Walking app rewards

Deal Lieutenant
Any good app which gives rewards for walking currently? Which ones are you using?
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Benevolent Benevolent
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I use Impact no redeemable rewards but donates money to some social causes on behalf of us.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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I use Impact no redeemable rewards but donates money to some social causes on behalf of us.

Benevolent Benevolent
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@Bhawin - this is what I meant.
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Entertainer Entertainer
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I am using Sweatcoin only. No rewards there now, only lucky draws. Recently, they switched participation in these lucky rewards by paying amount through Near cryptocurrency for which some real money gets involved so it's become totally useless for me. Whatever points I have earned so far, I have donated to random international causes.  

Benevolent Benevolent
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If there was an app for ghapa gapp then @Ash-D paji would have been champion in it
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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How is growfitter? @baludesi @saucap

Entertainer Entertainer
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No idea. I have not used it. Earlier I had used Stepsetgo and Myntra walk rewards. Both were quite profitable for me. 

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Helpful Helpful
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Following.. will install one soon.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Koi achcha rewards vala bata hi nahi raha. sweat_smile

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