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*10 Best Tips for A Morning Routine Makeover*

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Productivity Experts Share Their

“10 Best Tips for A Morning Routine Makeover*

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting the most out of the first hours of the day, so we found 10 solutions to choose from.

“The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day,” said 19th-century social reformer Henry Ward Beecher, and a couple of centuries later, the sentiment still holds true. A great morning can set the tone for a great day, while a bad morning can make us want to give up and go back to bed. So how do you have more great starts than bad beginnings?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, says Ryan Nicodemus, coauthor of Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life. “That’s why finding a routine is so difficult; there isn’t a template, and everyone’s morning is going to look different,” he says. “You have to find what’s right for you.”

To design your best morning, take a look at these 10 tips from productivity experts:


While you might intellectually understand that it’s beneficial to get ready for the day, that alone won’t motivate you to do anything, says Nicodemus.

“You have to understand why you’re doing something,” he says. Write down what you want to accomplish each morning and list all of the reasons why. If you find yourself getting derailed, take out your list and review your aspirations. “Looking at your list can help you understand your priorities, and you’ll feel worse if you get off track than if you didn’t have your list.”


The best morning routines start out the night before, says John Trosko, founder of the California-based organizing firm Organizing LA.

“Lay your clothes out the night before, pack lunches, and even plan dinner,” he says. “Make sure your laptop or bag is packed, so you don’t have to think about what you need in the morning. Your day can get off to a great start if you’ve planned out your start.”


Mornings often feel hectic because you run short on time. While it seems a no-brainer, getting up 15 minutes early can eliminate the feeling of being rushed, says Lorie Marrero, author of The Home Office Handbook: Rules of Thumb for Organizing Your Time, Information, and Workspace.

Use a timer to find out how long each step of your routine takes. Our brains are notoriously bad at estimating elapsed time.

“The morning is one of the best places to find extra time,” she says. “Getting up 30 minutes early means you can meditate or read, and giving yourself an extra hour means a workout.”


If you’re not a morning person, it can be hard to jump-start your morning routine. In order to transition into a productive mode, Nicodemus says you have to change your state.

“Jump into a cold shower; it will change your state immediately,” he says, adding that coffee works, as does refusing to use the snooze button. “If you’re setting your alarm 30 to 45 minutes early so you can hit the snooze button a few times, you’ll end up being more tired than if you got up when your alarm went off.”


Find out how long things really take by timing your morning routine, and then plan accordingly.

“You might think you can take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and take care of other grooming needs in five minutes, but you can’t,” says Lisa Zaslow, founder of the organizing firm Gotham Organizers. “Use a timer to find out how long each step of your routine takes, then determine what time you need to get up based on that. Our brains are notoriously bad at estimating elapsed time.”


The biggest problem when it comes to a morning routine is distractions, says Nicodemus.

“What happens is that checking email, social media, the news, and our stocks feels like productivity,” he says. “But we’re really just distracting ourselves from what needs to be done first. Don’t allow yourself to do any of those tasks until you’ve finished your morning routine.”


Wear the same clothes and eat the same breakfast, suggests Carson Tate, author of Work Simply.

“Boring? Yes, at times. However, the goal is to minimize decision making and move through your morning routine with the least amount of mental output as possible,” she says. “The fewer decisions you have to make in the morning, the less fatigued your prefrontal cortex becomes, freeing you up to focus on strategic, revenue-producing ideas and projects. Eliminating choices is a powerful productivity hack.”

For example, Tate has two pairs of the exact same black pants and buys the same style of dress in different colors. “I can open my closet and get dressed on autopilot,” she says.

Carve out a little time to review your calendar and identify what you need to do, says Janine Adams, founder of the professional organizing firm Peace of Mind. “That can happen with coffee or breakfast, on the train to work, or anywhere else you can focus,” she says. “Knowing the top three things that you need to accomplish in a day gives you extra focus and helps you stay on task when you arrive at the office.”


Trosko has a client who challenges herself to do things that will start off the day well: “She and her husband give themselves a star for a variety of good behavior, like getting up early, going for a walk, sex, meditation, making a smoothie, Pilates, or writing,” he says. “They add up their number each morning with a goal to get to five stars.”

Let someone else do the driving, suggests Marrero.

“Taking the bus or train will give you time to read or work, and you might walk a couple of blocks, which is good for your body and mind,” she says. "Use an app like RideScout to help you investigate your options.

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Good time management is essential for coping with the pressures of modern life without experiencing too much stress. 

If you never have enough time to finish your tasks, better time management will help you regain control of your day.

Good time management doesn’t mean you do more work. It means you focus on the tasks that matter and will make a difference. Whether it’s in your job or your lifestyle as a whole, learning how to manage your time effectively will help you feel more relaxed, focused and in control.

