How to get Union Bank Rupay Select Debit card ?

Budding Star
Wanted to open Union Bank account just to get rupay select debit card.

Contacted many branches they said insta kit of rupay select not available so if i want rupay select need to our request but the question is are they giving rupay select debit card to the lowesr savings account variant now?
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You need to maintain 1L QAB in Union Bank and upgrade account to SBHNI to get Rupay Select DC

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Then ridiculous
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Can you please shed some light what are benefits of the select card?

If you want rupay select open account in Jana SFB, MAB might be around 5K+ 900(approx) rupay select card charges, offline account, then request the official to issue rupay select, you manually verify while he is applying.

Last year I asked for rupay platinum they issued rupay select, I had to cancel and get rupay platinum for Amazon benefit.

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