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When a person is born, he has breath but no name

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One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions….just a black dot in the
center of the page. The professor seeing the expression on
everyone’s face, told them the

“I want you to write what you see there.”

The students confused, got started on the inexplicable task.

At the end of the class, the professor took all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them with no exceptions, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. etc. etc. After all had been read, the classroom silent, the professor began to explain:

“I am not going to grade on you this, I just wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot – and the same happens in our lives. We have a white paper to observe and enjoy, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate – nature renewing itself everyday, our friends around us, the job that provides our livelihood, the miracles we see everyday…….

However we insist on focusing only on the dark spots – the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member, the disappointment with a friend, a.s.o.

The dark spots are very small compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds.

Take your eyes away from the black spots in your life. Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you. Be happy and live a life filled with LOVE," .
A beautiful question. What is the meaning of life?
A beautiful answer to it: When a person is born, he has breath but no name and when he dies, he has name but no breath. The gap between this breath and name is life!….

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@asoka wrote:

@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

Tell me how longer do I need to see ur pic quotes,
They r sharing what they have learned from there experiences.
I wish for ur quotes as
“wisdom com’s after experience”

nobody will believe if quote is similar less the background man !

Own experience has to be analysed and right dose of every pill (evil) is required. No readymade solution is advisable to grasp !

Reminds me of #drishyam but I specifically wished to grasp desi dose(pill) from u,anyways no issues.

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The past is history, so let it go. The future is a mystery, so let it come. The present is a gift – be truly in the present today and release all your fears (based on the past) and your worries (imagined futures) – this is the work of someone who truly wants to awaken, and break free from the anchors and burdens of dead yesterdays and speculative tomorrows. Be here now they say, easier said than done, I hear you say. But no one can stop us, except for ourselves. There is only now – everything else is avoidance.

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

The past is history, so let it go. The future is a mystery, so let it come. The present is a gift – be truly in the present today and release all your fears (based on the past) and your worries (imagined futures) – this is the work of someone who truly wants to awaken, and break free from the anchors and burdens of dead yesterdays and speculative tomorrows. Be here now they say, easier said than done, I hear you say. But no one can stop us, except for ourselves. There is only now – everything else is avoidance.

Source ???

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Email group .

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What You Think Is What You Get
The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is surprisingly simple: Like attracts like. It becomes a bit more complicated when it comes to training our minds to think in ways that will bring what we desire into our lives. The term “self-fulfilling prophecy” describes the same law. This well-known term explains that we create the circumstances our mind dwells upon, whether positive or negative. So our goal is to practice consistent presence of mind to make sure our thoughts are always directed toward the positive and that which we want to create.

A key to the process is the word “frequency.” This is true for two reasons: 1) The frequency you use when you passionately dwell upon or revisit a thought, dream, desire or goal provides the energy your musings need for creation; and 2) just like a radio station broadcasts on a certain frequency, like the radio you must be “tuned in” to receive it. This means preparing for the arrival of your dream on every possible level—material, physical, and spiritual. You don’t have to know how it will come into your life, just trust that it will. Your job is to lay the groundwork, follow any leads you can find, and prepare for its arrival. This can mean cleaning out your garage to make space for a new car, taking a tour of a model home to get the feel of it in order to feed your fantasies, or thinking of what you want in a mate and then living up to that list yourself.

Just like with any skill, the law of attraction must be practiced. We must decide what makes us feel abundant, and use our imagination to create the feeling. It isn’t enough to just want something; you must use the power of your thoughts to attract it. A series of choices is what brings us everything in our lives right now, every moment. When we know the direction we want our choices to take us, it is as if we’ve placed an order with the universe. Then we can await its arrival with joyful anticipation. If we find ways to experience our dreams right now, we make creating joy a treasure hunt in which the seeking is just as much fun as the finding.

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Real generosity is doing something nice for some one who will never find out.

