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Lexton DPL-19 4-Watt Lighted Swastik Ganesha (White)

Lexton DPL-19 4-Watt Lighted Swastik Ganesha (White)

82% OFF 499.0
Deal Captain

Includes: 1 Lighted Swastik Ganesha
Wattage: 4 watts
Trending everlasting design
Sleek and smooth finish
Swastik Ganesh as symbol of positivity
Emits bright sober light
Made of safe and non -heated plastic
Energy efficiency
Supreme quality for longer shelf life and functioning
Strong body for easy hanging from any support
Long working hours with no blinking
Highly sustainable to harsh conditions both inside and outside low power consumption making it energy efficient hassle free décor as it does not get easily tangled convenient length for un restricted usage light weight for increased utility easy cleaning for good maintenance easy storing flexible for easy fitting portable for easy relocation

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