Rihanna gets Pakistani citizenship from Indian far right idiots

Deal Hunter


rolleyes Like seriously.
One even said congress paid her lol
Like if congress had that much money they would have been able to prevent horse trading with their MLAs sob laughing
The sheer amount of bullshit propaganda is horrifying!

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Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Full copy paste statements are copied everyday by trolls and Indian sport/bollywood celebrities.
And now indian govt is threatening twitter for not blocking their opposite targets.

Benevolent Benevolent
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They all are the same be it indian, international govt. Or opposition.They all do the same things but points out others mistakes.
This is a one mean world nobody gives a damn about others unless and until there is some of their personal benifit.
But main issue is political intolerance people have. People can’t just accept other people following other political party and they defend their biases like they are the one of them.
The time we will develop this tolerance these politicians will stop feeding on our biases and then only these people will talk about real issues instead of bs they spit all around.

4 Dimers
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Don’t know the motives or if anyone paid them or not.
But definitely they don’t have any clue of the issue nor they have any links.
Few hours back thunberg shared a doc which consists of full fledged details how to attack at various level step by step and full plans to attack at various level. And she said it’s toolkit for helping.
Later on she deleted the tweet after her team reailesd the mistake.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Definitely she got paid, she just copy and pasted the material given to her.  https://cdn0.desidime.com/attachments/photos/663315/medium/Screenshot_20210203-232203.jpg?1612374838

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Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Indian born and raised Mia Khalifarkar/Rihana kumari/Geeta Thunbergupta should be given weightage for their views on farmers protest over that of those by foreign born Virat Kohli or Sachin Tendulkar? stuck_out_tongue

Mia khalifa and Rihanna knows better than half a billion people? stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye And even if the do, why the hell should we even care about their opinions? What are their credentials to even speak for something they have no clue about? Anyone with an iota of brain can grasp the reality of such hollow internet activism by these freelance activists. Those falling for the same are either naive or plain stupid.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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So you support fascists. Cool!
You go your way, I go mine.

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