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Hair getting white due to stress - which hair dye to use?

Okay, so I have to deal with a lot of stress daily and my hair have started turning white. I am just 27. This is also due to pollution, etc. Requirements: - Least harmful for a young adult - I use gel twice a week and shampoo once a week. Should be compatible with these - I dont want to apply more than once a week. So should last long. And how should I use it - eg. once a week / once a month / etc. Thanks
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@dragonball wrote:

@rohankhona wrote:

Do Highlights
as it will suit you as you’re still young and you won’t have to look at your hair every month using dye can increase your stress (-_-) eg.
after one month oh no again they are becoming White Again ! smile smile

What do you mean – do highlights? What is highlight and how do I do it?

Visit your nearest saloon for this!
it’s like making your hair slightly golden,whenever sun ray’s will be falling your hair will be looking awesome smile

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I have very thick dark hair and it was not good to see few grey hair in it. I made significant changes in the usage of products as per my hair stylist to get rid of it. Started using SP for shampoo and conditioner, Sebstian hair wax instead of old Gatsby. and the other thing is, I reduced eatingout and started eating from home. Not sure which one worked, But things are in better condition now. or did he cutting my grey hairs before coming out? sad

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@DealSeeker wrote:


@DealSeeker wrote:

@dragonball You might want to consider supplementing with B-vitamins to reduce the stress-related side effects like graying hairs. Take Biotin and Folic acid supplements in particular.

I turned 28 recently and I can also see a few grey hair. sad
I have to deal with a lot of stress too but I personally feel its also because of the conditions in Bangalore. The water is not good as well the growing pollution is also curbing on the health of hair. smile

The conditions in Bangalore (water and air pollution) are surely responsible for a faster deterioration of hair health. That’s why it’s even more important to make sure that you are keeping your body strong internally to fight such external factors effectively.

As I have mentioned earlier, I am certified in Nutrition (link to details) and this simple OTC vitamin recommendation came out of that scientifically proven knowledge. smile

Moreover, see my previous recommendations in the following post if you want to improve your hair as well as your general health.

CC @GoogleCA @Spock

Hey, Where can I get a better diet plan? last time I consulted dietitian and she was pushing organic veggies, some north indian dishes which I didn’t like. I finally gave up after trying 4-5 days. Any suggestion?

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@sunnie wrote:

nail rubbing exercise as suggested by baba Ramdev, is effective.

What?!!! eek

Critic Critic
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@RichSoul wrote:

I have very thick dark hair and it was not good to see few grey hair in it. I made significant changes in the usage of products as per my hair stylist to get rid of it. Started using SP for shampoo and conditioner, Sebstian hair wax instead of old Gatsby. and the other thing is, I reduced eatingout and started eating from home. Not sure which one worked, But things are in better condition now. or did he cutting my grey hairs before coming out? sad

Dude what is SP shampoo? And Sebastian wax? You are definitely a rich soul.

Anyways I want anti dandruff shampoo (currently use Head & Shoulders) and gel to hold my dense hair (not super hold but medium hold) and give some shine (currently use Set Wet medium – blue color). Any replacement suggestions?

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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@dragonball wrote:

@RichSoul wrote:

I have very thick dark hair and it was not good to see few grey hair in it. I made significant changes in the usage of products as per my hair stylist to get rid of it. Started using SP for shampoo and conditioner, Sebstian hair wax instead of old Gatsby. and the other thing is, I reduced eatingout and started eating from home. Not sure which one worked, But things are in better condition now. or did he cutting my grey hairs before coming out? sad

Dude what is SP shampoo? And Sebastian wax? You are definitely a rich soul.

Anyways I want anti dandruff shampoo (currently use Head & Shoulders) and gel to hold my dense hair (not super hold but medium hold) and give some shine (currently use Set Wet medium – blue color). Any replacement suggestions?

I too am using Head & Shoulders. Gradually i am losing hairs a lot nowadays due to a fungal skin problem with my scalp. I have seen a lot of doctors but no one gave a proper answer or solution. So i just started being careful with the products that i use.

Recently my salon guy suggested me to change my shampoo to L’Oreal Professionnel Serie Density Advance Shampoo. He asked me to stop Head & Shoulders as it contains a lot of chemicals. Check it in the below link,

and finally, Yes I am living in Bangalore….

