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Amazon started cancelling orders

Pro Mobile Guru

Amazon has started cancelling yesterday looted items orders.

#update : they have started locking cashback.
If ur order is delivered and there is still cashback in ur account, use it fast.


If there are better suggestion , hit me up, will add it.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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If not locked

If Ur a fantasy player

Add to dream11 sweat_smile

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Nothing is locked. Just used my looted balance for a successful recharge. Do you have any proof of balance locking?

Post Emperor Post Emperor
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It was expected….

Like Magnet Like Magnet
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My all order delivered …i used 3 different account

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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maybe they’re delivering orders below 1000 and returning orders above 1000.
Like I got the book worth 700 but trimmer is getting returned 😢

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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i hope deliver ho jaaye bss ab sara samaaan aj hi

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Locked ho gaya 1600 ab bhai kya kare

Cool Cool
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Cool Cool
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Yes i have amazon prime
I have lotted from 2 accounts, one has prime

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I think that’s where the problem is.

Amazon is tracking down people who used multiple accounts from same mobile phone or same delivery address.

You must have used both accounts from same phone, right? or maybe used same card for payment.


Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Now what to do.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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I consumed all my Amazon pay recharges , food order and products ordered .. Fingers crossed for the order placed … currently they all are in transit and arriving tomorrow… Sadly 1 order has
been held by courier partner

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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It’s not one. All of them. Just showing in one. They will either take the money or cancel it

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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What about those people who orderd another product from amazon with use of looted cashback

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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everything is fine. no issues. yesterday is a genuine offer. they offered promos. we applied it. there is nothing wrong in it other than creating multiple accounts and placing orders.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Helpful Helpful
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Talked to customer care…..issue escalated

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Though i am still in profit…
Money spent 1000 , 1600 cash back

Ordered almonds and received worth 900
Recharges done for 535
Ordered food worth 200

If they cancel by order i am still in profit.. sunglasses

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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So you lost amazon account.

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Those Who looted amazon yesterday… use your PayBalance as soon as possible..
Their are blocking That Cashback Amount.

Analyst Analyst
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6 out of 8 order delivered

Vanguard Vanguard
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Isn’t it all done by system automatically? I don’t think any of the Amazon employees will be doing anything manually.

Benevolent Benevolent
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That’s why I donot used this offer…cb was showing at checkout but due to my only prime account, I skipped. Do not want to risk my account.

Helpful Helpful
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If all escale to customer care…may be they will change their mind stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Trick to unlock your Amazon pay gifts card

Please Visit

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Can i cancelled order!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Flash News smiley

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I can still use my balance freely.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Looks like not all accounts have been affected. I can still use my looted balance, and most of my orders have been delivered.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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So the order  which was held has been cancelled and rs 25 gift card provided..

Check your mail guys..

Pro Critic Pro Critic
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Got these mails in the morning. No orders has been cancelled so far. No token gift card has been added so far.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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In my account they make cash back 0 and send 1000 to bank…

Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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You telling or asking? You received it in your bank account?

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Firestorm Firestorm
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I think this all problem occurred in that accounts in which used 20% upto 200 CB offer before 14 July . And again they used different promocodes of same benefits . In my 2 accounts , I have not used any offer before this loot , in this 2 accounts cb received instant , cashback is not locked , may be I receiving both orders tomorrow . Order not held in both accounts .

Vanguard Vanguard
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If this the case, then i hurried in using up the cashback. Mine was an unused account with just one order that too a recharge. Maybe they would have kept the cashback untouched

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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They are cancelling the orders for which the cashbacks are not used…if it is used then they are unable to provide any loss

Vanguard Vanguard
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Orderd from 5 acs, all are having some updates, not single canceled or held and nothing happened to cashback.. Two were pending for dispatch and both shipped today(one just before 1hr)

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Should i cancel the order in transit…and get money in pay balance ??

Finance Ninja Finance Ninja
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You can do that too. Your call. But you must have already got the cb no? So it’ll be Adjusted with that.

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