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
~Winston Churchill

If those who owe us nothing gave us nothing, how poor we would be.
Antonio Porchia

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*Don’t waste your precious time thinking about those people who have made it quite clear they do not respect you. *

You have some amazing people in your life who think the world of you, so focus your attention on them.

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Vanilla Ice cream

Nearly everyone has enjoyed a yummy
bowl of vanilla ice cream. It is a wonderfully delicious dessert.

However, vanilla ice cream wouldn’t even
exist if evolution were true.

Let’s start out with a little history.
Until more recent times,

Mexico was the only producer of vanilla.
In the 1520s, a man by the name of Hernán Cortés
traveled down to Mexico
and loved vanilla.

So he brought some back with him to Europe.

For the next 300 years,
the Europeans tried but were never able
to produce vanilla.
You see, vanilla grows up a tree as a vine.
Eventually the vine produces an orchid.
In order to make the vanilla bean,
the orchid must be pollinated.

The problem is, it only blooms one morning
per year for pollination.
If it isn’t pollinated within 12 hours, it withers.

To make things more difficult,
a hood like membrane covers the part
of the vanilla orchid which produces pollen.
This makes the production of the
vanilla bean very difficult.

In 1836, Charles François Antoine Morren
traveled down to Mexico to figure out why
they weren’t able to produce vanilla beans in Europe.

As Morren was studying

the vanilla orchids,
his attention was drawn to a little
bee (the Mexican Melipona Bee).

This bee landed on the orchid,
lifted up the little hood like membrane,
collected pollen, and then
flew off to the next flower. This bee
was pollinating the orchids.
After some time, the orchid produced
a vanilla bean.

To this day, the Mexican Melipona Bee
is the only insect that knows how to pollinate
the vanilla orchid.

This simple fact puts evolution in an
extremely difficult position.
Without the Mexican Melipona Bee,
we simply would not have vanilla today.

The bee and the vanilla vine had to be made
at the exact same time.
Not to mention, this bee had to be given specific information about how to
pollinate the vanilla orchid.

Again, no other insect knows how to do this.
This bee had to be made, designed,
and purposefully created to
pollinate the vanilla orchid,
and thus, produce vanilla.

So much of our world points to the Creator.
As silly as it sounds,

even vanilla ice cream
proclaims the glory of God.
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The inspirational story begins by recalling how Thomas Edison’s grade school teacher

wrote to his mother that Edison was “addled” and wouldn’t be allowed in school anymore.

When Edison asked his mother what the letter said, she supposedly replied:

His mother’s eyes were tearful as she read the letter out loud to her child:

Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn’t have enough

good teachers for training him. Please teach him yourself.

After many, many years, after Edison’s mother died and he was now one of the

greatest inventors of the century, one day he was looking through old family things. Suddenly he saw a folded paper in the corner of a drawer in a desk. He took it and

opened it up. On the paper was written: Your son is addled [mentally ill].

We won’t let him come to school any more.

Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary:

“Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child that, by a hero mother,

became the genius of the century.”

While the idea that Thomas Edison’s mother hid the fact that a school teacher had

called him “addled” so that he could reach his full potential is inspirational — it’s also false.

First, Thomas Edison was dyslexic, which would have made it difficult for him

to succeed in an 1800s classroom. Research on dyslexia didn’t begin until the early 1900s, decades after Edison had left public schools, so little was known about it at the time.

Thomas Edison’s struggles in school have been well documented over the years, as

have his teacher’s view that Edison was “addled.” But the idea that Thomas Edison

didn’t know that he’d been called addled is false.

The Foundation for Economic Education reports that Edison was well aware of

his teacher’s diagnosis, and that he was enraged by it:

In 1854, Reverend G. B. Engle belittled one of his students, seven-year-old Thomas Alva Edison,

as “addled.” This outraged the youngster, and he stormed out of the Port Huron, Michigan school, the first formal school he had ever attended. His mother, Nancy Edison, brought him back the next day to discuss the situation with Reverend Engle, but she became angry at his rigid ways. Everything was forced on the kids. She withdrew her son from the school where he had been for only three months and resolved to educate him at home. Although he seems to have briefly attended two more schools, nearly all his childhood learning took place at home.

