Best way to pay credit card bills
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Apply kotak 811 super account
Get 5 percent cashback using airtel thanks app
any charges for super account?
Most reliable now:
HDFC Platinum Card (Under 25k MAB account)
Or Millenia Card (Under Digisave Account)
Also mention where to use these DCs to get cashback
Any other method to earn atleast 1% except hdfc or kotak card?
anyone know any apps/websites that support debit card for cc bill payment
1) SBI unipay (utility MCC debit cards)
2) Airtel App (Telecom MCC debit cards)
3) Canara Setu (departmental store MCC debit cards)
4) ??? any suggestions? anyone?
Lot of failures using Airtel or unipay. No instant reflection.. had to pay Interest charges in icici due to this since always I Pay on due date.
I paid Rs 3900 on 30/12/2024 through SBI Uni pay with Platinum DC. Still Cashback not received
i paid 2 days ago and received today:)
so its matter of HDFC processing it, so it will take 2 days to 1 week or 10days:) usually based on your luck
Open hdfc account and apply for hdfc platinum debit card ....and get 1% upto 750 per month