Tanishq voucher expired - Can anything be done to redeem it?

Deal Newbie

Dear Dimers,

I had bought a 10k Tanishq voucher using my HDFC reward points (7k RP + 3k cash) last September. I though the validity of the voucher is for 1 year and didn't look at it until now. I just came to know that the validity is only for 6 months and my voucher got expired in this January end. Can anything be done to redeem the amount or is it gone? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Pro Mobile Guru Pro Mobile Guru
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Nothing can be done. Forget and move-on.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Directly write to Tanishq customer care and ask them to extend the voucher validity. Companies do it sometimes.

Pro Entertainer Pro Entertainer
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Contact woohoo,they gonna extend

Freebie Finder Freebie Finder
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RIP reward points used for purchasing voucher

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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This is dumb ways to make money.

Write an article in times of India about the news and educate people to stop giving gift cards.

Post it on Twitter and Instagram 

File a case in consumer court

Take a board and write Money stolen by Tanishq and sit infront of stores

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