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What is dominating in your mind/ heart ? | B +ve Barood +

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Mass Positivism or Mass Synergy and Mass Negativism or Mass Hysteria

There are two communication systems in our body- —the nervous system and the hormonal system. There are ten thousand trillion cells in our body. The cells have to function symbiotically—co-ordinate, cooperate and harmonize. This gigantic operation among cells is carried out by the great communication system in our body—the hormonal system.

“A hormone is bio-chemical messenger that is basically a molecular call to action that can work with incredible speed, complexity and specificity to communicate information. If anything goes wrong with that complex hormonal communication system, you begin to age far faster than you should.(Barry Sears in his book—The Anti-Aging Zone, page 24)
Simply put a hormone is information cum instruction from the brain to the cells. The brain sends information cum instructions to the cell based on its perception. Thus, thoughts create hormones, which via the blood stream enter the cells. Positive thoughts create positive hormones, which in turn create symbiosis, synthesis, auto-poesis, co-operation, co-ordinatin and harmonization among the cells. The person becomes a big positive force. He/She propels the positive hormones among his team members or his community. He creates a gigantic synergy or team energy. As there is no hatred among the members, they understand each other positively. The scope for misunderstanding will be nil, as misunderstanding is always based on a pre-existing hate. Simply put where there is no hate, there will be no misunderstanding. You cannot find unnecessary faultfinding, negative and destructive criticism.

Negative thoughts based on distrust and hate makes the entire hormonal communication system negative. The hormonal system gets contaminated. The person becomes a huge negative force creating hatred and as a result, chronic misunderstanding among others. This is how chronic mobs and mob hysteria are created.
A team functioning in synergy brings pride in belonging and an intense desire to make the team achieve what is aimed at. Individual self-satisfaction and team satisfaction synchronize. Any organization that has a definite direction and motto must be very vigilant that negativism does not contaminate the organization. The motto positive synergy shall be very zealously guarded.
Where a person’s words are heard by thousands of people and commented upon, that person must weigh every word he utters.

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Have an Eagle Mentality!
‘Know who you are?’
I read a story recently about an eagle that lived in a chicken coop for so long he got to believing
he was a chicken. That’s all he had ever been. But one day he looked up and saw a eagle soaring in the sky.
Something deep inside him said, ‘That’s what you were created to do.’
Maybe you too have been in a chicken coop for too long. Let me tell you something you already know.

You’re not a chicken! You’re an eagle!

Don’t let that limited environment rub off on you. How you were raised?. What others say about you?
Check your spiritual birth certificate.
You will find that you were made in the image of God.
You were never created to be average or mediocre.
You were created to soar, have abundance, good breaks in your life.
You have God’s favour!

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A 13-year-old Indian-origin boy Shubham Banerjee, an eighth-grade student in Santa Clara, California, who invented a low-cost portable Braille printer, is now working with technology giant Microsoft to integrate it with Windows to make it easily accessible to the visually-impaired…He is targeting a price point of $500. The young student has started working with a Windows team to integrate Braigo drivers with Windows for easy deployment.

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