In the biography,

“Thomas Alva Edison: Great American Inventor,” Louise Betts goes into more detail

about why young Edison had problems with Reverend Engle’s teaching style:

For a boy who was used to learning things his own way and to playing outside

by himself all day long, sitting still in a one-room schoolhouse was pure misery. Tom did not like school one bit. His teacher, the Reverend G. Engle, and his wife

made the children learn by memorizing their lessons and repeating them out loud.

When a child forgot an answer, or had not studied well enough, Reverend Engle whipped the unfortunate pupil with a leather strap! Mrs. Engle also heartily approved of using the whip as a way of teaching students better study habits. her whippings were often worse than her husband’s!

Tom was confused by Reverend Engle’s way of teaching. He could not learn through fear.

Nor could he just sit and memorize. He liked to see things for himself and ask questions. But Reverend Engle grew as exasperated by Tom’s questions as Mr. Edison did.

For that reason, Tom Learned very little in his first few months, and his grades were bad.

Years later, Tom would say of his school experience,

“I remember I used to never be able to get along at school. I was always

at the foot (bottom) of the class. I used to feel that the teachers did not sympathize with me, and that my father thought I was stupid.”

Then, after Thomas Edison told his mother that his teacher had referred

to him as addled, the two of them went to the school in search of an apology

, according to his biography:

“My son is not backward!” declared Mrs. Edison, adding, “and I believe I

ought to know. I taught children once myself!” Despite her efforts, neither the

Reverend nor Mr.s Engle would change their opinion of young Tom Edison.

But Mrs. Edison was equally strong in her opinion. Finally, she realized what she had to do.

“All right, Mrs. Edison said, “I am hereby taking my son out of your school.”

Tom could hardly believe his ears! “I’ll instruct him at home myself,” he heard her say.

Tom looked up at his mother, this wonderful woman who believed in him.

He promised himself that he would make his mother proud of him.

Later in life, Edison said, “My mother was the making of me. She was so true,

so sure of me: and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint.”

However, there’s no record of Edison’s quote from the inspirational story,

“Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child that, by a hero mother, became the genius of the century.”

So, it’s true that Thomas Edison’s teacher called him addled or difficult,

that his mother defended and home schooled him, and that she had a big

impact on the man that he became. But the inspirational account of Edison’s

mother hiding the teacher’s letter from him and lying about why he was being home schooled to help him reach his full potential is false.
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Shell-Shaped Brain Region Allows Multitasking

New York: Researchers have found evidence that a shell-shaped region in the centre of the mammalian brain is likely responsible for the ability to routinely and seamlessly multitask.

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center found that the thalamic reticular nucleus or TRN helps the brain multitask.

The process, they suggest, is done by individual TRN neurons that act like a “switchboard,” continuously filtering sensory information and shifting more or less attention onto one sense – like sight – while relatively blocking out distracting information from other senses, including sound.

In their research in mice, the investigators showed that TRN neurons, which have been previously implicated in the dampening of brain signals in people, were also less active when the mice were led to focus on – and respond to – a visual flash of light to get a milk reward.

In contrast, when the mice were made to pay attention to a sound and ignore the flash of light, researchers said TRN neurons that controlled vision were more active, suppressing the visual signals in order to pay more attention to the sound.

Earlier research by the same team of scientists showed that different TRN neurons controlled specific senses.

“Our latest research findings support a newly emerging model of how the brain focuses attention on a particular task, using neurons in the thalamic reticular nucleus as a switchboard to control the amount of information the brain receives, limiting and filtering out sensory information that we don’t want to pay attention to,” said senior study investigator and neuroscientist Michael Halassa.