“The aim of good time management is to achieve the lifestyle balance you want,” says Emma Donaldson-Feilder, a chartered occupational psychologist.

Here are her top tips for better time management:

Work out your goals

This first step towards improving your time management is to ask yourself some questions. “Work out who you want to be, your priorities in life, and what you want to achieve in your career or personal life,” says Donaldson-Feilder. “That is then the guiding principle for how you spend your time and how you manage it.”

Once you have worked out the big picture, even if it’s quite general, you can then work out some short-term and medium-term goals. “Knowing your goals will help you plan better and focus on the things that will help you achieve those goals,” says Donaldson-Feilder.

Make a list

A common time-management mistake is trying to remember too many details, leading to information overload. A better way to stay organised and take control of your projects and tasks is to use a to-do list to write things down.

“Try it and see what works best for you,” says Donaldson-Feilder. She prefers to keep a single to-do list, to avoid losing track of multiple lists. “Keeping a list will help you work out your priorities and timings, so it can help you put off the non-urgent tasks.”

Work smarter, not harder

Good time management at work means doing high-quality work, not high quantity. Donaldson-Feilder advises concentrating not on how busy you are but on results. “Spending more time on something doesn’t necessarily achieve more,” she says. “Staying an extra hour at work at the end of the day may not be the most effective way to manage your time.”

You may feel resentful about being in the office after hours. You’re also likely to be less productive and frustrated about how little you’re achieving, which will compound your stress.

Have a lunch break

Many people work through their lunch break to gain an extra hour at work, but Donaldson-Feilder says that can be counter-productive. “As a general rule, taking at least 30 minutes away from your desk will help you to be more effective in the afternoon,” she says.

A break is an opportunity to relax and think of something other than work. “Go for a walk outdoors or, better still, do some exercise,” says Donaldson-Feilder. “You’ll come back to your desk re-energised, with a new set of eyes and renewed focus.”

Planning your day with a midday break will also help you to break up your work into more manageable chunks.

Prioritise important tasks

Tasks can be grouped in four categories:

urgent and important
not urgent but important
urgent but not important
neither urgent nor important
“When the phone rings, it seems urgent to pick it up but it’s not necessarily important,” says Donaldson-Feilder. “It may be more important to continue with what you were doing rather than be distracted by a phone call. When it is appropriate, it may be more effective to let your voicemail pick up the message.”

Donaldson-Feilder says people with good time management create time to concentrate on non-urgent, important activities. By so doing, they minimise the chances of activities ever becoming urgent and important.

“The aim is to learn how to become better at reducing the number of urgent and important tasks. Having to deal with too many urgent tasks can be stressful,” says Donaldson-Feilder.

Practise the 4 Ds

We can spend up to half our working day going through our email inbox, making us tired, frustrated and unproductive. A study has found that one-in-three office workers suffers from email stress.

Making a decision the first time you open an email is crucial for effective time management. To manage this burden effectively, Donaldson-Feilder advises practising the 4 Ds of decision-making:

Delete: half of the emails you get can probably be deleted immediately.
Do: if the email is urgent or can be completed quickly.
Delegate: if the email can be better dealt with by someone else.
Defer: set aside time at a later date to spend on emails that require longer action.

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​Over the past decade, we have learned how our brains are hardwired for emotional contagion. Emotions spread via a wireless network of mirror neurons, which are tiny parts of the brain that allow us to empathize with others and understand what they’re feeling. When you see someone yawn, mirror neurons can activate, making you yawn, in turn. Your brain picks up the fatigue response of someone sitting on the other side of the room. But it’s not just smiles and yawns that spread. We can pick up negativity, stress, and uncertainty like secondhand smoke. Researchers Howard Friedman and Ronald Riggio that if someone in your visual field is anxious and highly expressive — either verbally or non-verbally — there’s a high likelihood you’ll experience those emotions as well, negatively impacting your brain’s performance.​

​Observing someone who is stressed — especially a coworker or family member — can have an immediate effect upon our own nervous systems. A separate group of researchers found that 26% of people showed elevated levels of cortisol just by observing someone who was stressed. Secondhand stress is much more contagious from a romantic partner (40%) than a stranger, but when observers watched a stressful event on video with strangers, 24% still showed a stress response. (This makes us question whether we, as happiness researchers, should watch Breaking Bad before going to sleep.)​

​In our highly connected working world, we are hyper-exposed to other people. This means negative emotions and stress become even more contagious as we have high exposure to negative comments on news articles and social media; stressed body language of financial news shows; stressed out people on our subways and planes; and open office plans where you can see everyone’s nonverbals. In such a highly connected world, we need to find ways to improve our emotional immune system, otherwise we risk the negative effects of second handstress. Here’s how:​

Change your response: In research we did at investment banking company UBS with Dr. Alia Crum from Stanford’s Mind & Body Lab and Peter Salovey, founder of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, we found that if you create a positive mindset about stress and stop fighting it, you experience a 23% drop in the negative effects of stress. When we see stress as a threat, our bodies and minds miss out on the enhancing effects of stress. (Even at high levels, stress can create greater mental toughness, deeper relationships, heightened awareness, new perspectives, a sense of mastery, a greater appreciation for life, a heightened sense of meaning, and strengthened priorities.) Instead of fighting and being frustrated at negative people around you, take it as an opportunity to feel compassion or a challenge to help that person become more positive. Our HBR article “Making Stress Work for You” includes more ideas on how to change your stress mindset to a more positive one.

