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गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामना २६ जनवरी २०२०***** HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY 26th January 2020

Deal Lieutenant
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प्रत्यक्ष को प्रमाण की जरुरत नहीं

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Yes I can see propagation of rumours, anti national slogans, vandalism on roads , destruction of national assets etc…and these should stop immediately..

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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So you were present there what did they told the children that this deshbakht law is about (NRC CAA)

Critic Critic
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Abe Koi nahi Gaya, woh phek raha hai, pichle 7 ghante se yahi pada tha online

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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I think OP @ Common-man is still having high hopes that Mr Modi will credit 15 lakhs in his account.

Untill now he doesn’t understand at all that these were all lies.

Reality is that Indian economy is slipping down every day, also is has pushed down the global growth by 0.1%.

Pro Critic Pro Critic
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Focus has been shifted.

7-8 year ago.. we were talking about growth rate..
Now… we are only discussing about religion…

18 Dimers
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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BJP is ruining this great democratic nation and we illiterates are celebrating republic day……
They didn’t spare even Mk Ghandhi disappointed

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Generous Generous
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Waah Modi Ji …Waah

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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This is how smile smile smile

Critic Critic
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@nlnl776633 I hope you are not suggesting to discourage fdi/mnc/imports & make everything in India because if you do then you are completely wrong. USA is currently the sole superpower in the world(both militarily & technologically) & the only country that ever came close to matching it was USSR which also followed the same policy & produced everything from cigarettes to fighter planes in its state run factories(aka psu) & i don’t need to tell you where USSR is now(aka it’s gone). It is simply a fool’s dream to think that any country can achieve the same thing which USSR failed to achieve. China learned this lesson quite early & their leader Deng Xiaoping(if only India could get a leader like him at that time) transformed China & again I don’t need to tell you where China is now(aka catching up fast to USA).


Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I actually added rep. points on the last line of your previous comment.. even prior to seeing your present reply.
Just to touch up on the chronology..
Here (in D and D) even big festival(wishing) posts too don’t get replies from more than 7-8 members (on average)
I or anyone would assume that such topics (as this one) too would get avg. traction.
But as luck would have it, someone took the plunge to make it into political jabbing.
My first innocuous comment above was about that.
My second reply was to emphasise on .. what i ‘believe’ to be true (i or my beliefs aren’t infallible).. and those are..
That in the “Indian crab mentality” democracy like ours.. there are somewhat sufficient checks and balances to keep the pests/basrards (politicians) in order..
..the larger danger, often silent or ignored danger.. is actually heavy muscle corporates, leeches if we may call them so.
It was a very generic, even loose comment.. in a different perspective to the person i was replying to.
(If you notice.. i only mentioned real old and real big hyenas like Coca-Cola, Monsanto.. not Ambani, Bezos, Shell, LN Mittal.. for i do know what big money and growth can do to human devlopment, socioeconomic growth.. although LNM too is a pest.. for me.. obesity or poisonous lifestyle changes.. McD, PizzaHut, Starbucks and how generatikns get stunted.. those issues matter more).
I was merely undermining how values, ideals mean zilch to spineless creatures that politicians are.. them getting replaced by another.. does precious little as none really have enough willpower or balls to do what helps the country more than themselves.

Critic Critic
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@nlnl776633 Well I guess I interpreted your previous posts in a different way than you intended. As for Indian democracy,well change has to come from within to change things around us(similar to words of MK Gandhi) so it is not like majority is not at fault. As for heavy muscle corporates,my view is that more open & liberal the economy/markets of a country are,lesser the chances of emergence of negative heavy muscle corporates.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Agree with the rest of it too..
But THIS is exactly what you said.. about not in thenext 50 years can we…😔
Us desis (those of South Asian lineage) espicially the ones in South Asia.. and specifically Bharat.. sadly but largely ..are the products of “jugaad”, casualness/ chalta hai.. and to an extent “why bother if it isn’t my problem or that someone else might do something”..
I’ve laughed and at the same time got exasperated that in a gated complex.. when a power supply transformer for that society conked of one evening.. 80-90 families (80×3 people? on average?) simply chit chatted, bitched about everything.. but the first real call to the DisCompany went nearly 40 minutes after the shortcircuit blast noise¡
Most kept thinking, someone else might have done.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Happy Republic Day To All Dimers.

Everyone knows the Right to Freedom of Speech .Expression Etc;. ‘’RIGHTS ’’ but very few know or follow about DUTIES.

Please don’t just follow just one part of the Constitution for self favouring in any manner.

Beware, there are many peoples who are taught to be Communal by Birth and Cry SECULARISM everytime .

