Hot Deal

Let's Define the Trading Rules together

Deal Major

Lets do this as a community

you guys give us the rules, and we will change the existing ones

Keep in mind

How can we avoid fraud
How can we make sure, that trade is not restricted to only few people but everyone can participate
How can we avoid financial data not going in the wrong hand
and such things

Lets keep this thread open for 5 days and then we close the rules after that

39 Dimers
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@o_o wrote:

@anthrax.ut i Don’t Thing We Can Stop Fraud ( Practically its Not Possible ) But Yes We Can Fix Accountability To Reduce Frauds
According To Me:

Before Trade
✓ Registered ( Verified ) Number
✓ Minimum Deal Cadet ( 100 or 200 Karma Points/ Strictly No Space For Newbie B’Cuz U Have To Contribute In This Community Before Earning )
✓ *You Should Start Some One Time Deposit System For Sellers ( Like You Have To Deposit 100/200 Paytm/Mobi/e.t.c. To DD We Can Say Virtual Trading Licence On DD…. In Case Of Any Fraud At least We Can Compensate Buyer )

After Trade
▻ After Successful/Unsuccessful Trade…Acknowledge Trade Activity As : -1/0/+1 As Trade Point( Continue 3 tyms -1 Will Ban You Temporary For Trade Activity & Admin Will Review Your Trade Activity )
( Trade Point Is Visible or Not Itz Up To You DD )

i Am Not In Favor Of Chat Or 3rd Person Intervention This’ll Lead Slowness / Sluggishness / Unnecessary Delay And Privacy Naam Ki Bhi Koi Cheez Hoti Hain Yaar

In just one giveaway a newbie will become Deal Cadet.

Dimer Of The Year 2012 Dimer Of The Year 2012
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@DimerAbhi wrote:

@anthrax.ut wrote:

@DimerAbhi wrote:

Best solution is ban desidime
Na rahega baas na bajegi basuri

if you cant add anything of value

i would say it is sometimes ok not to comment….. there is no pressure that you have to contribute in all the threads

for first one there is risk everywhere so definately there is a chances of fraud

and last one dont allow cash trading

Which planet did u come from ?

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@amarnathumapathy wrote:

@o_o wrote:

@anthrax.ut i Don’t Thing We Can Stop Fraud ( Practically its Not Possible ) But Yes We Can Fix Accountability To Reduce Frauds
According To Me:

Before Trade
✓ Registered ( Verified ) Number
✓ Minimum Deal Cadet ( 100 or 200 Karma Points/ Strictly No Space For Newbie B’Cuz U Have To Contribute In This Community Before Earning )
✓ *You Should Start Some One Time Deposit System For Sellers ( Like You Have To Deposit 100/200 Paytm/Mobi/e.t.c. To DD We Can Say Virtual Trading Licence On DD…. In Case Of Any Fraud At least We Can Compensate Buyer )

After Trade
▻ After Successful/Unsuccessful Trade…Acknowledge Trade Activity As : -1/0/+1 As Trade Point( Continue 3 tyms -1 Will Ban You Temporary For Trade Activity & Admin Will Review Your Trade Activity )
( Trade Point Is Visible or Not Itz Up To You DD )

i Am Not In Favor Of Chat Or 3rd Person Intervention This’ll Lead Slowness / Sluggishness / Unnecessary Delay And Privacy Naam Ki Bhi Koi Cheez Hoti Hain Yaar

In just one giveaway a newbie will become Deal Cadet.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Not allowed to newbie TRADING section
untill reach a level

like ur 50 post
200 dime to redeemed

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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@amarnathumapathy wrote:

@amarnathumapathy wrote:

@o_o wrote:

@anthrax.ut i Don’t Thing We Can Stop Fraud ( Practically its Not Possible ) But Yes We Can Fix Accountability To Reduce Frauds
According To Me:

