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LTF credit card converted to paid card!

I was having RBL Shoprite credit card(LTF)
I just called to customer care to provide me with some other card with good benifit as free upgrade from LTF TO LTF, but to my surprise agent told me that my current card is not LTF but a paid card 500+ tax.

Now my question is how a LTF RBL Shoprite card can be converted to paid card? Is there any condition like increasing credit limit will convert a card to paid? Or any other option that can auto convert LTF credit card to paid one.
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Mail them and aak for ltf world safari or icon card, they will give

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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World safari is ltf ?

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Generous Generous
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How you got the Shoprite LTF? Zomato Upgrade?

Comrade Comrade
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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Soon they will convert all LFT to paid without taking consent of user.

So be careful and close it before anniversary year.

Helpful Helpful
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But they can’t do that.. we can complain in rbi ombudsman.. and they are pretty good in resolving these type of issues

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Comrade Comrade
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Got call from RBL and they saying to keep and use card for 3 to six month and they will arrange offers. Also told that this card is LTF!  disappointed_relieved fearful And customer care executive made a mistake by telling that its not LTF.

Pro Shopping Friend Pro Shopping Friend
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Raised a closure request yesterday for shoprite. Got the call today upgraded to ICON for LTF + additional 3000 reward points.

Comrade Comrade
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3000 points? How , what is value of 3000 points?
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Comrade Comrade
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@malikcool is there any specific transaction required to get 3000 rewards points? 

Helpful Helpful
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Which rbl credit cards r good ?

I m looking 4 👇

Grocery, movies, education, 

Ltf or less fee is ok

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