How investing early can add lakhs to your corpus

Deal Subedar

Investing for your retirement may not be the most important thing on your mind when you start your career. For most people, investing may not even be on the priority list when they start their career.

When you start your career, your saving capacity may not be much in absolute terms, as your salary itself may not be much. But this should not deter you from making investments. This is because the first few years of your earning life have a huge impact on your future finances.

As with anything else in life, investing also benefits with an early start. The earlier you do your retirement planning, the greater will be your return on investment. There are more reasons than one for you to start investing early in your career. Let’s look at the various benefits of early investing.

The effect of compounding:
The most important reason for you to start investing early in your career is to get the benefit of compounding. Compound interest works magic for any investor. As you know, compound interest means the interest earned on interest. If you continuously reinvest your earnings, your return on investment will increase exponentially.

When you regularly invest from the start of your career, you are increasing the return you receive on your returns. A monthly investment of as low as Rs. 1,000 or Rs. 2,000 will have a large impact on your financial position. Let’s understand the effect with a few examples:

Example 1: X is 25 years old and has 35 years left for retirement. He starts to invest Rs. 1,000 per month for 35 years at a return of 12 per cent per annum. The corpus left with X at the end of 35 years will be Rs. 64 lakh.

Y is 30 years old and has only 30 years left for retirement. He also starts to invest Rs. 1,000 per month. But as he has started investing late in his career, he can invest this amount only for the next 30 years at 12 per cent per annum. The corpus left with Y at the end of 30 years will be Rs. 35 lakh. This is the difference five years of investment has made to the final corpus value. If Y needs the same Rs. 64 lakh for his retirement, he will need to shell out Rs. 1,830 per month instead of Rs. 1,000.

Example 2: Both X and Y are 30 years of age and have 30 years left for retirement. Now, X invests Rs. 2,000 every month for the first 15 years at a return of 12 per cent per annum. He invests Rs. 3.6 lakh total.

At the end of 15 years of his investment, he does not invest further and also does not withdraw the money. His total corpus at the end of 30 years will be close to Rs. 55 lakh.

Now Y invests only Rs. 1,000 per month at a return of 12 per cent per annum. But he invests for 30 years. Y’s total investment is also Rs. 3.6 lakhs. But his corpus after 30 years is only Rs. 35 lakhs. Thus, for the same total investment, X’s corpus is much higher than Y’s corpus. This is because X had invested more in the initial years and had allowed this money to get compounded for the total period.

Thus, the most important advantage of beginning to invest early in your career is to realize the full benefits of compounding. There are other reasons why it makes sense to start investing early in your career.

Improvement in spending habits: As you begin to save early in your career to start investing, you have lesser disposable cash with you. This helps you in being more prudent and brings about a discipline in your spending habits.

Ability to take risk: Not all of us get our investment options correct the first time. When you begin exploring investment avenues early in your life, you have a greater ability to take risk and experiment, compared to someone who starts investing later. This is because, at a later stage in life, if you realize you do not have sufficient savings, you will be more cautious in your choice of investments.

Money available during emergencies: When you begin to invest early, you would have a comfortable cushion backing you up. Thus, you can be rest assured that your savings will be of use to you in times of need.

Better choices in life: As seen in the examples above, the corpus built by investing early in life is much bigger than the corpus built by someone who starts a little later. As a result of the savings back-up, you can afford a better lifestyle and an improved quality of life, helping to fulfill your financial goals.

Thus, beginning to invest early in your career can help you in building a secure future.

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And what should one invest the beginning of one’s career?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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open a PPF account….

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Nice share buddy

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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One cannot be assured about the compounding rates, which you have assumed around 12% pa, will decrease to least around 5% or say even 3.5% as the country develops and reaches to the level of being called as developed and loan interest rates decreases.

The magic of compounding is miraculous, though.

+3 Karmas for the SHare…:)

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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that right…and right now ROI on PPF is 8.8%

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Cn any1 throw some light on ppf?
M looking for saving and was thinking of fd or recurring deposit

Analyst Analyst
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bhavik2891 wrote:

Cn any1 throw some light on ppf?
M looking for saving and was thinking of fd or recurring deposit

go for PPF insted of FD & RD..if u want to invest for long….magic of compounding will make ur saving rally big

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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you can open a PPF account at any SBI branch and maximum amount that you can save in an year is 1,00,000….you can invest this amount at once or monthly also….there will be a lock in period of 6 years and total saving is for 15 years…. It is a best investment option as you will get TAX rebate plus your money will be almost doubled.

Analyst Analyst
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mdeal001 wrote:

you can open a PPF account at any SBI branch and maximum amount that you can save in an year is 1,00,000….you can invest this amount at once or monthly also….there will be a lock in period of 6 years and total saving is for 15 years…. It is a best investment option as you will get TAX rebate plus your money will be almost doubled.

more than double….time reqd to double== 100/ ROI….triple will be much-2 faster …

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Interesting But This Type Of Strategy Looks Good On Paper When You Comes In Real Life things Change With Time To Time

But Sure It’s Better Than Nothing….

Even I Am Investing 5k Every Month In Stockmarket Since 2 Year Will Keep Invest Till Next 20 Year

Hoping To Get Return Around 3 Cr From It

Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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@ mdeal

I suppose max. Deposit in one Fy is 70k per account.
(Rebate under 80c for the contribution )

- intt. Earned is tax free.

- loan after 3 years

- withdrawal min. 6 years completed )( partial )

- clouser after 15/20/25 years.

- can be opened in post office too., however banks may allow standing instructions/ dep. By mobile or net.

- this is conventional product, whole lot of info available. Search .

Analyst Analyst
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@Wolf—- stockmarket dnt consider it as investment….yes u may be good wit markets still do hav safe avenues too
invest for long term in instruments which give ensured retuns…PPF, LIC..

Also PPF actully vry easy no hassels…& it does wrk for long term…my dad putting in since 20 yrs…

@BArood—- earlier it was 70 K…nw 1 lakh i think…

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Ill visit bank soon for more info
P.s: can v open multiple accounts?

Analyst Analyst
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bhavik2891 wrote:

Ill visit bank soon for more info
P.s: can v open multiple accounts?

i dnt think soo…bt open on ur wife’s name…even for kid 1 can open….

Analyst Analyst
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rajdesidime wrote:

bhavik2891 wrote:

Ill visit bank soon for more info
P.s: can v open multiple accounts?

i dnt think soo…bt open on ur wife’s name…even for kid 1 can open….

also since u r young & can invest abt 30% of ur savings in high risk high gain instruments…
rest divided among—- PPF/FD & life insurance..

For life insurance dnt opt for schemes which offer both life insurance & investment option….OPT for standalone life insurance..

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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opt for term insurance which is pure life insurance with no return. we need to pay very less premium. almost all major insurance comp have term life but no one discloses

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Dont forget Inflation @ 8-10%

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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sildenafil wrote:

Dont forget Inflation @ 8-10%

what a tragedy!
GDP growth 5-6% and inflation growth 8-10%

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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LIC’s jeevan anand is a good policy… this you will get almost double amount on maturity + full life cover

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Although calculations look good… But practically this doesn’t yield that much. As said by wolf these calculations look good on paper only…

1. If you calculate interest rates after considering the inflation and TDS, interest rates will come to merely 1-2%… Moreover the actual inflation rates are rather higher than quoted in news. (esp. the food items)

2. After 35 Years value of 64 lacs wont’ be much…

Property is the best investment today and ever…

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