Before Trade
✓ Registered ( Verified ) Number
✓ Minimum Deal Cadet ( 100 or 200 Karma Points/ Strictly No Space For Newbie B’Cuz U Have To Contribute In This Community Before Earning )
✓ *You Should Start Some One Time Deposit System For Sellers ( Like You Have To Deposit 100/200 Paytm/Mobi/e.t.c. To DD We Can Say Virtual Trading Licence On DD…. In Case Of Any Fraud At least We Can Compensate Buyer )

After Trade
▻ After Successful/Unsuccessful Trade…Acknowledge Trade Activity As : -1/0/+1 As Trade Point( Continue 3 tyms -1 Will Ban You Temporary For Trade Activity & Admin Will Review Your Trade Activity )
( Trade Point Is Visible or Not Itz Up To You DD )

i Am Not In Favor Of Chat Or 3rd Person Intervention This’ll Lead Slowness / Sluggishness / Unnecessary Delay And Privacy Naam Ki Bhi Koi Cheez Hoti Hain Yaar

In just one giveaway a newbie will become Deal Cadet.

given power of karma of any level to newbie

kaama dena chahiye (only newbie)

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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As far as fraud control is concerned, the following is the only possible solution…

@larrylevine wrote:

Implement iTrader (of vBulletin) like system in the forum where buyer can rate the seller for the transaction he had. It shows in his profile attached to the post and one can feel safe when trading with guys who have good trader score.

There will still be frauds and people will still lose money but not as much and not as often.

Dd acting as a middleman is not going to work. It’s impractical IMO especially considering tge trades are for digital goods. Buyer can use up the code and claim the seller gave a used code. Similarly seller can send a usee code and claim he gave a fresh code. Lets just take ebay india as an example. When even ebay completely prohibits sale of digital goods (atleast in india), that in itself speaks volumes about how difficult it is to implement.

Budding Star Budding Star
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@Achilles wrote:

@DimerAbhi wrote:

@anthrax.ut wrote:

@DimerAbhi wrote:

Best solution is ban desidime
Na rahega baas na bajegi basuri

if you cant add anything of value

i would say it is sometimes ok not to comment….. there is no pressure that you have to contribute in all the threads

for first one there is risk everywhere so definately there is a chances of fraud

and last one dont allow cash trading

Which planet did u come from ?

From Prithvi

Deal Major Deal Major
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@anthrax.ut @admin sir I would give an important suggestion to ask for mobile number verification through otp on sign up page and only allow all the verified great dimers to do trading in trading section. I think that if you will implement this thing then there will be more security, you don’t need to identify the fake accounts(as no fake accounts will be created) and then no sign of fraud will be left on trading section.

Please do reply me that whether you liked this suggestion or not . Thank You

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@DealSeeker wrote:

@anthrax.ut I think a few good suggestions have already been provided. Now we are waiting for your feedback/actions. Don’t let this thread slowly die down as it happened with some other threads in the past.


@anthrax.ut I see that the old sticky thread with outdated rules on coupon selling was finally removed. Thanks! Please give a direction to this discussion and let us know what the admin team is thinking as far as the next steps are concerned.

The suggestion by @larrylevine which was later reiterated by @nsinghal is also a good alternative to the escrow system. Both the options have their pros and cons. One involves additional revenue for you and perhaps a better overall trading environment, while the other lets the free market take care of itself with better transparency and doesn’t involve any official commitment from you guys. Now you decide.

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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@DealSeeker wrote:

@DealSeeker wrote:

@anthrax.ut I think a few good suggestions have already been provided. Now we are waiting for your feedback/actions. Don’t let this thread slowly die down as it happened with some other threads in the past.


@anthrax.ut I see that the old sticky thread with outdated rules on coupon selling was finally removed. Thanks! Please give a direction to this discussion and let us know what the admin team is thinking as far as the next steps are concerned.

The suggestion by @larrylevine which was later reiterated by @nsinghal is also a good alternative to the escrow system. Both the options have their pros and cons. One involves additional revenue for you and perhaps a better overall trading environment, while the other lets the free market take care of itself with better transparency and doesn’t involve any official commitment from you guys. Now you decide.


= bola.

