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99% people are driven by emotions, instincts & don’t want to hear the truth !

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Is Your Boss Pushing You to Your Limit? It’s Because He Cares
Bobby Campbell

Helping someone truly transform takes a huge amount of effort from a teacher. Because of this, truly great teachers are unwilling to teach everyone, because you can’t hope to reach everyone. Not everyone has the work ethic and hunger to deserve that type of effort and hard work. It takes an enormous amount of energy and personal sacrifice for a good leader to help someone transform themselves into something new.

I always tell people when they have a boss pushing them or hounding them to not worry — that boss probably cares about you improving and progressing. You should start worrying when your boss stops. When someone stops putting an effort into your progress, they may have given up on you.

I’ve seen this happen both ways while running my company. I’ve helped people transform who didn’t have the will out of necessity, and I’ve helped people who did have the will and wanted it more than anything. It’s a demanding process. In both cases, I think the individuals resented me to varying degrees, and that was okay. I wasn’t in it for them to thank me. I was in it to create an end product. While they may have not have completely understood at first why I was doing what I was doing, in most cases, I believe they came to an appreciation of how I was helping them.

To me, there is nothing more extraordinary than a human being changed at his or her core. Most people go through life and never change fundamentally. They don’t change — because it’s hard. Ninety-nine percent of people are driven by emotions, instincts, desires, lusts and hungers. An individual who wants to change must rise above, recognize himself or herself for who they are, make a conscious decision in every moment to face these things and choose to be different.

Making a choice to be different in every moment is the great challenge that anyone who has risen to the top of their field or had great success must recognize and conquer.

Here are five things a great boss who cares will do that you might resent him or her for:

1. A good leader will demand excellence.

For too many, mediocrity is okay. Most bosses or leaders will sell you short. They will say that’s as good as they can do, because they don’t care enough to demand your best. It’s just easier to except you as you are. The boss who demands more of you is the boss who is doing you a favor. He’s the boss who sees your potential and is willing to put the energy into you, to see you evolve.

2. A good leader will push you to the edge.

A great boss or leader will push you to the breaking point. You might think they are pushing you too far. However, if they really care about you and believe in you, they will push you past where you think you can be — but not so far that you break. A great leader knows that it’s at the edges where real progress is made. When you have gone further than you thought you could and get close to your breaking point, that’s where greatness is discovered.

Related: How Successful People Overcome Toxic Bosses

3. A good leader will tell you the truth.

Most people don’t want to hear the truth. They are just fine where they are. They do not want to disrupt the status quo. People often ask me for advice on business. Most of the time, I decline. The reason is that most people don’t want to hear the truth. Most people just want you to reassure them that what they are doing is good. The truth does not always reassure. Sometimes it can hit you hard, like a punch to the face. But the boss who is honest with you is the boss who will make you better.

4. A good leader will yell at you.

Sometimes leaders are tough — even jerks — but it’s always for a valid reason. Do not sell yourself short by being lazy and not appreciating what they are trying to do for you. Sometimes to get your attention, a boss may yell. If that’s what it takes to get you back on track, so be it. Would you rather they say something important in a way that is nice but doesn’t get your attention — and then you miss it?

5. A good leader will compliment you only when you deserve it.

A good boss is not there to hand out participation trophies. They want you to learn what it means to accomplish something and receive legitimate praise based on an actual accomplishment. It’s a great feeling and way different than an empty pat on the back. If they praise you for something undeserving, they will gradually lose your respect. It’s important in the process to not only to be fair with criticisms and challenges but also be fair with praise. A boss is there to measure your progress. The feedback they give will help you gauge progress and build confidence.

The next time your boss is pushing you hard and you don’t understand why, just remember — they might be trying to take you to a place you didn’t think you were capable of reaching.

​source: entrepreneur
@Smarty @Magus

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@B@R_0_0_D u r being too harsh on Paisa

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@sheetalvarunyadav2223 wrote:

@B@R_0_0_D u r being too harsh on Paisa

Kya Karen

Paisa, Power ya pyar

Only 3 reasons of fight !!??