Create positive antibodies: We need behaviors that can neutralize the negative effects of a stressed person. Instead of returning a harried coworkers’ stressed nonverbals with an equally stressed grimace of your own, return it with a smile or a nod of understanding. Suddenly you have the power. As suggested in the new book Broadcasting Happiness, you can create a “power lead” to short-circuit a negative encounter. The first comment in a conversation often predicts the outcome. Try to start your phone calls not with “I’m swamped” or “I’m so busy.” Instead, start with a breath and calmly say: “It’s great to talk to you.”

Build natural immunity: One of the greatest buffers against picking up others’ stress is stable and strong self-esteem. The higher your self-esteem, the more likely you will feel that you can deal with whatever situation you face. If you are finding yourself being impacted by others’ moods, stop and remind yourself how things are going well and that you can handle anything that comes your way. Exercise is one of the best ways to build self-esteem, because your brain records a victory every time you exercise, via endorphins.

Inoculate yourself: Inoculate yourself before going into work or stressful environments. For example, before we start our morning, the very first thing we do is think of three things we are grateful for that day. In this TED talk, you will learn the five positive psychology habits that help inoculate your brain against the negative mindsets of others: 1)writing a 2-minute email praising someone you know; 2) writing down three things for which you’re grateful; 3) journaling about a positive experience for two minutes; 4) doing cardio exercise for 30 minutes; or 5) meditating for just two minutes.

Nowadays, we may know to avoid smoking lounges and we wash our hands after being in busy airports, but in the future, we may realize the key to health and happiness is improving our emotional immune system to protect ourselves from others’ stress. And of course, it’s not just other people’s stress that matters — our own mindset affects the happiness of those around us. A positive mindset can improve our own lives, and the lives of everyone around us.

Shawn Achor is New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness. His TED talk is one of the most popular, with over 11 million views.

Michelle Gielan, a national CBS News anchor turned UPenn positive psychology researcher, is now the bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness.

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एक कारोबारी सेठ सुबह सुबह जल्दबाजी में घर से बाहर निकल कर ऑफिस जाने के लिए कार का दरवाजा खोल कर जैसे ही बैठने जाता है,
उसका पाँव गाड़ी के नीचे बैठे कुत्ते
की पूँछ पर पड़ जाता है।
दर्द से बिलबिलाकर अचानक हुए इस वार को घात समझ वह कुत्ता उसे जोर से काट खाता है।

गुस्से में आकर सेठ आसपास पड़े 10-12 पत्थर कुत्ते की ओर फेंक मारता है पर भाग्य से एक भी पत्थर उसे नहीं लगता है और वह कुत्ता भाग जाता है।

जैसे तैसे सेठजी अपना इलाज करवाकर
ऑफिस पहुँचते हैं जहां उन्होंने अपने
मातहत मैनेजर्स की बैठक बुलाई होती है।
यहाँ अनचाहे ही कुत्ते पर आया उनका सारा गुस्सा उन बिचारे प्रबन्धकों पर उतर जाता है।
वे प्रबन्धक भी मीटिंग से बाहर आते ही
एक दूसरे पर भड़क जाते हैं –
बॉस ने बगैर किसी वाजिब कारण के डांट जो दिया था।

अब दिन भर वे लोग ऑफिस में अपने
नीचे काम करने वालों पर अपनी खीज निकलते हैं –
ऐसे करते करते आखिरकार सभी का
गुस्सा अंत में ऑफिस के चपरासी पर निकलता है
जो मन ही मन बड़बड़ाते हुए
भुनभुनाते हुए घर चला जाता है।
घंटी की आवाज़ सुन कर उसकी
पत्नी दरवाजा खोलती है और
हमेशा की तरह पूछती है
“आज फिर देर हो गई आने में………….”