Did can introduce dimes as mode of exchange for paying for coupons or receiving coupons. Hence, regd. User can do the transaction , and can also levy 1% service charges for dispute resolution and providing weekly statement.

Traders don’t do that aggressivly , which can be curtailed by max. Credit to one account 5k per month or redemption limit.

Helpful Helpful
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@admin @anthrax.ut @bumblefoot
How can we avoid fraud.

Frankly there’s no way to avoid frauds. People will find flaws in system and then u patch it to just know there’s some other. But we can reduce frauds to a great extent. Creating an i’d on desidime currently is a child’s play. If u get banned fraudsters come up with new ids

As mentioned a verification process of mobile no can be adopted by desidime. But there are quite a lot of recharge /sim dealers on dd who will give u a mobile no for otp for as low as 10 to 20 rs so again the fraudster with end smiling

A second option is tracking the ip address and I hope ur system is robust enough to track ips. just define a policy a max 2 or 3 genuine ids per ip will be allowed. Rest accounts to be banned as soon as created unless the member submits proof that he is an authentic user ( For example hostels with same WiFi connection ).

I am not a ardent supporter of the escrow system. It will only add too much difficulties to maintain for a meagre amount of income. Plus there will be system bugs/ too much load on ur servers and might be ur escrow system might develop a problem. Dimers then will hold u responsible for gobbling up the money and will also lead to some users getting out of the community completely. So an escrow system which looks good might suddenly become a burden on ur team.

How can we make sure, that trade is not restricted to only few people but everyone can participate

Okay for this firstly a trading section should be created. There should be criteria for trading. A deal newbie should also be allowed to trade is what I feel. Why ignore rights to a section of the community. Each one of us was a newbie once and each one should have an equal opportunity to trade in the forums. However to manage frauds by these newbies or being a victim to it the following should be done.

A trading section should be created and it should be in isolation to the rest of the forums. So a trading pm which is separate from the forums pm service should also be in place. Trading pm service of a member will be completely visible to the admins and mods for review. However the forum pm will not be available for review by admin unless unusual activity is suspected. So how to know if people trade secretly from the forums pm. An Automated filter containing an exhaustive list of trading words should be created and any pm from the forums pm service caught in that filter should go to the mods or admins for review and then depending upon their review either they should investigate the account or if the pm was not related to trade but still caught by ur system it should be forwarded to the intended recipient. So in this way ur neither intruding privacy of a member much and on the other hand also promoting a safe marketplace for the users.

Now coming to the user’s. Each successful trade through dds platform should be backed by an instant review system. As soon as trade is done the buyer and seller have to rate each other. Just like the system followed by eBay. Also note there should be a way to detect if the ip address of seller and buyer should not be the same since this will indicate fake ratings. These ratings should help both the parties to gain trading badges which will be their reputation in the trading forums. And till u dont rate ur previous trade u will not be able to reentry into the trading forums ( just like uber rating system)

How badges will work each badge will have a trading limit set to it. So a newbie with no badge will only be allowed to carry trade worth rs 100 max. When this deal newbie earns a badge his trading limit will be increased to say 200. Next another badge will increase to 300. Okies now heres another addition to it. Suppose a deal cadet on forums enters the trading forum his initial limit of trade would be 150 and not 100 because of his reputation on the forums. Also a deal Subedar would have a max intial trade of Rs 200 and so on.

Lets move on ways to trade.

Only traders with atleast a badge should be allowed to post a new thread in the trading forums. So deal newbies without a badge sorry. But if a deal newbie with a badge ur welcome to post a thread for trade.

The thread should be for a trade within the individuals max trade limit and will be addressed by a button to enter the amount / max amount for trade while creating the thread (rs 100/150/200/..)

Once thread is created.That max limit of trade should be visible to all the buyers and the thread should have an option of buy trade button. The buy trade button once clicked by a buyer would make him enter the amount for which he wants to trade ( here the buyers trade limit will be checked) and will also make him specify the payment mode ( paytm/ mobi/..) and once this is done an email/pm ( trade forums pm service) will be given to the Op of the thread ( ie the seller) . The Op will have a right to accept or reject the request of the buyer. If he rejects an rejection to trade message will be relayed to the buyer as well as displayed as a notification in the thread so as to aware that the future buyers that the seller is rejecting all trades currently.