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MONEY TRAP : Taking Advice From Sellers

There is a famous saying “ Timid Salesmen Have Skinny Kids”. This saying tells you why you need to be very careful, while taking advice from sellers. Sellers have to eat. Their families have to eat. Why would a seller be worried about your needs? Sellers of financial products are no different from sellers of any other product. You visit a bank to open a fixed deposit. The friendly bank executive Suresh, advices you to avail an endowment life insurance plan. This is what he says. Sir…Buy this endowment life insurance plan. Life is short and uncertain. Your family will be well taken care of even in your absence. You also get money back and a bonus when this plan matures. Another bank executive Harish tells you “Sir…Invest your money in ABC equity mutual fund scheme. Your hard earned money will grow in no time.

You are very happy with all this financial advice and decide to take up the endowment life insurance plan. You will also invest in the mutual fund scheme. You think…Suresh and Ramesh have been working as bank executives for several years. They surely know what they are talking about. But is this a good idea? Sure, Suresh and Ramesh know what they are talking about. But do they have your best interests at heart?

Why you should not take advice from sellers?

Radha is a home maker in Chennai. She has a lot of spare time and does not know what to do with it. One day she gets a call from a long forgotten classmate. Radha’s classmate tells her…Why don’t you become a life insurance agent? You don’t require a high qualification. Even a street vendor sells life insurance. You can also make a lot of money in commission, selling life insurance plans.

Soon Radha becomes a part time life insurance agent. She contacts her friends and relatives and persuades them to avail life insurance plans. She then persuades her neighbors to invest in life insurance plans. Radha even persuades Harsha an old classmate, to avail an equity ULIP. She says…Investing in an equity ULIP is very good, as your family is well protected even in your absence. There’s more good news…Your money is invested in the stock market and grows as the market rises. This is a double benefit, Insurance + Investment.

Soon she has finished advising her relatives, friends and neighbours to take up life insurance plans. Radha now finds life difficult. Selling life insurance is no longer easy. Radha relocates to a new city and gives up selling life insurance. This job is boring and difficult….Selling life insurance no longer interests Radha. She and her husband relocate to another city.

Meanwhile the stock markets have crashed and the equity ULIP sold by Radha to her classmate Harsha, has fallen in value. Harsha who is struggling to pay the premiums on the equity ULIP, finds that this ULIP has a lock in period of 5 years. She had to compulsorily pay the premium for 5 years. Radha never mentioned this while selling the ULIP. Harsha has been mis-sold a life insurance plan by her own classmate. When Harsha tried to tell Radha her problem, Radha replied that she had given up selling life insurance. This was just a past-time which she found no longer interesting. Harsha was all on her own.

Harsha learnt a lesson from this bitter experience. Never trust a seller to give you good financial advice.

Is All Financial Advice Good For You?

You love shopping at Malls. One day while shopping at the mall near your home, you are greeted by a life insurance agent, who introduces himself as Raghav. You are soon in an intense conversation with him. You talk about…office…family…mutual interests and hobbies. Raghav is soon able to persuade you to buy a life insurance plan. He comes over to your place and sells you what is called an endowment life insurance plan. You have to pay a premium of INR 20,000 each year. The term of the plan is 15 years. The sum assured would be INR 5 Lakhs. You also get a good bonus if you hold this plan till maturity. Raghav advices you to pay the premium and invest in this plan. He says “Your family would be well taken care of in case of your untimely death, if you availed this plan. On maturity of the plan, you would get a lump sum amount. You would get the sum assured + accrued bonus.

Raghav may be a seller of life insurance, but he is now also your friend. Without a care you sign on the dotted line and take up the endowment life insurance plan, after handing over Raghav a cheque for the premium. You pay the premium for 2 more years. You had almost forgotten Raghav, when he again pops up at your place. He says “There is a better endowment life insurance plan, than the one sold to you”. Why don’t you surrender the old endowment life insurance plan and buy this new endowment life insurance plan? Trusting Raghav you again sign on the dotted line of this new endowment life insurance plan and hand him a cheque for this plan.

A week later you surrender your old endowment life insurance plan. This is when you get a shock… You get back only 30% of the total premium you had paid for 3 years, after surrendering the old endowment life insurance plan. You are extremely lucky as you held this life insurance plan for 3 years. Otherwise, you would have got back nothing from this plan. You try to contact Raghav, but he is not around. You are a victim of a trick commonly used by life insurance agents called churning.