वो लगभग चीखते हुए कहता है
“मै क्या ऑफिस कंचे खेलने जाता हूँ ?
काम करता हूँ, दिमाग मत खराब करो मेरा,
पहले से ही पका हुआ हूँ,
चलो खाना परोसो”

अब गुस्सा होने की बारी पत्नी की थी,
रसोई मे काम करते वक़्त बीच बीच में
आने पर वह पति का गुस्सा
अपने बच्चे पर उतारते हुए उसे
जमा के तीन चार थप्पड़ रसीद कर देती है।

अब बिचारा बच्चा जाए तो जाये कहाँ,
घर का ऐसा बिगड़ा माहौल देख,
बिना कारण अपनी माँ की मार खाकर
वह रोते रोते बाहर का रुख करता है,
एक पत्थर उठाता है और
सामने जा रहे कुत्ते को पूरी
ताकत से दे मारता है।

कुत्ता फिर बिलबिलाता है …………………….

दोस्तों ये वही सुबह वाला कुत्ता था !!!
अरे भई उसको उसके काटे के बदले ये
पत्थर तो पड़ना ही था
केवल समय का फेर था और सेठ जी
की जगह इस बच्चे से पड़ना था !!!
उसका कार्मिक चक्र तो पूरा होना ही था ना !!!

इसलिए मित्र यदि कोई आपको काट खाये,
चोट पहुंचाए और आप उसका कुछ ना कर पाएँ,
तो निश्चिंत रहें,
उसे चोट तो लग के ही रहेगी,
बिलकुल लगेगी,
जो आपको चोट पहुंचाएगा,
उस का तो चोटिल होना निश्चित ही है,

कब होगा
किसके हाथों होगा
ये केवल ऊपरवाला जानता है
पर होगा ज़रूर ,

अरे भई ये तो सृष्टी का नियम है !!!



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Things You Shouldn’t Say at Work

Former Google executive Ellen Leanse has said women should stop using ‘just’ as a word of permission.

In a recent article on Women 2.0., Ms Leanse said that by using ‘just’, female workers put the person they are talking to into a ‘parent’ position, granting them more authority and control.

But just might not be the only word to avoid. Dr. Travis Bradberry, the cofounder of TalentSmart, the world’s leading provider of emotional intelligence tests and training, said that subtle remarks and words can damage to careers.

“No matter how talented you are or what you’ve accomplished, there are certain phrases that instantly change the way people see you and can forever cast you in a negative light,” Dr. Bradberry said in a LinkedIn article.

Eliminating these phrases from your vocabulary will be rewarding. But that might be trickier than you think, Dr Bradberry said, as the phrases tend to creep up on people.

The 11 career killers you shouldn’t say at the office are as follows:

1. It’s not fair.

“Everyone knows that life isn’t fair. Saying it’s not fair suggests that you think life is supposed to be fair, which makes you look immature and naïve. If you don’t want to make yourself look bad, you need to stick to the facts, stay constructive, and leave your interpretation out of it,” Dr Bradberry said.

2. This is the way it’s always been done.

Technology-fuelled change is happening so fast that even a six-month-old process could be outdated. Saying this is the way it’s always been done not only makes you sound lazy and resistant to change, but it could make your boss wonder why you haven’t tried to improve things on your own. If you really are doing things the way they’ve always been done, there’s almost certainly a better way.

3. “No problem.”

When someone asks you to do something or thanks you for doing something, and you tell them no problem, you’re implying that their request should have been a problem. This makes people feel as though they’ve imposed upon you.

What you want to do instead is to show people that you’re happy to do your job. Say something like “It was my pleasure” or “I’ll be happy to take care of that.” It’s a subtle difference in language, but one that has a huge impact on people.

4. “I think …/This may be a silly idea …/I’m going to ask a stupid question.”

These overly passive phrases instantly erode your credibility. Even if you follow these phrases with a great idea, they suggest that you lack confidence, which makes the people you’re speaking to lose confidence in you.

Don’t be your own worst critic. If you’re not confident in what you’re saying, no one else will be either. And, if you really don’t know something, say, “I don’t have that information right now, but I’ll find out and get right back to you.”

5. “This will only take a minute.”

Saying that something only takes a minute undermines your skills and gives the impression that you rush through tasks. Unless you’re literally going to complete the task in 60 seconds, feel free to say that it won’t take long, but don’t make it sound as though the task can be completed any sooner than it can actually be finished.

6. “I’ll try.”

Just like the word think, try sounds tentative and suggests that you lack confidence in your ability to execute the task. Take full ownership of your capabilities. If you’re asked to do something, either commit to doing it or offer an alternative, but don’t say that you’ll try because it sounds like you won’t try all that hard.

7. “He’s lazy/incompetent/a jerk.”

There is no upside to making a disparaging remark about a colleague. If your remark is accurate, everybody already knows it, so there’s no need to point it out. If your remark is inaccurate, you’re the one who ends up looking like a jerk.

There will always be rude or incompetent people in any workplace, and chances are that everyone knows who they are. If you don’t have the power to help them improve or to fire them, then you have nothing to gain by broadcasting their ineptitude. Announcing your colleague’s incompetence comes across as an insecure attempt to make you look better.

