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vehicle safety: serious concerns (this time MahindrA)

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So just days earlier when the MDH, Everest spices issue blue up
saw someone ranting about everything from medicines to vehicles being jyat as f'ed up.

And today seeing this claiming to own/use a Mahindra XUV 700.

Makes one wonder if we are really living at the mercy of the supernatural and might never see Wurope like consumer protection laws getting enforced here.
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My Bro experienced similar but with XUV 500 in 2016. It was not a case of Airbags but rather electircal system failed,  he lost control of the vehicle, all the lights started glowing and when he applied brake, it just flipped over. We tried contacting Mahindra but they were very casual about it. 

When it happened the 2nd time, where my driver, this time, lost control of the vehicle and all the electrical components went haywire, (it did not flip thankfully), we decided to sell the vehicle, after having it for just 1.5 years. Worst thing was Mahindra response who just didn't take us seriously enough. We lost 30% to insurance and also nearly 50% by selling 'Accident vehicle'

PS: Thankful that nothing happened to my bro and/or driver- not even a scratch.


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Generous Generous
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My Bro experienced similar but with XUV 500 in 2016. It was not a case of Airbags but rather electircal system failed,  he lost control of the vehicle, all the lights started glowing and when he applied brake, it just flipped over. We tried contacting Mahindra but they were very casual about it. 

When it happened the 2nd time, where my driver, this time, lost control of the vehicle and all the electrical components went haywire, (it did not flip thankfully), we decided to sell the vehicle, after having it for just 1.5 years. Worst thing was Mahindra response who just didn't take us seriously enough. We lost 30% to insurance and also nearly 50% by selling 'Accident vehicle'

PS: Thankful that nothing happened to my bro and/or driver- not even a scratch.


Generous Generous
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Its just sad that neither the Govt is strict nor the corporates pay heed to importance of our lives; they just take advantage of our 'chalta hai' attitude.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Now there is no government anywhere with chaltha Hai attitude towards public, but sadly corporates ka tho Hamesha chaltha rehta Hai, because they sponsor politicians

Benevolent Benevolent
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not just xuv even on scorpio n

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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volvo benz bmw audi are available then why buy cheap knock offs

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Is this a sarcastic comment or you are serious 🤨

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Mahindras of yesteryears were better. We are on our third Mahindra Scorpio (old, 2020 design) and it has been utterly reliable and is always a joy to be in. Twice a year we cover around 1500 KMs in two days in it averaging 120KMPH and never ever have we experienced any mechanical or technical glitch.

Modern Mahindras have lots of electronic components and its always the electronics that fail on a Mahindra!

I will not buy any Mahidra sold in India today, except may be a Thar!

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I know I might start an apocalyptic war by saying this
but (all things weighed in) Thar is meh👎🏼!

It is like how Jaguar always had the unofficial tag of being a poor man's supercar.
(Not due to quality concerns, but the pricing compared to high end brands.)

I am not even dissing Thar just because it is a desi made copy of foreign models. I say the same about a HMMWV (Humvee) if someone buys it for non combat use for use mostly on roads.

But to each their own.
They have done to Thar, what McDonalds, Dominos did to the big Mac, pizzas in India Pakistan. (Foreigners who are used to eating the Big Mac or other stuff in their home markets, initially get confused, even repulsed by the desi-fication of the products.)
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