Amazon taking Scamkart's road

Deal Cadet
Desidime User

As we all know the sad demise of Amazon Pay Wallet, it's become near useless. It still has a use but just like Scamkart coins. It can be used but in a way that wouldn't fit most common use cases. That's not the only problem, a bigger one is loading the wallet which shouldn't be as complicated as it is. It's just useless to first have to add balance for the rest of the balance to be used. It's an unnecessary step for the user.

This little move has already made me quite weary of relying on Wallet for anything. I've also left some 1 star reviews on Play Store voicing my opinion.

And I don't know what's the logic behind the move, but if something has worked for 10 years, it can't just be said to not work anymore.


Then another one of their move is Brand Warranty just like Scamkart. Sell the product & then we don't give a f.

Comes another one with Open box delivery which doesn't seem to be fully implemented but I feel it's only a matter of time.

What do you think is gonna be next to ruin Amazon's customer experience?

11 Dimers
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Blaze Blaze
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The apay gc balance partial usage change is a big bummer for almost all users. Amazon must re-think about this unfair decision, probably we dimers united might shout out in social media or wherever we can for the reversal of this bad decision.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Source? what's partial usage thing don't know abt this update.

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Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Yes. Already Complained to admins & authorities but they are busy behind Real Account Holders. [RAH].

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I think and I guess

Well Apay GC put that partial usage to dead because many just started using smile so they want to control its usage:) amazon wont have any issues for implementing this because they wanna reduce its usage 

so they wont revert this even if many complains in twitter or google play lol no use

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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I knew this was a "loophole" as dimers say, but it was not, it was I who had advocated the use of apay balance with rupay DC discount... glad it ran for so long... I didn't want to be a king, didn't popularize.... just replied to posts who needed to know...

BTW, I can still combine apay+etc. in my only amazon account, now call me an "agent"... right? @DEEPANGEORGE

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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agent for? 
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Generous Generous
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Double dip was obviously not good for their business

This move makes sense for them

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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yes, it was unnoticed but I was the pioneer, even bought 100 bucks gv using millennia to complete that bill shit...

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Benevolent Benevolent
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What happened to amazon wallet ? I am unaware?

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Rbi becoming very strict with wallets. So it was expected move. 

But they should allow gc for purchase in Amazon just like fk allows and rest is from cards /upi

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Maybe I should push this, ex-RBI family... and I miss dad a lot... I'm 37 anyways...

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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@DoggoOfTheInternet Also no offers applicable if you are paying using Amazon Shopping Voucher , offers currently applicable only on Amazon Pay Gift Card and rest options like CC , DC , EMI , and UPI.

So feeling like we ain't going to get any value for Amazon Pay GC's also soon.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Something different could be going on as internally also no alert issued for it ,so maybe its an temporary bug or permanent fix; time will tell

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