“Filtering out distracting or irrelevant information is a vital function,” said Mr Halassa, an assistant professor of neuroscience and psychiatry at NYU Langone and its Druckenmiller Neuroscience Institute.

“People need to be able to focus on one thing and suppress other distractions to perform everyday functions such as driving, talking on the phone, and socialising,” he said.

According to Mr Halassa, the new research sets the stage for ever more detailed studies on the complex behaviour involved in how the mammalian brain pays attention to what’s important, and especially how those neural circuits are broken in cases of attention-deficit diseases, such as ADHD, autism, and schizophrenia.

The study is published in the journal Nature.

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Astral layers of life

Life is a cauldron of inflows and outflows of consciousness leading to the creation of particles, atoms, matter…The cauldron is ever changing and then passes off, but the traces of consciousness continue in some other cauldron. Individual autonomy is a myth—-simply illusion or Maya. The cauldrons called organisms themselves are extremely temporary.

One not very accurate description of our mind is that only five per cent of the total mind’s profile is conscious and 95 per cent is sub-conscious. I do feel that the 95 per cent so called sub-conscious is in fact the Universe or our junction into the Universe. If you can see everything, then you cannot even find your own head. Then how can you section and separate your brain as consisting of the sub-conscious when in fact it has to be part of the universe’s flow and rhythm to bring solutions. Your brain is continuously functioning as a part of the Universe and it has no individual existence. IF YOU THROUGH AWAY ALL YOUR MECHANICAL GADGETS AND CONCENTRATE ON USING YOUR OWN MIND IN ACTION YOU CAN ACTUALLY FEEL YOU AS THE UNIVERSE IN ACTION.

Astrology is the study of the Universe from the corner of your consciousness cauldron or yourself. It is certainly not the stupidity of predicting as to which goonda will change into which party and which goonda’s gamble ultimately helps him win the election etc.It is not simple stupidity, it is the ultimate prostitution of the Astro-philosophy itself. Studying Astrology as a science like the classical Physics or Chemistry is meaningless. Study of Astrology means practicing yoga, meditation, concentration, Astro-physics, Biophysics, Psychology and many other paths of enlightenment. An Astrologer is yogi a Holy person who has adopted the Holistic path of research which includes research into self as a part of the Universe. The perfect Astrologer is one who actually feels his oneness with and as the Universe. If any so called Astrologer says that Astrology is a science like the classical Physics, then he is displaying his ignorance. Astrology needs personal Sadhana, yoga and also the study of every Astro means the Micro and the Macro Universe. Ology means the study of.

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12 Pieces Of Advice My Granny Gave Me Before Passing Away

My beloved grandmother, may she rest in peace, used to carry an old notebook with her wherever she went. She would fill the notebook with beautiful thoughts and advice she got from wise people. Throughout my childhood I would see her writing down things in that little notebook, I always thought they were her secrets, but when she was on her deathbed, she called me over and shared her old notebook with me. The pieces of advice I found in that notebook changed my life, which made me want to share them with you, in hopes it would do the same. These are the things my grandmother taught me before she passed away…
Granny’s Tips

1. Accept things with love and understanding

No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, always believe that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Never expect, assume, or demand. Do the best you can to control your circumstances, and learn to accept that you can’t always control everything. Once you’ve done all that is in your power, if it’s meant to happen – it will.

2. Life CAN be simple

Even though you often feel like life is too complicated, it can always be simple. All you need to do is focus on one thing at a time. You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it right now. Be present, be active, do the best that you can. Whatever you put into life – life will hand you back, with interest.

3. Don’t change for other people

Make people accept you the way you are, or don’t accept you at all. Always say what you really think, even if it’s not the popular opinion. When you’re true to yourself, you add beauty to the world – beauty that was missing. You should stay in line, just make sure it’s YOUR line.

