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Why Street Smarts Are More Valuable Than Book Smarts ?

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Why Street Smarts Are More Valuable Than Book Smarts By Julia Dearing |

On average we spend 16+ years in school and for 16+ years we are taught that our test scores not only define our chance at getting into a good college, our success after we graduate, and the number of 0’s that will come at the end of a future paycheck, they also determine our level of intelligence.

We’re taught to believe that those numbers and the GPAs that follow essentially determine our chances of success vs. failure. That’s complete bullshit.

Sure, being book smart is great and I would love to not be retaking a required math class I previously failed. Of course, a high GPA is a fantastic safety blanket in the post-college job search. But, do you know what else is a great key to success? Street smarts. In fact, I’d like to argue that without street smarts, the entire concept of book smarts is really nothing.

Being street smart means you have the ability to interact, function, and thrive in the world around you. It’s the ambition, tact, and personality that set’s one person apart from another. It’s the guts and the knowledge to get what you want anyway you can.

Being someone who’s always floated in the average range when it comes to GPA and grades, a few C’s here, maybe an unfortunate F with just the right amount of A’s and B’s to balance it out, I’ve always been told that for me, finding success may be a little harder.

Constantly reminded that if I don’t work harder and a get the grades associated with an “intelligent” person, I may limit my ability to reach my full potential.

But what those people are overlooking are the skills that are actually going to help me in my future career path. While they’re looking at the D I just got on my calc test and the C in French class, my future employers are looking at my work on the multiple websites I write for, they’re looking at the extremely professional personal website I put together and built myself, they’re looking at the resume that says I got a fashion internship in New York City after only my freshman year in college.

Guess what the real kicker is, none of those things were accomplished because I was kickass at linear equations or because I understand every word in philosophical dialogue written 500 years ago. I accomplished those things by understanding how the world works and what I needed to be doing in order to get my foot in the door to set myself up for future success.

I was able to accomplish these things by understanding that it is perfectly ok to ask questions and by understanding how to interact with people whether it be in an interview, while making connections, or just a person on the street.

I understand that good grades are important and that you can’t blow off your least favorite class just because it has literally nothing to do with your future profession. You have to do things you don’t want to get what you do want. Some things won’t come easy and it will be frustrating when you study for hours and still don’t quite get a concept for your test.

But while I want you to promise me you’ll work hard at everything you do, I want you to also promise me that you won’t ever beat yourself down just because you aren’t “smart” according to the numbers. Because if you can understand what you want in life, run after it, grab it and hold on tight, you are the smartest person in the world. Book smart looks great on paper, but it doesn’t always translate perfectly into the real world. What does translate is your drive, ambition, and courage and that is something numbers cannot define.

A street smart person is a great leader, a great leader is a great boss, and a great boss is a damn good CEO. If you know how to interact in function in a pretty big and cut-throat world, there is nothing that isn’t an option.

Book smart teaches you how to calculate, street smart teaches you how to thrive.

Julia DearingEditorial Contributor, Indiana University
Major: Apparel Merchandising and Fashion Design
Her heart belongs to: Fitness, Fashion, music, the color black, lipstick, New York City and chai tea lattes

Her guilty pleasures: Carbs, over priced coffee, and 80s movies

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:


Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work.

The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.

“Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”

Very motivated by the boss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.

“I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.

“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.

“Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…”


Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the “axe”. In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy that ever.

Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like our personal life, taking time to get close to our Creator, giving more time for our family, taking time to read etc.

We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness

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person;s quality of life because you learn to communicate without fear

Being an assertive person’s quality of life because you learn to communicate without fear, to say what you think and what you want to say “no” without feeling guilty because you also have your rights.


Before setting that is assertiveness, we must place it in the context that corresponds communicative styles. Each person has a way to express themselves and relate to others, in this sense, we can distinguish three communication styles: aggressive, passive and assertive.

A aggressive communication style It would distinguish both verbal language and non-verbal language (tone of voice high and threatening gestures, for example). It may be attractive at first because short-term one gets what he wants, but long term it has a high emotional cost.

A passive communication style is the one who does not care, does not express his opinion and is carried away. At first it may seem like a convenient way of relating as it is never exposed, you not have to think but get carried away; but in the long term, we find a person who is not heard or respected because it does not listen or respect.

aggressive style of communication

A Assertive communication style It is one who can expose what he thinks and what he feels in a clear, direct and balanced manner. You can listen to what others say and providing them attention from a place of respect towards himself as towards the other person.


