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Is feminism destroying the institution of marriage? (Source : telegraph)

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Model of bride attacking husband

The majority of divorce cases in the UK and US are instigated by women

By Martin Daubney

There is a simaltaneous boom in women seeking divorces because their husbands aren’t doing enough chores and because their husbands do all the chores. What is a man to do, asks Martin Daubney

A new survey has shown that women are now initiating 69 per cent of divorces – and they’re increasingly doing it because they claim their husbands don’t pull their weight with housework and childcare.

The report claims that these women are heading to the divorce courts because they’ve been “inspired” by second wave feminist thinking that claims “marriage is inherently hostile to women”.

For the American-based How Couples Meet and Stay Together study, researchers followed 2,262 heterosexual adults aged between 19-64 over the course of six years, from 2009 to now. In that time, 371 of those couples separated and 92 divorced.

And at the root of all this turmoil is our old friend gender equality.

Despite endless surveys “proving” men are still club-wielding Neanderthals, I don’t know any man who doesn’t do his share of housework
Martin Daubney

The survey’s head, Professor Michael Rosenberg of Stanford University, says: “Marriage as an institution has been a little bit slow to catch up with expectations for gender equality. Wives still take their husband’s surnames, and are sometimes pressured to do so.

“Husbands still expect their wives to do the bulk of the housework and the bulk of the childcare. The results are consistent with a feminist critique of heterosexual marriage as a gendered institution in which wives find less satisfaction than husbands do”.

Divorce: the popular misconception is that it’s all down to adulterous men
Fewer people are getting married in 2015, while the divorce rate continues to climb Alamy

Before we dismiss this as American claptrap, it’s worth pointing out that the picture is similar in Britain. Data from the Office for National Statistics shows that there were 118,140 divorces in 2012, 65 per cent of which were granted to women.

The survey throws up a number of big questions, the first of which is: who the hell are these men who don’t pull their weight?

Despite endless surveys “proving” men are still club-wielding Neanderthals, I don’t know any man – including my dad, a coal miner of 45 years whose contribution to housework in the 1970s was to lift his legs while my mum Hoovered under them – who doesn’t do his share these days.

Moreover, I know plenty of blokes who do more than their other halves, including an army of valiant stay-at-home dads or self-employed men who work from home (like me) and take on the lion’s share. They never bleat, because the only thing more boring than cleaning is talking about cleaning.

The next questions are: what kind of woman would divorce a man over a domestic chores rota? And would you want to marry one anyway?

Who are these men who don’t pull their weight in the home? Alamy

Rather than sort it out, or, heaven forbid, hire a cleaner to help save their marriage (no doubt that would be deemed a ‘sexist’ suggestion, since the overriding majority of cleaners are women), in this never-ending, self-destructive pursuit for equality, more and more dissatisfied women are heading to the divorce courts.

And there – thanks to punitive alimony and child custody laws that are systematically stacked against men – their husbands will likely enjoy anything but equal treatment.

So what should men do?

Picking over the scorched earth of this survey for green shoots of hope, perhaps the logical answer is to not marry at all. After all, in cohabiting couples, of the 76 break-ups, 56 per cent were instigated by women, roughly the same as men.

But the problem with that theory is marriage makes all of us happier, at least for a while – and that’s especially true for men.

Of this study’s married couples, on average men rated their happiness at 4.61 out of five, significantly higher than women at 4.46, which was still higher than cohabiting happiness scores of 4.29 for women and 4.22 for men.

Next, you might reasonably argue that modern women deserve equality and married men should rightly up their game on the home front to keep them tickety-boo.

But before you throw yourself into domestic servitude to pre-emptively snipe divorce, a word of caution.

For this study completely flies in the face of my own research, and, in many ways, common sense, which tells us that women don’t even want husbands who are little more than feminised slaves.

Three years ago, when writing about the boom in stay at home dads (based on my own, arduous, six-month stint as sole carer for my young son), I came across sobering news when speaking to one of London’s top divorce lawyers, Vanessa Lloyd-Platt.

She told me the second-biggest boom in UK divorces – almost all of which were initiated by women – were those where the man was a stay-at-home-dad while she a high-earner. Ms Lloyd-Platt claimed women dumping stay-at-home dads accounted for 10 per cent of all divorces, which had doubled in five years, and affected 25-30 per cent of all couples in that dynamic.

Men ‘just as broody as women’, study suggests
Men ‘just as broody as women’, study suggests Alamy

“After about six to 12 months, the novelty of having a beta male who does the dishes wears off," said Ms Lloyd-Platt. "They just don’t find subservient guys sexy – and so look to alpha males in the workplace.”

(Incidentally, the biggest boom, again initiated by women, was “silver separators” – Shirley Valentine-style empty-nesters who’ve had enough of their tired old man).

Some jaded men might sigh, “what’s the point marrying a card-carrying feminist if it’s more likely to end in divorce?” After all, who wants to endure a marriage that replaces “to have and to hold” with “to have and to henpeck?”

Perhaps the most sobering conclusion of all is this: is feminism’s take on marriage making any of us – men, women and children – any happier? And is divorce, and all the misery and familial damage this inflicts, the final hollow victory for gender equality?

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@B@R_0_0_D wrote: wrote:

Nice way

harsh but true you some girls misunderstood meaning of equality & there rights e.g. Deepika’s advertising of my choice. What is yr point of view? @devashi @prebhartia @nancyarora501 @Plato

@Troll (calling yr Delhi waali cousin)

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