One Credit Card limit Increase every six months - Get notified

One credit card offers a credit limit increase every six months.

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Go to profile
Go to credit limit option
Click on notify for credit limit increase.
We are not SEBI/IRDA registered. The information provided herein is for education purposes only. We will not be responsible for any of your profit/loss with this channel's suggestions. Consult your financial advisor before making any decisions.
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Blaze Blaze
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There is no option shown for me. Latest app. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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No such option is visible in the app.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Update aaya tha, kiya bhi but no Limit imcrease

Comrade Comrade
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Its not about increasing limit but to immediately notified once there is a limit increase available.

Comrade Comrade
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In the credit limit history there is an option to notify. May be they are rolling out this option. So keep checking. @Sujneya @10ven

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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In general, I haven't received any limit increase offer even once since I got the card (Federal bank). Wherein those who have BoB keep getting limit increase offers 🙃

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Savings Mentor Savings Mentor
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Done. Thanks @stoptomove . I only got one LE so far for my SIB OneCard and this is a time-saving option. Now we won't have to check regularly.

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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Nothing for Fedbank since inception...

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