We could define assertiveness not only as a communicative style but also as a personal skill, since it is something you can train and opens many doors both in personal relationships and work.

An assertive person is one who can express their feelings, thoughts and opinions from a place of respect for herself as for others. It speaks from the confidence and respect for their own rights as those of others, unwilling to harm others.

An assertive person can assert their rights and needs to others without attacking or offending anyone and, for the same reason, without letting anyone assaults or offends him.


There are some aspects that you can consider to train and improve the way you communicate with others:

As we discussed in the beginning, to be an assertive person you have to have confidence in yourself, to cherish and respect others. It is important that, if you have not yet learned to value yourself, start now because you have to learn to say “no” without feeling guilty when you consider so necessary, either because you do not feel like doing something they have asked you, because you do not want to or because you simply learn to say “no”.

say no

regarding nonverbal language, it is important to maintain eye contact but without being threatening, just to show the other person you are paying attention and really listen. The voice should be clear and quiet the cries we leave for aggressive styles and voices inaudible liabilities must be heard here but from the tranquility. Pay attention to what you’re doing gestures with hands or feet, as those who do the face, serenity and attention must convey.

When you want to keep a conversation but you worry assertive not do it in a proper way, ask yourself what you want to express, what is the objective and try to be concrete, without giving many rodeos so that the other person can understand you without difficulty.

Choose good moments to say what you need, think or want because if you choose well the moment you will see how the result is positive and improving confidence in yourself. Moreover, it is also good to know that sometimes you have to insist in things, without getting excuses, if you know what you want to go for it.

Assertiveness at work

An example of assertive person is the student who can not understand something ask the teacher without fear; that worker can present to their peers or your boss your thinking or enforce their rights; that person who can say “no” to a friend without feeling guilty about it.

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@sukhichd710 @asoka

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19 Simple Ways to Stay Motivated That Actually Work
Everyone is motivated by different things. Understanding what motivates you can make the difference between success and failure. span>

President and CEO, Lead From Within@LollyDaskal

In today’s competitive work environment, our greatest untapped resource may be our own motivation.

But what happens when you can’t find your motivation or you can’t stay motivated long enough to finish a project or even keep up with daily tasks? You need find your motivation—but where?

You find it within, because all all motivation is self-motivation.

What drives us to stay motivated is as individual as who we are, so you need to tailor a motivational that will resonate with you. T more you know and understand yourself, the more effective your efforts will be.

Here are 19 simple strategies you can try:

1. Understand your why. Sometimes it’s not so much the what or the how that matters, but your why—the purpose behind what you’re doing. Being clear about what you’re working for can give you the stimulus to stay on course.

2. Define your goal. Defined goals put your ideas into action mode. It’s the vital step between planning and doing.

3. Create a clear vision. If you want to succeed, you must create a clear compelling vision, something that you can relate to and resonate with. If it doesn’t speak to your heart, it won’t motivate you to stay on target. Create the highest grandest vision possible, because you can achieve only what you see.

4. Produce a plan. Once you have a goal in place, a plan is will take your vision and break down the steps you need to get it done. A goal without a plan, as we know, is just a dream.

5. Look for the bigger picture. When you have to stay motivated, think of the bigger picture. How does this relate not only to yourself but to others? How will it contribute to something important? Where will this make a difference? To accomplish more, think bigger.

6. Keep it positive. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions, and self-affirming statements will help you to achieve your best. Take control of how you think, how you feel, how you act. Positivity will help you make the choices that lead to accomplishment.

7. Approach tasks in new ways. Sometimes just getting started might be the problem. A different approach might give you a new perspective and more energy.

8. Break goals into manageable tasks. One important key to your success will be your ability to break down your goals into shorter-term and smaller single tasks. Keep things manageable.

9. Get organized. Make sure your workplace is uncluttered so your mind can be organized. A calm environment gives you a better chance of being more efficient and productive.

10. Tackle procrastination head on. Don’t make excuses or waste time rationalizing why you haven’t already started. Instead, try to uncover the real reason for the delay and get to work immediately. The best way to begin something is just to begin.

11. Seize the power of deadlines. Setting a time limit for an activity will enable you to assemble your resources and materials toward accomplishing things you might not otherwise get done.

12. Stop multitasking. Don’t divide your attention but give your full and undivided self to the task at hand. When you do, your chances for success go way up.

13. Starve your distractions. Do what you need to do to stop being distracted by people, tasks, or electronics. Devise strategies to help you start and complete tasks without any distractions or interruptions.

