baby car seat

Deal Cadet

I am looking for baby car seat. anybody used chicco. how is this model. is the site safe to buy?

r for rabbit also has one seat but i am not confident enough of these Chinese brands. I also don't have isofix mounts in both my cars.

anybody got any ideas?

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Chico is a decent brand for car seats, however, Britax is best in class brand. 

Benevolent Benevolent
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check his recommendation in the video or in description

contact him if u need more info. he will reply you for free.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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There is no comparison between Chicco or Graco baby car seats/stroller with any other brand. You get what you pay for. Having said that, at a price point, Star And Daisy is equally good. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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i have got star and daisy stroller but for car seat safety is paramount.


plus 5% cashback using sbi cc price approx 31k (3 times r for rabbit isofix seat)

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Its a waste to spend so much on a car seat. The moment babies cross the 9 month mark, they wont like to go inside them. They are very alert, curious and restless and wont stay put in the car seat. Its better to add mattresses and pillows in back seat so that they can play around/sleep comfortably with obviously an adult sitting beside them.

Having said that if a car seat is needed, you can look for (I am not sure of the weight category or baby age you are looking for)

  1. Babyhug Expedition 3 In 1 Convertible Car Seat ( -> ECE Certified, Can be used from 0 month to 6-7 Years, Upto 25K
  2. Luv Lap Galaxy Convertible Car Seat ( -> ECE Certified, Can be used from 0 month to 6-7 Years, Upto 25K
  3. R for Rabbit Jack N Jill Grand ( ->  ECE Certified, Can be used from 0 month to 6-7 Years, Upto 25K

Luvlap is bulkiest while R for Rabbit is the most compact and lightweight. I find that the padding on R for Rabbit is thinner compared to others. I find BabyHug the best.

I would recommend you to visit nearby FirstaCry Store to check them physically and decide what seems best to you. Then buy them online either via Amazon, FirstCry or any other website.

Remember FirstCry runs some very very good offers time and again which you can avail, specially if you have its Club Membership. You can get its 3 month membership free via TimesPrime.

If you need FirstCry Referral, please do DM me.

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