However if the trader accepts the trade. A new pm service with the member will be established. So when both the parties agree to the trade then and then alone can both the parties talk to each other on pm. Here they would share all the details for trade, registered mobile no for transfer etc etc. Finally when the trade is done the trader can press trade done successfully button and add a proof of acknowledgement ( optional) . Now the buyer will have an hour to confirm the same option on his chat service failing which the trade will be deemed to have been completed successfully.

Also as soon as the trader or the buyer press the trade done successfully button a rating window will pop up ( and they will be isolated from trade forums until they rate the previous trade) to rate the trader or buyer +1 or -1 and also there be a comment box ( in short just like eBay) and these ratings will be visible to each one on the forums. Also it will help in reaching the milestones for the badges.

As already pointed out by other members 3 continously – will isolate the buyer/seller from the trading forums until admins are satisfied with his story.

Also at the time of joining trade forums a disclaimer of not responsible for failed trade should be made to be signed and all the rules and t&cs be accepted by each member.

How can we avoid financial data not going in the wrong hand
and such things

No sharing of bank account details to be allowed. Any member doing it and caught should be banned.

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@PaytmKaPoojari Any TLDR version?

J/K. Seems like a good post. Will read it later when I can spare 10-15 minutes for it.

Budding Star Budding Star
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bump, site got modified today! can we take this as a upcoming purely new trading section coming our way with new features?? @anthrax.ut @DealSeeker

Deal Major Deal Major
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Last day for dimers to give their inputs …..

please come forward and share your views…. so we can make this better

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@VaibhavJain, @no fpd See the post by anthrax.ut above. ↑

Please add this thread to your channel with this message: “Not a deal! Last day to help define the trading rules on DD. Contribute now!”

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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According me selling anything which a person got for free is unethical and bad thing to do , desidime should not encourage these kind of filthy trade .
Whole trading section acts like a black market !
Blackmarket experts use to acquire free coupons by using wrong methods , and that too lots… lots of , so that latter they can sell for petty profit . Due to which genuine users are not able to avail the offer / coupons . Trading section serves no good to desidime it should be deleted all together .

Budding Star Budding Star
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My last suggestion which is just to reduce fraud in dd . We cant stop fraud but we can reduce fraud
Make a thread relating to confirmed fraud dimers.
And here we can add such information like phone no. , email id, and other details by which fraud done by dimer . So that no more dimer become a part of that fraud again.

Budding Star Budding Star
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@DealSeeker wrote:

@VaibhavJain, @no fpd See the post by anthrax.ut above. ↑

Please add this thread to your channel with this message: “Not a deal! Last day to help define the trading rules on DD. Contribute now!”

sorry, just came online, was out of station, i am unable to add it to my channel, because after adding also, add to channel option is coming and alert is not going through.

Budding Star Budding Star
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@anthrax.ut according to me, introducing desidime points is the best way we have two profits from it, first we became the first site to implement this and second you can take profit from this also, same as e-wallet companies

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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i dont think anything can be done to stop fraud!!
trade with the person whom you can give a visit if anything goes wrong!!

trade with the person from same city / or any of your friends or trusted dimer stays in same city!!

i have seen sellers/buyers doing fraud on ebay!! now could it be possible to have that level of measures taken to stop fraud

Community Angel Community Angel
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Thank you all for your inputs.

We are soon going to come up with fresh rules (separate for buyers & separate for sellers) . Along with some New features.

Same Will be Updated in This thread.

Edit : New Rules Updated at 18-08-2015 18:00 Hrs

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@DimerAbhi wrote:

2) regarding suspension log
I see suspension thread in Dost n dimes section . There i see reason for suspension is only for old dimers. Why not suspension reason for new dimers not mentioning in that thread . Again difference between two. This i say because every dimer has right to know reason why other dimer suspend.

Yes i was also suspended for a week but no one gives a reason for my suspension

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