Hathras Case

Tech Guru

I really don’t know what’s wrong with Hathras. Last year, 3 men were booked for raping a dog. Can you believe it?

Then this year Hathras rape case happened. They burnt the body of the girl, without consent of the family.

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Burning victims body without involving her family is disgusting. Even after her death she was deprived of compassion.

I don’t know so much about unemployment & other factors but perpetrators of these heinous crimes have total disregard for basic tenets of humanity. Also, they believe they can get away with the crime.

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@guest_999 @rajrocks @MSDfan @getready @ G-Gowda @malikcool @mrKool_JJ @AyushiiiVijay @_One_Miller_ @BubbleBoyChickenLittle @mas143forever @Wontdisplaymyname @rini50
So, guys share your views on this. I mean there shouldn’t even be an opinion on this. But I read this Markandeya Katju’s https://twitter.com/mkatju/status/1311189690658... , who actually connected rapes with unemployment. And then there was this girl in Instagram, who wrote this poem bashing Manu and Sanatana Dharma. Then I was conflicted. The link between unemployment and rape remain obscure to me. Yes, dating scene in India is at its worst, at least in a democratic republic. People have to resort to eloping as a means to be united with their loved ones. And yes economic state and unemployment has direct relationship. In the past girls like Jasleen Kaur made boys like Saravjeet suffer for no reason. At one point dastardly crimes happen at another point independent people, in this case a girl, runs her SUV over a begger and dragged the body for half a KM https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/... . This even puts a bigger question. When a so called weak and repressed person is given the same choices and powers then that person is absolutely able to do brutal crimes.
Share your thoughts in this regard.

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Burning victims body without involving her family is disgusting. Even after her death she was deprived of compassion.

I don’t know so much about unemployment & other factors but perpetrators of these heinous crimes have total disregard for basic tenets of humanity. Also, they believe they can get away with the crime.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Yes, in my observation, as I follow the trail of crimes, regardless of one’s sexual orientation, powerful people tend to get away with the crime. Ex: Sheena Bora case.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@bikidas2060 bro, it’s not about a particular place, it’s just that there are good humans and there are bad humans, and then there are normal humans, and last but not least, there are weird ones like myself stuck_out_tongue

Some A$$holes (sorry it’s disrespecting a good hole that has a purpose, by calling these “humans” Aholes) need to be taught to use the internet(hamster/hub/freaky onions) and use this machine to rope/meditate himself, so that baby girls can live peacefully in this earth.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Arey baby girls are putting false complaints too. No party is entirely free from any blemishes. Jasleen Kaur case. Nobody said anything after the issue. That’s a blunder

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Han bhai. Bade dush insaan hai har jagah

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Sad thing is we compare rapes of different States like BJP state or Congress State. Justice never get surve at right time

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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The reason is vaccancy in law and order system. Judges seats are vacant, people don’t want to join police force or politics. Toxic discussions are kind of entertainment now. So, nothing much can be done.

Critic Critic
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There are many people (even here) who only think along (political) party lines & have little concern for welfare of the victim. Lengthy & acidic posts are written all over social media catering to one’s political philosophy.

There’s nothing wrong in supporting (or opposing) a particular political philosophy but one shouldn’t be blinded by it.

It is ironical & laughable there is more animosity between the supporting public than between the political parties.

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