Why did Raghav sell you these endowment life insurance plans? The Life Insurer paid Raghav a commission of around 35% of the premium, you paid for the endowment life insurance plan, in the first year. Shocking isn’t it? Raghav also pocketed a commission on the premiums you paid in the second and third year. These commissions were not as high as the commission he pocketed in the first year. Raghav has now sold you a new endowment life insurance plan where he again gets 35% of the premium you have paid. You have lost a lot of money and guess what…you won’t find Raghav around.

‘’Adviser should not sell, seller should not advice’’

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एक व्यक्ति ने एक नया मकान खरीदा ! उसमे फलों का बगीचा भी था। पडौस का मकान पुराना था और उसमे कई लोग रहते थे।

कुछ दिन बाद उसने देखा, कि पडौस के मकान से किसी ने बाल्टी भर कूडा, उसके घर के दरवाजे पर डाल दिया है।

शाम को उस व्यक्ति ने एक बाल्टी ली, उसमे ताजे फल रखे और उस घर के दरवाजे की घंटी बजायी।

उस घर के लोग बेचैन हो गये और वो सोचने लगे, कि वह उनसे सुबह की घटना के लिये लडने आया है..!

अतः वे पहले ही तैयार हो गये और बुरा भला बोलने लगे।

मगर जैसे ही उन्होने दरवाजा खोला, वे हैरान हो गये। रसीले ताजे फलों की भरी बाल्टी के साथ,
मुस्कान चेहरे पर लिये नया पडोसी, सामने खडा था…! सब हैरान थे।

उसने कहा — जो मेरे पास था, वही मैं आपके लिये ला सका…!

सच है जिसके पास जो है, वही वह दूसरे को दे सकता है..!

जरा सोचिये, कि आपके पास दूसरो के लिये क्या है..?

दाग तेरे दामन के धुले ना धुले,
नेकी तेरी कही तुला पर तुले ना तुले।
मांग ले अपनी गलतियो की माफी खुद से,
क्या पता आँख कल ये खुले ना खुले ?


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Old age

There is a very simple test to know whether you are old or not. After you do strenuous physical exercise, if you feel more energized after the exercise, with the glow of real smile in your outlook, then you are not old. Nature at the most fundamental level is not the three dimensional body of length, breadth and height. It is the operation of non dimensional energies, including you. If you do not imprison yourself in your-self definition as a three dimensional entity and view yourself in terms of energies, then you get a true picture of yourself. After a good physical exercise, if you feel energetic, then you are very young, whether you are a twenty year old or ninety year old. Nature is finding you as a partner to interact with the energy inflow and outflow. But after the exercise, if you feel tired then you have to fight that feeling by a combination of the physical and mental exercise.

Another test of your health is, whether you are getting demoralized and actually abandoning a cause which you have taken up, simply because someone is sneering at you, and then also it means that you are becoming old. It is a clear indication that you are losing your faith, respect and dependence on yourself. Added to this, suppose you begin sneering at a person, by resorting to personal attacks which have no relation to the cause, then you are becoming very old and actually you have surrendered and written yourself off, because you do not believe in your capacity to reason. When you feel physically safe because of the physical distance etc,and then if you sneer then you are almost over the hill, truly old and unfit.

There are certain words or phrases which I do not like because of their mechanical connotation.

One such word is foreplay. The partner has some switches and dials to switch on—a machine. A partner is for the glow of living together and not just for the after-glow. The partner is not a machine but an emotional trigger and participant in emotions. The emotional relationship must continuously re-energize—physically and emotionally. If one finds in a partner only an opportunity to ventilate anger, grievances etc, then there is already a mental divorce. You are not contributing in re-energizing but in dissipating. In that relationship you have become old.

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@Alpha.Barood wrote:



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I am seeing many people who are absolutely miserable in their current state. Stress and fear of the unknown can cause many to miss their blessings and opportunities. 9 out of 10 people would rather die than change. Challenge yourself to step out of your own comfort zone. Many things I have been terrified of doing, I accomplished so that I was not shackled down by the chains of fear. Fear is a great motivator. You want a better job then go after it. If you are not happy then fake it until you are. Perseverance is key. “You can fail doing what you don’t want to do, so you might as well take a chance and do what you love.” -Jim Carrey

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