Have you felt bots following you as FAN's in DesiDime account?
7 days left

Any way to remove FAN's following you? or make FAN follow after approve request?

Deal Subedar

Hello Dimers,

Whats the use of FAN's in DD?

hmm I am not celebrity lol xD just kidding:)  I kinda see lot of "unknown names" with "serial numbers" in their "DD account name" following me as FAN in my DD account lol, I am literally surprised, so I am getting slowly popular butttt are they bots? or something else?:) 

hmm now i would like to know if there will ever be any option to approve anyone who wants to be our fan in DD or any bot account can follow you AS FAN option? in DD

is this feeling dejavu for YOU? (then comment)

any suggestion please comment:) 

anyone know the use of FAN's in DD?

2 Dimers
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I do not use Twitter much, except for shortening URLs.
But that is one thing I realised later that they gave that option. (Sorry @bikidas2060 bhai, I had bothered you at one time, when I did not know it.)

Actually more personal social platforms sometimes give such 'keep my profile private' type setting, where the add request gets approved.

But here it is not that as much about personal rapport, as about the purpose of the site, so it maybe less of a priority.

And yeah, some platforms even changed from the model of follow for follow to a model of mutually connected 'friends'. They then do not show the count of unilateral follow from either side. They only show the 'friends' count, which is when 'both' accounts follow each other.

And they then show relevant (activity) feeds from such friends.

I do not think such feeds are enabled here for general users at-least. So it is just like getting a tattoo of friend or partner same way we follow someone. Just to acknowledge or appreciate.

Sorry I only read the title not your entire post.
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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mhm there is no setting in DD for FAN following so i guess its totally different

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