4. You’re not who you were – and that’s okay

You’ve been through a lot in life. You’ve studied, been hurt, and changed. Every day we learn something new which changes us in some way or another. Sometimes we realize we’re not who we used to be, but that’s perfectly normal. Everybody changes. In your life, people will point out the changes, and all you need to do is tell them “Of course I’ve changed, and so have you. Everybody changes.”

5. Everything that happens is for the best

Be it significant or otherwise, joyous or sad, anything that happens will end up being in your favor. Everything that happens to us builds us and helps us grow. Life will take you places, show you things, heal you and make you into a better person. Don’t be afraid to try or even to fail, in the end, everything is just a small part of life’s larger plan to turn you into whom you’re supposed to be.

6. Choose happiness, not wealth

Many people live their lives believing that money will make them happy, but the pursuit of wealth is devoid of meaning. Every choice you make, be sure to consider your happiness, not your bank account. In this way, when you’ve reached old age, you’ll know the true value of things, not their monetary value. In the end, you’ll understand that the best things in life are things that money can’t buy – love and friendship.

7. Decide to be positive

One of the most important things you should understand about life is that if you’re not happy, it is not the circumstances that are to blame, but your decision to be unhappy. Every time life places obstacles in your path, give life a big grin, accept the obstacle’s existence and overcome it with joy. Make the decision to be happy, stand by your decisions and do whatever is in your power to keep them. This is the true secret to happiness.

8. Give the people you love your full attention

We can get used to being surrounded by loved ones and start taking them for granted. When you ask someone close to you how they are, don’t accept an “okay”, look into their eyes and ask them about their day, and how they feel. If you feel that you only have friends that remember you when they need something, don’t worry, be happy that you’re a source of light and hope for them.

9. Learn to set a loved one free

At times, we need to set a loved one free to allow them to grow and evolve. Every little sprout must leave the greenhouse and be planted in a larger pot to grow to its full size and bloom. It is not what you do for your loved ones that will help them grow, but rather what you taught them and how they use that knowledge.

10. Sometimes, you need to leave people behind

Sadly, not all our friends help us become better people. In some cases, friends can keep us stunted, not out of malice, but because they want to keep you down at their level. Learn to tell when this happens and stick only to friends that help you grow, lift you up, and inspire you to be who you really are.

11. Some things you only understand when you’re older

In the end, people will judge you according to your actions, that’s why instead of trying to impress and please everyone, follow your heart and do what you want to do, without fear. Remember that it’s better to remember something and say “I can’t believe I did it!” rather than “I wish I did it…”

12. Stop looking for a happy ending

We humans tend to search for some happy ending in whatever happens to us. We want a sense of closure and completion, but sometimes it’s simply not how life is. If you feel like you’ve been searching for that happy ending for too long, you may need to, instead, search for a new beginning. Never be afraid to leave everything and start anew, you still have time, no matter what your age may be. Aspire to make the most out of whatever time you have on this planet.

This was my grandma’s advice to me. It’s changed my life, and I hope it’ll be able to do the same for you.

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@Smarty @sence

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@Noah @asoka @hese

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@Noah @asoka @hese

Mind is a powerful thing.don’t let others to influence/manipulate u.
Changes r constant but life is not.
Thoughts have no control.But don’t let others control you.

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It is more profitable to correct our defects than to boast of our attainments.

Did is a word of achievement, won’t is a word of retreat, might is a word of bereavement, can’t is a word of defeat, should is word of duty, try is a word of each hour, will is a word of beauty, can is a word of power.

Someone else is praying for the things you take for Granted.

Obey one who is above you (in authority) and the one below you will obey you.

Almighty God won’t ask how many people you ‘share ’ a piece of information, BUT He’ll ask why you were ashamed to share it with others ?

He who seeks forgiveness with his tongue but does not feel remorse in his heart has fooled himself.

Some people can be mean and treat you poorly. Don’t take it personally. It says nothing about you but a lot about them.

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God didn’t promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

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No-one ever ruined their eyesight
by looking on the bright side !

The trouble with being too punctual is that
no one is there to appreciate it.

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