14. Stay in the zone. Your best and most productive work is usually done when you’re in the zone. Ask yourself how to create the perfect environment for you to do your best work and keep at it until you’re done.

15. Choose success. Choose to be successful, then stick to your choice and see it through to a conclusion. By creating a mental picture of yourself successfully completing a job, you can increase your chances of success.

16. Keep it fun. If you seriously want to stay motivated, find a way to make it fun. Fun is not the enemy but a great motivator.

17. Harness the power of optimism. Belief that you can accomplish something is essential to your ability to do it. Optimism is the foundation of progress.

18. Reward yourself. Learn what it takes to get yourself to complete dreaded tasks and set up a system of rewards for completion.

19. Visualize yourself succeeding. Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you to focus, stay motivated and achieve your goals. By creating a mental picture of yourself successfully completing a job, even the worsts tasks can feel like part of achieving something big.

Remember, motivation starts within. Find it, keep it and make it work for you.
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How to Stay Calm When Everything Around You Is Stressful

Most advice on stress will tell you to breathe your way into calm, but I am going give you the most powerful weapons against stress—because it’s a matter of life and death.

Most of us live with some degree of stress as an ever-present force. Success requires that you cultivate the ability to stay calm when everything around you is stressful and everyone around is stressed out. Stress is worth taking seriously: it’s a known killer. But you can fight back.

Here are six powerful ways you can wage the life-and-death fight against stress:

1. Forego blame. When things go wrong, it’s human nature to seek out someone to blame. You want to find someone to be at fault and teach them a lesson so this never happens again. But blame does nothing to ease stress and doesn’t solve the problem. Forgo placing blame and start thinking of your own responsibility-the things you can do differently next time to prevent the problem or make the repercussions less severe. The day you stop blaming others is the day you begin to feel relief from stress.

2. Put things in perspective. Stress enters when things are out of control and when you lose perspective. Those who are strong and successful tend to throw wider nets and take longer views of their problem to put things into perspective. Try to think not in terms of a crisis but a problem-something that can be solved. And don’t get stuck trying to solve the problem with the same thinking you used to create it; change your perspective and you’ll see new possibilities.

3. Stay available. When stress hits, it’s a natural response to want to run and hide. And some people do literally check out-they physically leave when there’s trouble. In fact, the way to offset the stress is to do exactly the opposite: make yourself more accessible and stay more available. When you authenticate it and deal with it in proximity to your team, you can work through it in collaboration, not around it on your own.

4. Be part of the solution. There will always be problems and stress. To position yourself as part of the solution means becoming the person who stays calm enough long enough to think of ways to make it through. Within every problem, every challenge, there is always a solution. And when nothing is sure, the possibilities are wide open.

5. Tap into your confidence.Especially in stressful times, it’s easy to start second-guessing yourself, to lose focus on your confidence and spend your time comparing yourself to others. Everybody has their own strengths and weakness, and its only when you accept yourself and everything that you are that you truly succeed. When you tap into your confidence, you can stay consistent and focused in your priorities. In tough times, be gentle with yourself and tell yourself you are doing the best you can.

6. Take action. The best way to combat stress is simply to be present with it. When you look stress in the face you can unmask what you are afraid of and begin making things happen. After all, the goal is to succeed-and to succeed takes action, hard work and effort.

The person who can find that calm center in times of great challenge will prevail through focus, perspective and a firm grip on purposeful action.

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The Universal Consciousness—the uni or one versatile Consciousness

What will happen when everyone knows instantly the thoughts of everyone else? Suppose one can also see everything and that there is no invisible spectrum also. According to Ramana Maharshi that is the ocean of Amandananda or the ocean of bliss-the ultimate happiness. According to him everyone tries to achieve that state because that is what the Universe is—the ocean of bliss. Compare this to the doctrine that everything is moving towards entropy. With our thoughts we can really create what we think is true. You may assume that the Universe is one ocean of happiness or one big pit of entropy. God has given you the choice. Today we have selected the latter, science chose entropy.

A yogi tries to remove the invisible spectrum and actually feel that Amandananda. He practices concentration so that he can really see everything. He needs nature in all its splendour. He has to participate in that great dance of Siva. Day in and day out he has to cultivate the positive mind, positive view, positive conceptualization, positive connection to the concepts, called understanding…Then he will reach the stage where he can know the thoughts of everyone else, see everything as a thing of bliss, as a part of that Universal Amandananda—-there is no invisible spectrum to him. Seeing everything for him is seeing everything in a positive light. Even now in the visible spectrum your actual seeing and perception depends on your basic conceptualization. When you view the Universe as an assembly of separate things which are interacting and ultimately dissipating each other through entropy, you certainly get entropy only. On the other hand if you conceptualize the one or single (uni) poem (verse) or the positive bliss or the UNI-VERSE, then you get that poem.


