth soon.

Let the latter news not fool you. It is very much likely a different incident given a communal angle. Truth will come out. But First news is very important

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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"@goss8877": "@MrKool_JJ": "@malikcool": "@BubbleBoyChickenLittle": "@androgame": "@xuseronline": "@pingpong": "@rajrocks": "@AyushiiiVijay": "@Wontdisplaymyname": "@XiJinping00": "@amdoinggood123": "@VaibhavJain": "@guest_999": "@getready": "@mas143forever": "@MSDfan": "@drjpatwa": "@saucap": "@vijkap201": "@Dastro": "@drupal": "@sravz86": "@B-Rabbit": "@G-Gowda": "@Nationalist": "@billubakra": "@homedimer": "@Alexios": "@VaibhavJain": "@Common-Man": "@badkarma": "@cocay": "@rini50": Please shed your thoughts
Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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I remember plenty of times when bjp members, etc get killed , the first suspects or should I say the direct declaration is that it's the muslims. While it's not. Eg. 2 bjp members murdered in UP were later revealed to be their own ppl, over % of money cut. And then the unfortunate killings of innocent sadhus by bjp members, which was first reported as done by muslims. And I personally saw the army fire at unarmed civilian protesting (7 dead, plenty injured) in Dec 2019 and reported with twisted agenda. So believe what you want. I lost trust in everything.
Generous Generous
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No use explaining. These people have become blind in hatred. They see a crime as a crime only when the accused is a muslim/christian/sikh/dalit/tribal. But turn a blind eye to the other thousands of similar criminal incidents happening daily in this country, by their own community+caste people.

These are the same people who are happy to see innocent people getting lynched, mobs attacking individuals, voting terrorists to the parliament, openly supporting and even worshipping terrorists like godse, taking out rallies in support of not one but so many rapists just because the accused is their priest or party member.

Thankfully, the others have not stooped to this level yet. The others still have the guts to call out a crime irrespective of the religion of the accused. It takes humanity to sympathise with a victim by ignoring the religion and caste, which these specific party supporters are so severely lacking.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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True. I only commented here bcz I was tagged by the op.
Otherwise, I don’t engage with anyone supporting fascism ideals.
Last month, some random doctor from a certain hindi state who came here for IVF training was stubbornly trying to persuade me to join RSS. Finally he declared I’m not a hindu since I don’t support and want to join his rss club 🤣

The delusional and hatred is strong. I block plenty of 💩 like that laughing

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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True. I only commented here bcz I was tagged by the op.
Otherwise, I don’t engage with anyone supporting fascism ideals.
Last month, some random doctor from a certain hindi state who came here for IVF training was stubbornly trying to persuade me to join RSS. Finally he declared I’m not a hindu since I don’t support and want to join his rss club 🤣

The delusional and hatred is strong. I block plenty of 💩 like that laughing

Generous Generous
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I understand completely. Being a doctor from the Hindi belt, I do know my share of communal bigoted seniors, juniors, professors and what not. Its a blood bath out there. That is why I have completely lost any hope from this country. Even the educated one is as insane as the uneducated foot soldier of this gang.

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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"@goss8877": "@MrKool_JJ": "@malikcool": "@BubbleBoyChickenLittle": "@androgame": "@xuseronline": "@pingpong": "@rajrocks": "@AyushiiiVijay": "@Wontdisplaymyname": "@XiJinping00": "@amdoinggood123": "@VaibhavJain": "@guest_999": "@getready": "@mas143forever": "@MSDfan": "@drjpatwa": "@saucap": "@vijkap201": "@Dastro": "@drupal": "@sravz86": "@B-Rabbit": "@G-Gowda": "@Nationalist": "@billubakra": "@homedimer": "@Alexios": "@VaibhavJain": "@Common-Man": "@badkarma": "@cocay": "@rini50": Please shed your thoughts
Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Another fact : A few months ago, the same Rinku Sharma donated blood and saved the life of one of his murderer’s wife.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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Bdw why they are collecting donations for Sri ram mandir?

Brand Enthusiast Brand Enthusiast
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Because it is being built using people’s donations.

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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I only see the murder thing being debated. But what about marriage issue? Do not our Indian sisters deserve equal treatment in determining a crucial thing in their lives? If you guys are blindly ignoring this then it is really bad. In murder only one life is gone, in a minor wedding multiple lives ll be affected.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Lekin bhakt nahi manege joy

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Its a very depressing state what we live in these days
Since midnight there’s so much hul chal going on social media… Blaming and shaming a particular religion, harassing women and everyone who had a different view about the incident (Personally I am against any view without verified information)

I don’t see why these so called news channels, politicians and celebrities shouldn’t be banned alongside those 1000+ accounts which got permanently banned for spreading fake news and hate propaganda?