8. “That’s not in my job description.”

This often sarcastic phrase makes you sound as though you’re only willing to do the bare minimum required to keep getting a paycheck, which is a bad thing if you like job security.

If your boss asks you to do something that you feel is inappropriate for your position (as opposed to morally or ethically inappropriate), the best move is to complete the task eagerly. Later, schedule a conversation with your boss to discuss your role in the company and whether your job description needs an update. This ensures that you avoid looking petty. It also enables you and your boss to develop a long-term understanding of what you should and shouldn’t be doing.

9. “It’s not my fault.”

It’s never a good idea to cast blame. Be accountable. If you had any role—no matter how small—in whatever went wrong, own it. If not, offer an objective, dispassionate explanation of what happened. Stick to the facts, and let your boss and colleagues draw their own conclusions about who’s to blame.

The moment you start pointing fingers is the moment people start seeing you as someone who lacks accountability for their actions. This makes people nervous. Some will avoid working with you altogether, and others will strike first and blame you when something goes wrong.

10. “I can’t.”

I can’t is it’s not my fault’s twisted sister. People don’t like to hear I can’t because they think it means I won’t. Saying I can’t suggests that you’re not willing to do what it takes to get the job done.

If you really can’t do something because you truly lack the necessary skills, you need to offer an alternative solution. Instead of saying what you can’t do, say what you can do.

For example, instead of saying “I can’t stay late tonight,” say “I can come in early tomorrow morning. Will that work?” Instead of “I can’t run those numbers,” say “I don’t yet know how to run that type of analysis. Is there someone who can show me so that I can do it on my own next time?”

11. “I hate this job.”

The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much they hate their job. Doing so labels you as a negative person and brings down the morale of the group. Bosses are quick to catch on to naysayers who drag down morale, and they know that there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.

Source: independent.

“@Rockstar ":

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Eight Gifts that Do Not Cost A penny!

But you must REALLY listen.
No interrupting, no daydreaming,
No planning your response.
Just listening.

Be generous with appropriate hugs,
Kisses, pats on the back, and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the
Love you have for family and friends.

Clip cartoons.
Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, “I love to laugh with you.”

It can be a simple
“Thanks for the help” note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered
For a lifetime, and may even change a life.

A simple and sincere,
“You look great in red,”
“You did a super job,”
Or “That was a wonderful meal”
Can make some one’s day.

Every day, go out of your way
To do something kind.

There are times when we want nothing better
Than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times and give
The gift of solitude to others.

The easiest way to feel good is
To extend a kind word to someone.
Really, it’s not that hard to say,
Hello or Thank You.

@vishusgh @sparkles @Gr@h@m@lkene™ @dexter1989

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"@B@R_0_0_D": wrote:

Eight Gifts that Do Not Cost A penny!

But you must REALLY listen.
No interrupting, no daydreaming,
No planning your response.
Just listening.

Be generous with appropriate hugs,
Kisses, pats on the back, and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the
Love you have for family and friends.

Clip cartoons.
Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, “I love to laugh with you.”

It can be a simple
“Thanks for the help” note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered
For a lifetime, and may even change a life.

A simple and sincere,
“You look great in red,”
“You did a super job,”
Or “That was a wonderful meal”
Can make some one’s day.

Every day, go out of your way
To do something kind.

There are times when we want nothing better
Than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times and give
The gift of solitude to others.

The easiest way to feel good is
To extend a kind word to someone.
Really, it’s not that hard to say,
Hello or Thank You.

vishusgh</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">sparkles @Gr@h@m@lkene™ @dexter1989

will keep on mind, at least some of them.
I read many post shared by you but mine favourite is :- " if you are a good observer, world becomes teacher for you"
What’s your favourite of your own

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5 Factors That Make Ayurvedic Medicines Unique

Most of the ayurvedic medicines contain 3 or more ingredients. Rarely we find medicines prepared out of single herb or two. In fact, many of them contain 10 – 20 medicinal herbs. Around 10-15% of the formulations possess more than 40 herbs.

Uniqueness of Ayurvedic medicines:

1. Digestive / Carminative Ingredients:

Ayurveda believes that most of the diseases are caused due to mandagni (indigestion). So, most of the Ayurvedic medicines contain at least one herb possessing digestive and carminative property. Thus, depending upon the formulations, Maricha (black pepper), Shunti (ginger), Pippali (long pepper), Hingu (asafoetida), Jeeraka (cumin seeds), etc., are added in permutation and combinations.

2. Catalyst , Bio-Enhancer (Yogavahi)

Ayurveda usually prescribes a Yogavahi herb (which carries the active ingredient to the required site of action – target cells). A few of the drugs are well known for this action.

Trikatu Churna – Combination of pepper, long pepper and ginger Act as bio availability enhancer, when used in combination with other medicinal herbs. They increase the availability of medicinal phyto-chemicals at the site of therapeutic action.