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@dragonball wrote:

@RichSoul wrote:

I have very thick dark hair and it was not good to see few grey hair in it. I made significant changes in the usage of products as per my hair stylist to get rid of it. Started using SP for shampoo and conditioner, Sebstian hair wax instead of old Gatsby. and the other thing is, I reduced eatingout and started eating from home. Not sure which one worked, But things are in better condition now. or did he cutting my grey hairs before coming out? sad

Dude what is SP shampoo? And Sebastian wax? You are definitely a rich soul.

Anyways I want anti dandruff shampoo (currently use Head & Shoulders) and gel to hold my dense hair (not super hold but medium hold) and give some shine (currently use Set Wet medium – blue color). Any replacement suggestions?

>Dude what is SP shampoo? And Sebastian wax? You are definitely a rich soul.

Those are the brands recommended by the hair stylist. I trust him as he have good clients in Bangalore. There might be cheaper brands which offers same or better quality. I’m not an expert in it.

If you want to give some shine, apply some hair serum before using other products. I’m using somewhat similar product to yours. But the one I use gave the same feel as morning even in late night. I guess bblunt, osis all have shine wax or similar product. Try to experiment or do research on those products. I wouldn’t recommend sebastian as the price difference is quite big.

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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@dragonball wrote:

@rohankhona wrote:

Do Highlights
as it will suit you as you’re still young and you won’t have to look at your hair every month using dye can increase your stress (-_-) eg.
after one month oh no again they are becoming White Again ! smile smile

What do you mean – do highlights? What is highlight and how do I do it?

reminded me of few of our college mates from Manipur

They had all kinds of highlights and fluorescent type bright colours on them ! phew! not everyone can carry it though.
mild highlights would be like a streak of bleach/colour on few strands or on the tips

Note: I am NOT advocating it. I am merely replying to your what is highlights query. given a choice, I’d rather die looking the way I am or get shunned by society or people THAN to change nature’s course of action using too artificial a means or for that matter try any enhancements like tattoo’s or piercings.
[no offence to those who belong to conservative customs or for cultural reasons have piercings: boys or girls]rajasthani_bunde_ear_studs

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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okay, so i was tagged and that gives me a good reason to go on my 500 word essay

@OP : indirectly @kanz has asked you to introspect further, and is right.

One has to identify all probable areas or reasons. to appreciate a problem is the first step to solve it.
Hereditary risks or genetics, malnutrition, lifestyle choices [what one eats/ not eats, how we live, sleep (timings), substance abuse (narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, medicines), other deficiencies or ailments and residual or trace elements of heavy metals or chemicals from food and water sources can just be few of the reasons]

some of these are well within out easy control, some may need more work to conquer and yet others (genetics for example) are beyond our reach.

If you say: Hair Getting White Due To Stress .. then, it seems you have already identified one problem area.
Would it not be more helpful to address the same rather than sweeping the muck under the carpet (hair colour aka die) ??

just like hunger, sleep, or sexual desire is a perfect physiological defence mechanism which evolution or nature gives many creatures.
Just a related example that might help you understand the hows and whys.

Now, it is up to us whether we keep our life balanced and in moderation. After-all, whatever is need based is good and excess of or hoarding anything is: _____ ?? not good.

today you are seeking advice for greying hair, tomorrow it’ll be for @blood pressure , then obesity or diabetes mellitus, then ED, sleep apnea… and so on ! Would you rather not want to tackle stress itself ??

I am so sorry, in front of all the prakaand pandits (प्रकाण्ड पंडित) here I am zero in saying much about hair care.
What I do remember is sharing some old article on stress with a Dimer around last monsoon.

dunno if she just rolled sad her eyes at it or perhaps muttered something, but I still feel that handling stress is a better way to deal with life than to ‘fight’ with what comes after the mishandling. (handling need not mean complete removal, it is okay to sometimes not succeed, but we can try reducing stressful situations as far as possible)





sorry, this being a 16-17 year old article of the publication, it is practically untraceable in the digital world.
Even when i shared it with the dimer around July-2015, I could only find few references amongst part of paid on-line resources of few foreign academic libraries. Thus the compulsion to share the snaps/images of the photostats themselves.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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vb Forte7

mast kaam krega

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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sorry for two ping DS
i thought might as well create a separate post so now again pinging here
@DS pulling my leg ¿ haha . well like you already know: i am opinionated and
well i do not really make any sincere effort to restrict myself in this relative faceless realm of the internet.

also, i feel that in so far as possible, taking near sensible, normal course of natural care, evasive actions are a little better.

i mean i’ve been in as grave medical conditions or back problems as any with progressing age, but would still prefer stretches, breathing exercises (call it yog, pilates, physio, pranayam) over brain-killers (pain killers).

