IT AIS sms

Deal Subedar

A lot of people have received similar SMS, No need to panic

Attention CHITTI BABU (XXXXX9999X)
Income Tax Department has identified certain information related to high value transactions, which does not appear to be in line with the Income Tax Return filed by you for the Assessment Year 2023-24 (relating to FY 2022-23). You can view the information on compliance portal. Please submit your response online under e-Campaign tab on Compliance Portal or revise your ITR.
After login to the e-filing Portal (, please go to ''Pending Actions'' tab and click on ''Compliance Portal''. On Compliance Portal, navigate to ''e-Campaign tab'' and view campaign type ''High Value Transactions'' to submit response. If the information has been correctly accounted for in your ITR, you may ignore this message. Thank you, - Income Tax Department

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Benevolent Benevolent
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This SMS will come only if software detects some mismatch in the AIS figures and those submitted in the ITR. It is important to ensure that "information has been correctly accounted for in your ITR". It is also equally important to submit a suitable response against each AIS entry to close the issue.

Benevolent Benevolent
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Definitely Chitti robo at work. 

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I also got this message.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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anyone got this for credit card payments?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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i got what to do
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I got the below where all figures are same:

  • Dividend - Rs 7,16,344
  • Interest from deposit - Rs 7,16,344
  • Interest from others - Rs 7,16,344
  • Interest from savings bank - Rs 7,16,344

Had already got refund as well few months back. Very strange. I had filed ITR on the incometax website only using whatever pre-filled data they were showing only. They were not showing savings bank interest and I had manually added it as well.
What should be the next course of action?

Community Angel Community Angel
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Just try to verify and deny the incorrect ones. I believe one of these would be correct and rest duplicates.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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he Income Tax Department has received information on financial transactions/activities relating to (PANCARD) for Financial Year 2022-23. However, as per records available, you do not appear to have filed Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2023-24 (relating to FY 2022-23).

Miscellaneous payment - Rs 65,60,641

80% of my usage was money rotation to bank ,can anyone help or guide me what can be done.

Helpful Helpful
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What is your age and profession ??

You must contact a proper good CA urgent. 60 lakhs is huge amount 

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