You then do not ask the question-what is the purpose of life. What is the purpose for which a baby happily smiles? If you ask the baby the question, what is the purpose of your laughter, can you get answer? The first basic purpose of life is to accept that the Universe is a ocean of bliss.
“A kind of waking trance I have frequently had, quite up from my boyhood, when I have been alone. This has generally come upon me through repeating my own name two or three times to myself silently, till all at once, as it were out of the intensity of the consciousness of individuality, the individuality itself seemed to dissolve and fade away into boundless being; and this is not a confused state, but the clearest of the clearest, the surest of the surest, the weirdest of the weirdest, utterly beyond words, where death was an almost laughable impossibility, the loss of personality(if so it were) seeming no extinction, but the only true life”. (Tennyson)

In modern science today one starts with what is called unbiased look, or detached observation—one detaches oneself from the subject matter and convert oneself into a spectator. Actually one detaches oneself from the Universe. What in reality is the result? You become a diabetic because of the non use of your organs and you hand over the functions of your body to the machines. Your enlightenment has become technological and for you everything is based on mechanics or on the logic of the machine. The net result—all homo sapiens are moving towards diabetes, their own cells are rebelling.

“…we approach Reality, only to find our theories and world pictures fall apart as fast as we can manage to construct them, to find at the basis of the physical world not a promise of certainty but an Uncertainty principle, to find at the basis of the mental world an Incompleteness Theorem, to find, in short that all “observation disturbs reality.”(Ken Wilber)

So the purpose of life is not to disturb the Universe but just to participate in it as a rapture in the ocean of raptures, by dancing,singing,painting….The Universe is the greatest art piece, become an artist to dance with it as one in it. That is the purpose of life which is not economic life—-life made rotten.

@eskimo @AKA

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5-Second Test of Your Professional Confidence

J.T. O’Donnell

CEO of CAREEREALISM & CareerHMO | Recruiting | Employment Branding | Job Search & Career Coaching | Training | Advisor

I recently spoke at an entrepreneur center. Roughly 80 business owners and I were there to discuss the idea of Authority Marketing. It’s the concept of using content to educate an audience to build credibility. Before I started the session, I went around the room and asked each attendee what their “specialty” was. I told them to use as few words as possible. At least 50% of them struggled when it was their turn. There were a lot of “ums” and “ahhs” as well as some pretty weak explanations. That was my first coaching lesson of the day…

Don’t Just Know Your Specialty, OWN Your Specialty

The first rule of Authority Marketing is owning your specialty. Conveying authority begins with believing in your expertise and being willing to show it. As business owners, those session attendees needed to see just how important being prepared to speak with authority about their specialty was to making a good first impression. In short, I tested their professional confidence – and many of them failed.

Guess What? You Own a Business Too!

The reason I’m sharing this story with you is because you are a business-of-one. Which means, in today’s competative talent market, you need to have professional confidence too. If you want to be seen as a talented, successful person in your chosen profession, you need to convey authority when you share your specialty.

You’ve Got 5 Seconds to Write Down Your Specialty

Test your professional confidence by writing down what you would say your specialty is in 5 words or less. Then, ask yourself, “Is it memorable?” And more importantly, “Can I say it with confidence?” If you answer “no” to either of those questions, then I’d suggest working on this very important element of your career identity.

First impressions matter. Professional confidence when stating your specialty is the key.

What’s your specialty?

I’d love to have you share your specialties below. How do you convey confidence, authority, and expertise?

If you want to read more of what I’ve written, check out my articles on

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The age of absolute belief

Till a hundred years ago, the existence and actual administration by God was believed absolutely. Most people spoke to God; consulted God on a regular basis and after knowing the mind of God obeyed God’s will. God spoke to them through, trees, animals, rains, storms, earth quakes, cyclones etc.There were no ifs and buts.

Rationalism meant reading the mind of God. Nature was not a resource. It was the sacred property of God. The whole of mankind believed in the existence of some God. In today’s science or non-belief, the life of those days would appear as various methods of hallucination.