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Duties are not mandatory, but the rights are. It is according to the constitution itself.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Need  Not    be Political  everytime  and  everywhere.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Protect the constitution first my friends.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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What happened to constitution? Koi mujhe batayega?
One dimer is saying bjp is ruining the Democratic nation…I can’t understand…

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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In the end I want to say that politics is not bad. In Sanskrit it translates into Rajniti for a reason. Rajniti means rules and regulations a ruler must follow, i.e diplomacy. When everyone of this country starts understanding the importance of politics, there will be no political exploitation on anyone. People do chudaap all the time these days, and they blame it on politics. Tell me why is politics bad. For example there are different languages in India, and some of the groups of speakers of a particular language rivals with each other. But it is the politics that unites them in a strong citizenshiphood(I invented the word because I find brother, mother, sister words are too sexist these days. I mean I can’t refer to everyone of the country as my brother, sister, mother. Where are my father, daughter, son, wife, girlfriend, crush? Try to understand my feelings.)
We choose bad leaders. We choose bad politicians. And if we don’t find good politicians then we just do a bit of rndi rona and move on. It is high time, sensible citizens like us participate in politics, nation administration(Without blaming the selection procedure is too hard,), lawyers and judges(So, that rapists and murders could get a faster trial) and responsible entrepreneurs.
Jai Hind guys. Jai Hind

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Those are doing Big Big talk, just check in yourself. How many went for flag hosting (only non compulsion people).

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I went to a nearby school ground , and got the privilege to sing the national anthem and song with the students of school and many other people of the area as they had space for guardians and parents and allowed us.

Good speech by students , band retreat , Malkhambh sport , students awareness on present national scenario , there awareness about CAA , Cleanliness , Pollution ,Healthy eating Habits ,Yog ,Pranayam.

Enjoyed and also Learnt things and feeling recharged seeing the kids ,children and everyone in high spirits.

🇮🇳Bharat Mata ki jay

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Blogger Blogger
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jai hind

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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How about equal rights…I don’t have equal rights as others…some getting reservation in jobs (mostly rich guys are the one taking advantage!)… some getting favor due to ethnic reasons…where is our constitution 😏

EDIT: Sometimes I felt that privatization is bad but when I think of reservation and stuff I feel it’s okay!😅😅

P.S. Personal views…I’m not into politics…I like reasoning and science 😏

Critic Critic
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so true pensive

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Critic Critic
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Kashmiri pandits exodus happened when most of us weren’t even born. It’s been more than 30 years already. How right is it punish whole a generation of population for the crimes committed by militants from Afghanistan? And for how long?

there were militants, terriost, degenerates who did that, but now is their own elected govt, see the irony? . If u r ashamed that then kasmiri didn’t raise their voice, trust me u r no different. u r doing exactly the same

Critic Critic
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Kashmiri Pandits expulsion from the valley represented a significant turning point because this is where Kashmiri mainstream joined the religious extremism.If it wasn’t the case then this exodus would never have happened.The soft handling of this issue by the then state & central govt was one of the main issue bjp exploited quite successfully to start its journey to the top.

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Helpful Helpful
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Happy Republic Day @ Common-man

Nice video smile

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Interesting read…how Maldives become Muslim Nation:

A non-Muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives…

PS. Let me tell you an incident that happened around 8-9 years ago…My brother got a job and went on for training in Uttar Pradesh, at that time there were people from all parts of the country including J&K. In those times I guess world cup was going on (idk for sure but it’s about cricket match) and the match Between Ind vs Pak… anyways what happened was he (and almost everyone) was cheering for India but J&K people were cheering for Pakistan….Unimaginable!

Maybe you can throw some light on this @Aashiqhussain …It was a real problem in our country during Congressional era!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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There are sides of coin and unfortunately you r not aware of our situation there …..
Do you know how many hardships we have to face.
We are 24×7 under surveillance
Internet shutdowns now and then
Our msc degree that Shud have been completed in 2 years takes 4 years.
About cheering for Pakistan …the constitution guarantee the right of expression.
If someone cheers for Australia rather than India in Australia v/s India
Tell me one thing honestly will that be treated same of rather less harsh than of cheering for Pakistan.
See when we r beaten by army, sec 144 all the time , afspa and what not .
So some people seek refuge of Pakistan ….I am Indian but I am not proud of it nor Shud be anybody
I will live here die here.
The one thing I m concerned about is if Indian economy is doing well than Pakistan or be it any nation that will make me more happier as it affects me ,not some chanting for Pakistan cricket and all that.
Cricket is game it has no major role in GDP/ECONOMY

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Guys Please ‘’STOP ’’

The whole purpose of the thread got lost , i.e. wishing each other Republic day yesterday.
See how many actually did.

Being Political everywhere is not good to anyone.

There is political section specifically designed for it.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Yes…I guess we are just wasting our time here with no outcome!

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