Like i said towards the end in my first comment here to dragonball, it is my individual choice.
I might also love to be far away or undo these satellite/ radio waves, contaminants or enhanced food and water
and try out ‘real’ prehistoric type nature neutral farming (calling everything ‘organic’ has made the term a dirty word)

Recently came by a fanatical family, who on a small patch (13-15 acres) of land are using stuff like jaggery, cow-dung, vermicompost
even some advanced and time consuming processes involving cow urine, jaggery water composite that forms the feed for the earthworms and dead leaves.
strictly no rape of earth: meaning crop rotation and freeing the soil, land for as long as 2-3 years at times to replenish.

i doubt if living on food grown in such manner with such a co-dependency oriented mindset towards our resources would need us to take drastic measures like we do now.

again, I am not ‘blindly’ anti anything. need based use of some things some of the time is okay.
as you might already be aware, (tomorrow is another one of those Women’s Day naah); how the HPV vaccine controversy surrounding the claims by one of its lead researchers has cast a shadow on the whole thing.
In India, as with any shoddy regulated third-world country with money/lobby groups taking care of law: little Aadivaasi girls were practically made guinea pigs.
Cervical cancer ka tou pata nahi par kuch ladkiya trials ke dauraan hi ..

what i am eternally sceptical of and have fear of: is of the unknown.
modern science is not that good to draw up accurate assumptions or long term effects of many things.

also, we often ignore what is right in front of us and for free or near free effort/ resources.

only recently i was made aware of the probable miracle powers of the leaves of the drumstick tree as preventive cure or even treatment of high blood sugar and perhaps even cardiac conditions.

now imagine; something that is so damn easy. the trees are everywhere man. and we can simply add the dry leaves to the wheat before taking it to flour mill, or have it powdered or eat it as a soup or something.

can even add it in a sabji/ daily dish.

Can not even imagine how many thousands such readily available ‘medicinal’ foods, supplements might be there of which we are not even aware.

hey @still_guessing i kind of liked your different way of putting the right old wives’ tale.
ditto @zafarkhan4433 has some valid points, although @desibuddy or whoever said that hot water thing sounds a bit hokum. of-course no denying that extreme or repetitive weather or temperature variations can and will affect hair health too.

but fading .. seriously, then in my teen years i should have had transparent hair (or that is what people would say, that i bathed with too hot water.

also, generally as also in normal health routine does our scalp really need ‘external’ infusion of oils
I can not deny and can not forgo the post hair trim champi ; a good head massage using anything like an oil or letting the oil sit for some time: say after/during shirodhara or an overnight head massage.
but does an otherwise healthy individual ‘need’ added oil (like we did in young age for combing) ?

“ I hate oiling my hair..” @Nancy is/was that Arnica thing for daily (all day long) application to the scalp or was only meant for temporary application before washing off, any idea?

Thank you all for bearing with the rants and the essays
Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@Spock Thanks for sharing that article’s images. It was interesting to read about the jobs and causes of stress in that exciting era (’99).

Wildfire Wildfire
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One of the best advise would be -

ACCEPT IT Hair will eventually grey some or the other day and just not thinking about it so much will keep u better off !!

Frequent use of products n supplements will only remind you of the greying hair every now and then smile

By the next 4 generations humans evolve , this going to be an evident issue with mankind and im sure humans will evolve out of this with tech n medical advances till then just relax and STOP WORRYING about greying hair

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@RichSoul wrote:

@sunnie wrote:

nail rubbing exercise as suggested by baba Ramdev, is effective.


You can check videos at youtube/google
‘nail rubbing exercise’

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@sunnie wrote:

@RichSoul wrote:

@sunnie wrote:

nail rubbing exercise as suggested by baba Ramdev, is effective.


You can check videos at youtube/google
‘nail rubbing exercise’

@DeelSeeker :p

Perfectionist Perfectionist
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And some private messages.

Guys, this is how I feel after seeing such posts.

Such requests are why I tried to avoid disclosing being a certified nutritionist for the longest time, despite occasionally participating in health-related threads since the beginning. Please do not make me your go-to nutritionist for such advice. As I mentioned in the posts, this is neither my profession nor do I come to DD to dispense medical/health advice. Hope you understand.

With that said, some of you have received responses from me via PM.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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homeopathic medicine

acid phos

Deal Colonel Deal Colonel
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@DealSeeker wrote:


Guys, this is how I feel after seeing such posts.


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