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Don’t include two separate issues and create a discussion thread
And that too when you are going to create one based on religion.. it will only make it look like you are trying to cover up your faults and the holes in your belief system by trying to highlight the ones from another belief system . If you are that person creates discussion threads on your own belief system (+ others) and want to have a debate on its flaws, then I don’t see any problem in it but then pride kicks in those times (No offence meant, this is what I noticed).

And speaking of “Marriageable Age”.. Just Increasing the number will do nothing, the dumb will still remain dumb by 21
Even if you consider the maternal risks, there are bunch of articles locally and internationally stating that 18+ is not risky at all (<17 & 35+ are at greater risk)
Girls can complete graduation?
Of course.. Obviously
But for that they got be in +2 or 1st year degree/engineering by then isn’t it? Here we are only considering the people who might skip education post marriage.. What is govt planning to do about the ones who had already skipped education because of financial or whatever it is?
And the assumption that education brings maturity on various issues is the most bs thing I have ever heard. Your expertise will be only linked to one thing (sometimes that’s also not there) when the life experiences are limited
What are the awareness schemes government is going to undertake to make sure that girls (especially the ones from rural areas including the ones into school/college) will be provided appropriate resource materials/awareness so that they can support/oppose life decisions on their own?
One thing that’s very important here w.r.t marriage is “Sex Education”.. do we see the getting included in our studies anytime soon?
Instead of this..the nationalists are more interested in pitching for “Cow education” in schools

And coming to the issues w.r.t Muslim Law.. its not a simple decision for the PM if there’s something wrong with any religious law and for that matter even a religious practice. Here we are talking about belief system of millions.
Out of 30 odd states within the country, only two states realised that superstitions ((+Black Magic)) are only doing more harm than good and implemented Anti-superstition acts in those respective states (minus few exceptions)
In Karnataka, Anti-superstition bill got drafted in 2013 by the Congress government and it took 4 years to pass the bill because of constant opposition from various religious affiliations. Even after making so many changes to the act, congress feared to implement it because they thought their vote bank would take a it and Finally the BJP government notified the act in Jan 2020

Discussion among people will yield no good w.r.t any religious law/practice. If our Mr.PM is so concerned, he should Indulge with Religious leaders around the country and persuade them into making changes to the law or a complete suspension of it. Even though its not fool proof, only their views/statements can make the people feel ok (especially in a country where we look for/bring in communal angle in anything and everything)

About the killing of Bajrang dal activist, the incident happened on Wednesday night. What we know about the incident is very less but we are so interested in bringing the “donation for ram mandir” and “Jai shree ram” into everything. That too based on few eye witness statements from family/neighbors.. if you look at past history, there were instances where even the victim families blatantly lied so that the ones who killed their son/daughter will get punished/hanged
But hey… We will present everything we see on National TV as facts
We will also link a particular incident to this murder..where a woman got scared because of these donation gangs (If not everytime ..its a 1/10 scenario w.r.t Ganesh chanda where I live.. + Fake donation beggars) and we will stalk and harass her. Make her information public so that our blind friend will also target her online and offline
Culprits should be punished whoever they are.. but when you know very little about something, condemn it and move on until there will be more verified information. Not everyone has brains to include the word “alleged”.. some Blindies overlook it even when it is there and share it on their news feed as verified information

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Sex education matters. Girl education matters too. A lot of path has been traveled to reach here. Suddenly a Muslim Law will dictate that Girls can marry after attaining puberty, even before attaining 18 years of age.
This final phase marks the end of your child’s physical maturation.

In girls, stage 5 usually happens around age 15. Changes include:

We are looking at age 15. When girls are deprived from the basic rights everyday and we will not do nothing in the slightest if something backward is implemented then it is really bad.

Pubertal onset in Indian girls occur at 10.3 years with average interval of 1.5 to 2 years till menarche. Puberty occurrs earlier in overweight/ obese Indian girls.

We are looking towards child marriage thing. Can’t advocate a thing for such things. It is a serious issue. And those who advocate for it have serious issues

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Jihadi will be Jihadi no matter how much he is educated

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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These people are still stucked in 7th century

Critic Critic
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@bikidas2060 bhai uniform civil code is indeed required but that has nothing to do with the other incident, details of which will be known only after investigation. Also uniform civil code is not meant to remove bad practices in only muslim religion but all religion & in fact hindu religion has the worst practice of them all still prevalent with not much success despite having so many laws against it aka caste system.

Generous Generous
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My gf says first marriage age for muslim girls should be raised to 18 like everyone else as well and brought out of muslim law because too many people marry innocent little girls in her community and take advantage of them. She’s also against 1 man marrying more than 1 woman legally.

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