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10% cashback upto ₹50 on komparify (recharge or GV) using phonepe

10% cashback upto ₹50 on komparify (recharge or GV) using phonepe

Deal Subedar

Use phonepe UPI on komparify to recharge, pay bill or buy gift voucher and get 10% cashback upto ₹50.
Also applicable on app
Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, big bazar etc. GV also available. Loot Guys !!!

Dimer pro-tip – Don’t use cashback present in phonepe wallet for transaction. 10% cashback is only for amount paid by UPI
Tip credit : @vikramreddevils

Link: https://www.komparify.com/re...ge

Cashback valid only on the first transaction within the offer period, starting 23rd July 00:00 till 15th August 2017 midnight.
The offer gives 10% cashback upto a maximum of Rs. 50 per user.
Offer valid only on payments through UPI within the “PhonePe” option on PhonePe checkout.
For users paying through UPI, cashback will be valid only if the transaction is processed through “@ybl” VPA handle or through PhonePe linked bank account or complete the transaction within the PhonePe app.
Cashback will be credited to the PhonePe wallet within one working day.
Cashback can be used for recharges, bill payments, merchant transactions across PhonePe.
Cashback credited to a user cannot be withdrawn to any linked bank account or transferred to other users.
Offer valid only once per registered PhonePe user.
Refunds and reversals would be processed on a pro-rata basis.
PhonePe has the right to amend the terms & conditions, end the offer, or call back any or all of its offers without prior notice.
In case of dispute, PhonePe reserves the right to take the final decision on the interpretation of these terms & conditions

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Can anyone confirm whether it’s still on? The offer is not displayed on PhonePe app, neither on Komparify. Usually PhonePe app displays all running offers. There is the Magicpin offer visible.
Was this offer appearing in the app at all earlier?

Generous Generous
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No offer never appeared on phonepe

Generous Generous
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Where is the option to buy amazon gvs on komparify? Cannot see on either app or website.

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