Suppose there was no belief in God in those days and suppose the various discoveries in medicine, transport, and technologies were absent. Then the so called gift of imagination would have created sheer terror as the mode of thinking. People in general would have become lunatics as their minds create images of terrible disasters. The brain would have become a curse. It was the belief, absolute belief in God that helped people live and achieve.

They got missions or God’s work to be achieved and they embarked on voyages, crossed oceans, huge mountain ranges, braved volcanoes, fought terrible wars and often died gladly. The priests looked at the heavens, read God’s will and conveyed them to the people. The people had to obey. Free will was the sin generated by Satan in their minds. Till 200 years ago all scientists were treated as tricksters and fraudsters.

The method of investigation was holistic in the shape of concentration, meditation and sudden illumination in the mind. God spoke to them and every aspect of nature, wind, rain, earth quake, thunder etc were signals from God. Today we call them superstitions.

In those days the belief in God was not some intoxicating opium. It was the main protection from life becoming a nightmare. As animals do not have so much imagination, they did not need the God concept to save them from worry. They do not worry. As we humans worry a lot, we need God or science to protect us from our own imagination.

Homo sapien is the only specie that has Gods and as the Gods have not been very reliable, they invented a God substitute called science. Today Rationalists, Atheists etc want the concept of God to be branded as foolishness. When there is so much exploitation and hopelessness, can we afford to remove God altogether? Can rationalism and the exploitation by kleptocracies co-exist? Kleptocracy means rule by thieves, for thieves and of thieves.

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From the Universe to the Diverse to the Died-Verse

The Singularity broke into pieces thanks to the Big bang. But is the process percolating into every organism? When there was only the smell and no cortex or brain, smell provided, common perception to all the organisms in the biosphere, smell created automatic symbiotic interaction, understanding too must have been common understanding, the problems of difficulties in relationships must have been absent. There could be no different understandings and analysis was not needed. In fact there must have been no need for any machine. Brain was simply not needed. Technology to substitute the facilities of nature was inconceivable.

The process of the big bang in the biosphere must have created disconnection in perception among the organisms. The gift of nature, the capacity to smell perception,identification,instant action and interaction, with symbiosis as the normal feature gradually dissipated and the human organism lost it totally, because it developed a very hungry organ—the brain. What Darwin did not state was that the human brain started the process of breaking up the basic unity in the biosphere, creating independent entities of diverse perceptions and also disabled the organisms from participating in the common understanding and perception. The basic character of uncertainty and probability entered into the lives of the organisms. Symbiosis gradually is giving way to the struggle for survival, the fittest or the rogue winning.

When breathing and smell provided everything, all organisms must have been bound emotionally to the environment. Every life form—the entire flora and fauna must have been the fountains of emotional symbiotic lives. Lives were harmonisations, based on emotional bonds.Emotions, communication and understanding were one. Simply put Nature was the unending fountain of love. Now technology is hastening our divorce with nature. The human organism is the only organism; afflicted with the disease called war. There may be wars among ants or among the dogs but those fights cannot be compared to the modern warfare with nuclear weapons. Nature has become the enemy of the human beings. Nature no longer sings love with understanding and communication. The human being is busy misunderstanding not only nature but himself/herself. Emotional bonds are being destroyed for the sake of mechanical bondages or bandages to cover injuries.

Rene Desscartes opined that all organisms were only machines and the human organism was different because only into the human organism God entered through the pineal gland. Even today though we know that no organism is an emotionless and painless machine, we behave as though every organism is a lifeless machine. In every branch of sciences we are busy searching only for the mechanical explanations and technological solutions for problems. The Gods fled.

We cannot reduce even one single emotion into a mathematical quantity. We live in emotional relationships. Every word, phrase, clause, sentence, book can be given emotional meaning. But we labour to give a mechanical interpretation. It appears that emotions too can be triggered by applying electrodes to specific areas in the brain. Does it not mean that electromagnetism and emotions are related? Does it deny the existence of emotions? Can I ask you—how many kilos of love is there in you? If you succeed in actually giving a mathematical quantity, you killed the emotions themselves forever. How do you like a wife or hubby,who needs an injection to love you?
It is for the Pranayama University to stop the Universe from becoming a Died-verse.Fr that we first need nature to smell. Then only we can breathe understanding.

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A fantastic product for removing the distance between offices in different locations – anyone from our remote offices can log-on and drive around the head office talking to whoever they need to! – They can’t quite make us coffee yet!

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@Magus @srocks

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

@Magus @srocks


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