Madhu (honey),

Ghrita – Cow ghee

Yashtimadhu (Indian liquorice), are included in the formulation for the same reason.

3. Wide Variety of Herbs:

Many herbal ingredients are bitter or astringent in taste, some have offensive smell – like Acorus, Paederia foetida. On the other side, many possess sweetness like sugar candy, jaggery, honey, ghee or else the aromatic substance like cardamom, bark of cinnamon, cumin seeds, leaves of cinnamon etc. In few of the formulations, natural coloring agents are also added like Turmeric, Manjista, Daruharidra etc.

Along with the above said benefits, they contribute therapeutic action too. Hence, while adding these additives enough care is taken so as to contribute synergetic benefit or else to avoid antagonistic action of the pre existing ingredients of the therapeutic benefits.

4. Different Dosage Forms Based on Need of the Patient:

Form of medicine too makes the formulation unique. Each kind of pharmaceutical form like Lehya (herbal jam), Asava (liquids), Choorna (herbal powder mix), Tablet, juice extracts.

Kashaya (herbal decocotion) etc are advocated with particular intentions. Usually the form of the medicine is selected based upon the stage of the illness. For example, when digestion strength is good, but patients need nutrition, Avaleha (herbal jams) like Chyawanprash, Agastya Rasayana etc are selected. When the patient’s digestion strength is low, then spicy Churnas like Hingvashtak Churna or Vaishvanar Churna are administered.

5. The Time of Intake of Medicine:

It also brings significant change in the action of the drug. The medicine which should be prescribed in after meals if prescribed in empty stomach may cause gastric irritation. Likewise 11 different specific time duration have been told for the intake of the medicine, depending upon the disease, stage of the illness and type of formulation.

Thus each Ayurvedic medicine is unique in its quality, action and use depending upon the disease and the individual’s body constitution while prescribing herbal and herbo-mineral preparation. These factors are to be given much emphasize and priority in routine practice.

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Fish oil may burn fat faster than weight loss pills for obese people in their 30s and 40s, Kyoto University researchers report.

Fish oil activates receptors in the digestive tract, fires the sympathetic nervous system and induces storage cells to metabolise fat. Fat tissues do not all store fat. “White cells” store fat in order to maintain energy supply while “brown cells” metabolise fat to maintain a stable body temperature. Brown cells are abundant in babies but decrease in number with age

A third type of fat cells — “beige cells” — have recently been found in humans and mice, and have shown to function much like brown cells.

“We tested whether [having] fish oil and an increase in beige cells could be related,” said senior author Teruo Kawada. The researchers concluded that there is a link between the two. — IANS.

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Chronic binge drinking kills liver faster

Chronic alcohol use, when combined with repeated binge drinking, causes more damage to the liver.(Getty Images)
NEW YORK: Chronic alcohol use, when combined with repeated binge drinking, causes more damage to the liver than previously thought, says an Indian-origin researcher from University of Missouri-Columbia.

“Heavy binge drinking by those who habitually consume alcohol is the most common cause of liver damage in chronic alcoholic liver disease,” said Shivendra Shukla, Margaret Proctor Mulligan Professor of medical pharmacology and physiology

This causes large fatty deposits in the liver that ultimately impair the organ’s ability to function properly.

“However, we wanted to understand the mechanism that causes this damage and the extent of the harm. Our research focused on different forms of alcohol abuse and the results of those behaviours,” Shukla added.

Shukla’s team studied mice to examine the extent of liver injury caused by chronic alcohol use, repeat binge episodes and a combination of both.

During a four-week period, the team found that mice exposed to chronic alcohol use and repeated binge consumption exhibited the highest levels of liver damage.

“Either chronic alcohol use or acute repeat binge episodes caused moderate liver damage when compared to the control group not exposed to alcohol,” Shukla noted.

“Even more shocking was the extent of fatty deposits in the livers of those exposed to chronic plus binge alcohol. It was approximately 13 times higher than the control group,” he informed.

Shukla also pointed out that chronic and excessive alcohol use should not be associated only with liver damage.

“Drinking alcohol excessively can create an inflammatory response to the liver and other organ systems in the body,” Shukla noted.

If those organs work at a lower level of function, then a whole host of physiological processes can be affected.

“It is important for us to understand the extent of damage caused by alcohol abuse, which also can lead to other health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer,” said the authors in a paper published in the journal Biomolecules.

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one morning thing is not mentioned here

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@bajirao mastani wrote:

one morning thing is not mentioned here


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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:

Kya app washington dc mai ho ?
subah ke 8:40 ho rahay hai ?

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Tame leg cramps with tomato juice

At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you’ll not only speed your recovery, you’ll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.

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Shed Those Extra Pounds With Oatmeal Water

According to FDA, oatmeal is a great nutritious addition to your diet. Apart from giving you energy and making you feel vibrant, it is also great at regulating your metabolism. It also helps in suppressing hunger! Let go of your binging fear.

How To Make Oatmeal Water?


1 cup oatmeal

1 cinnamon stick

2 liters (0.5 gallons) water


Add 1 cup oatmeal to 1 glass water and blend.

Add the rest of the water and cinnamon. You could add a natural sweetener of your choice like honey if you wish

In case the oatmeal hasn’t blended properly, strain the mix.

Refrigerate and drink.

How Does Oatmeal Water Help Reduce Your Waist Size?

Great Detox- Oatmeal contains amino acids that trigger the production of lecithin in the liver, purifying the body. It helps eliminate toxins in the body.

Diuretic – Oatmeal is a diuretic, which means it prevents the body from retaining liquids

Low in Calories – It is a low calorie food and satisfies your appetite. It is also extremely nutritious due to its high content of Calcium, Vitamin A,B-6, Iron, Magenisum and Dietary Fiber.

Improves Digestion – It increases nutrient absorption, reduces gastric acids and facilitates digestion. It also helps in relieving constipation.

Start your day with oatmeal water on an empty stomach. Consume this regularly along with a balanced diet and optimal amount of exercise.

New favorite drink? Mine too!

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Daily Habits that are Bad for your Heart

While a healthy heart is something we all want to have, cardiovascular disease affects more than 1 in 3 adults in the US. Thankfully, adopting some simple, everyday habits can make a big difference in how healthy your heart is. Let’s take a look at 16 daily habits that are bad for your heart, as well as how to avoid them.

1. Watching too much television
Even if you exercise regularly, sitting for hours on end increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke. The lack of movement may affect blood levels of fats and sugars. So, spare your heart and walk around periodically, making it a point to stand up for certain activities too.

2. Leaving stress, hostility and depression unchecked
How you handle your emotions can affect your health, and leaving emotions such as stress, resentment and depression unchecked can take a toll on your heart. Rather than bottling up your emotions, talk about your problems. Never underestimate the health benefits of social support and a good laugh every once in a while.

3. Ignoring the snoring
In some cases, snoring may be more than just a minor nuisance. In fact, snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder that is marked by interrupted breathing during sleep, which can cause blood pressure to skyrocket. And while people who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for sleep apnea, slim people may have it too. So if you snore and often wake up feeling tired, talk with your doctor.

4. Not flossing your teeth
Studies have shown a strong link between gum disease and heart disease. Flossing is essential for preventing gum disease, due to the sticky, bacteria-laden plaque that builds up on the gums over time. Consequently, bacteria may trigger inflammation in the body. Inflammation promotes atherosclerosis (a disease of the arteries, characterized by the deposition of fatty material on their inner walls). Therefore, treating gum disease can improve blood vessel function.

5. Not taking the time to strengthen connections
While some alone time is essential, be sure to take the time to strengthen and build connections with family and friends. People who do so tend to live longer, healthier lives.

6. You have an all-or-nothing mentality
You may dive into exercising with good intentions, then suddenly stop exercising all together. Rather than having an all-or-nothing approach, it is more important to commit to regular exercise and be in it for the long run.

7. Drinking too much alcohol
While a small amount of alcohol may be good for your heart, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to a greater risk of high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats and heart failure. If you enjoy a drink every now and again, stick to no more than two drinks per day (for men), and no more than one a day (for women). One drink is equivalent to four ounces of wine.

8. Thinking that you are not at risk
Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, heart disease and heart failure claims more lives in the US than any other illness, including cancer.

9. Eating red meat
Red meat is best thought of as an occasional treat as opposed to the foundation of your daily diet. It is high in saturated fat, and recent studies have shown that processed meat such as bacon and hot dogs may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. As a result, aim to have less than 10% of the food in your diet coming from animals and animal products. If, however, you have a hard time parting with beef, choose a lean cut of red meat and limit your intake.

10. Smoking or passive smoking
While the effects of this bad habit may be ingrained in your mind, it is worth repeating. Smoking wreaks havoc on your heart, promotes blood clots and can block blood flow to the heart, also contributing to plaque buildup in the arteries. Smoking is also harmful to those around you. In fact, about 46,000 non-smokers that live with a smoker die from heart disease each year because of secondhand smoke.

11. Skipping or stopping medication
It can be easy to forget to take your meds if you are feeling fine. High blood pressure is called the silent killer because you don’t feel it, but feeling well is no justification for stopping taking your pills.

12. A diet low in fruits and vegetables
A heart-healthy diet is a plant-based diet. Stock up on fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy and protein. Studies have shown that people who eat more than five servings of fruit and vegetables a day have about a 20% lower risk of heart disease and stroke than people who eat less than three servings per day.

13. Not paying attention to physical symptoms
If your chest feels like it has excess pressure on it, or you feel out of breath after climbing a single flight of stairs (particularly if you used to walk up without a problem) it’s time to check in with your doctor. ‘Time is muscle’, so the quicker you get treated for possible trouble, the less likely you are to have permanent damage to your heart muscle.

14. Snacking on too much salt
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, kidney failure and a heart attack. It is therefore essential that you keep salt to a minimum. In fact, most of us should keep our sodium intake below 2,300 milligrams a day, but if you have high blood pressure or are over 50, your salt intake should be cut back to 1,500 milligrams. Avoid junk food and be sure to read the labels for sodium content.

15. Eating empty calories
Foods high in sugar, fat and oil should be avoided, not only because they deliver calories, they also have very few, if any, nutrients your body can use. Therefore a diet that is full of empty calories increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Rather, opt for foods that are rich in nutrients – vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, eggs, beans and peas and unsalted nuts and seeds, as well as lean meats and poultry, fat-free and low-fat milk.

16. Not drinking enough coffee
A new study has found that consuming a moderate amount of coffee could lower the risk of clogged arteries. The study found that people who drank coffee had a lower risk of having calcium deposits in their coronary arteries (vessels that bring oxygenated blood to the heart muscle) – an indicator of heart disease.

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10 Health Benefits Of Ragi or Nachni

Even though India is the highest producer of finger millet (ragi or nachni), contributing to about 58% of its global production, very few Indians know about its health benefits and nutritional value.

If you’re among those who are unaware about the benefits of including nachni in your diet, we give you 10 reasons why you should.

1. Rich in Calcium:

No other cereal comes close to ragi when it comes to calcium content. Calcium is a significant factor when it comes to bone development and prevention of osteoporosis. Replacing calcium pills with a ragi kanji or porridge and including it in the diet of growing children is a good way to reap its benefits. You may also like to know the 9 reasons you should eat calcium rich foods.

2. Helps in Weight Loss:

The natural fat content in ragi is lower than all other cereals. Also, this fat is in its unsaturated form. Thus, substituting it for wheat and rice is a good choice for people trying to lose weight. It also contains an amino acid called tryptophan which reduces appetite.

3. High Fibre Content:

As compared to white rice, ragi contains higher amounts of dietary fibre. Due to this, ragi aids digestion, prevents over-eating and makes you feel full for a longer span of time. The amino acids lecithin and methionine help in decreasing the cholesterol levels of your body by getting rid of the excess fat in the liver. On the other hand, threonine hinders the formation of fat in the liver and provides overall reduction of body cholesterol.

4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels:

The high polyphenol and fibre content has another perk. Diabetic patients can trust ragi to create a restrained build in glucose level. Diets that regularly include ragi have been known to have lower glycemic response. This is mostly down to the inclusion of bran in ragi as the grain is too small to be polished and milled. Know about how whole grains can prevent type 2 diabetes.

5. Battles Anemia:

Ragi is an excellent source of natural iron. Patients of anaemia and low haemoglobin levels can begin to include ragi in their diets as a domestic remedy. Vitamin C is known to aid the absorption of iron. Once ragi is allowed to sprout, the vitamin C levels increase and lead to further absorption of iron into the bloodstream. Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of anemia.

6. Natural Relaxant:

The ample amount of amino acids and antioxidants in ragi help the body relax naturally. Common ailments like anxiety, insomnia, headaches and depression can be battled with ragi. The amino acid called Tryptophan is a major contributor to the relaxing effects of ragi.

7. Reduces the Risk of Stroke:

In its early stages of growth, that is, when it is still green, ragi can help prevent high blood pressure. The cholesterol levels in blood can be regulated too, leading to less plaque formation and blockage of vessels. As a result the risk for hypertension and stroke goes down significantly. You make like to read about the 6 lifestyle tips to prevent stroke.

8. Gluten-Free:

People with celiac disease or followers of the gluten-free diet can incorporate ragi into their daily consumption as it is completely free of gluten. Not many cereals can boast of this property since gluten is a major nutrient in all cereals.

9. Excellent Baby Food:

In Southern India, where ragi is widely consumed, babies as old as 28 days are fed ragi porridge at their christening. It is believed that ragi promotes better digestion. The high calcium and iron content is useful for the bone growth and overall development of the infant. Specially-processed ragi powders for infants are available widely to be used during weaning.

10. Boosts Lactation:

Lactating mothers are urged to include ragi, especially when it is green as it enhances milk handling and imbibes the milk with the essential amino acids, iron and calcium required for the nutrition of the mother as well as the child.

The production of milk is also affected positively. Ragi is prescribed to the mothers that wish to increase the quantity of milk produced for their baby. You may want to know the health benefits of whole grains.

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